2007年9月22日 星期六

Montenegro seeks fruits of statehood

Montenegro seeks fruits of statehood

A year has passed since the former Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro held its first general election after becoming an independent state. The BBC's Nick Hawton finds out how Europe's newest country, with a population of just 650,000, is coping.

前南斯拉夫蒙地內格羅共和國, 從獨立建國後舉行的第一次大選至今已整整一年了. BBC的Nick Hawton 探究了這個歐洲最年輕、人口只有六十五萬的國家是如何因應.

In a steel factory in the town of Niksic, in northern Montenegro, the carcasses of Soviet-era T-55 tanks lie burning and smouldering.

蒙地內格羅北邊尼克希奇城鎮的鋼鐵工廠裡, 前蘇聯T-55坦克車的殘骸在烈火裡悶燒.

Their precious steel is being fed to the furnaces and turned into objects for civilian use.

坦克車貴重的鋼鐵被送進了熔爐裡, 轉成供民生使用的物資.

After 15 years of war, economic crisis and political turmoil, the voluntary destruction of weapons is something of a rarity in this part of the world.

歷經了十五年的戰亂、經濟危機、政治動盪, 自願將武器銷毀, 在這個素來有世界火藥庫之稱的巴爾幹半島是非常罕見的事.

It is a sign of changing times.


"The cutting of the tanks has had a good impact - political, psychological, symbolic," says Ljubisa Perovic, the deputy defence minister.

"削減坦克的數量無論在政治、心理及象徵上都有好的影響." 國防部次長Ljubisa Perovic說.

"We have been welcomed into the world community and we want to play our part. We want to build our democracy," she says.

"我們加入並且被這個世界共同體所接納, 我們應該盡我們的本份. 我們要建立我們的民主制度," 她說.

The money made from selling the steel will be used to further reduce surplus stockpiles of weapons in the country.


It is part of a major reform of the military that has seen conscription abolished and the army reduced by half.

這是軍方主要的改革之一, 而且在廢除徵兵制度與裁軍半數上已經有了具體的成果.

'Strong achievements'

About an hour's drive from the steel factory is the capital, Podgorica, the scene of street celebrations a year ago when the country voted in a national referendum to break from its union with Serbia.

距鋼鐵工廠約一個小時車程遠的首都Podgorica, 正舉辦著街頭慶祝活動, 紀念一年前這個國家舉辦公投決定和塞爾維亞一起脫離聯邦.

Finance Minister Igor Luksic is upbeat about economic progress.

財政部長Igor Luksic對經濟發展樂觀以對.

"We are in the midst of an economic boom. GDP growth is assessed to reach 7% this year, inflation is around 2%, public debt is going down rapidly and the unemployment rate is below 12%. "

"我們處於經濟繁榮之中. 今年GDP成長率估計高達7%,通貨膨脹率約在2%, 公債正迅速減少中, 失業率也降到12%以下."

"These are very strong economic achievements," he says.

"這些都是非常了不起的經濟成就," 他說.

The country is due to move a step closer to joining the EU with the signing of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement in October.

這個國家在十月份簽署了穩定與聯繫協議後, 離加入歐盟又更進了一步.

'Greater accountability'

But not everyone is convinced by the good news story.


"If we are a serious country, we would develop the infrastructure, in terms of roads and water supply," says Mirjana Kuljak, economics professor at the University of Montenegro.

"如果這是個實實在在的國家, 我們就應該好好發展道路與供水方面的公共建設," Mirjana Kuljak蒙地內格羅大學的經濟學教授說.

"They are just not developed to the same degree like in neighbouring Croatia."


She is also concerned about the origin of foreign money coming into the country, especially from Russia.

她同樣對流入國內的外資來源感到憂心, 特別是來自俄羅斯.

"It would be good if this injection was very healthy but we do not know what is the source of that money. There needs to be greater accountability," Prof Kuljak says.

"如果注入的資金是良好的那還好, 可是我們並不知道這些錢是從哪裡來的. 做更詳細的說明是有必需的." Kuljak 教授說.

"One of the big problems is that this country has had the same ruling elite for nearly 20 years."


Incomplete process

Much of the money coming into the country is being invested on the beautiful Montenegrin coastline, which is booming.


It is estimated around 20% of the country's GDP is accounted for by direct, or indirect, tourism. New hotels and businesses are opening almost all the time.

估計觀光業直接或間接創造出來的產值, 約佔了這個國家GDP的20%. 幾乎隨時都有新的飯店和商店開幕.

The wealth generated on the coastline is in stark contrast to the poverty and unemployment that still exists in the mountainous hinterland.


International organisations, like the UN Development Programme, believe there is a growing gap between rich and poor.

國際組織, 諸如聯合國開發計劃署, 相信貧富懸殊的差距將會越來越大.

Back in Niksic, and the Art Bar in the centre of town, students sip coffee and listen to music.

回到尼克希奇, 城鎮中央的藝文酒吧裡,學生在裡頭啜飲咖啡, 聽音樂.

"Montenegro has not changed much since independence," says Ana, 22, who is studying political science.

"蒙地內格羅從獨立以來並沒有太大的改變," 22歲,正在攻讀政治科學的 Ana 說.

"We have a few new sports teams but not much else. This country still doesn't have a fully functional civil society. "

"我們有幾個體育代表隊, 其他就沒了. 這個國家還沒有建立一個完整的公民社會."

"There just isn't much questioning or criticism about the state of affairs. But I guess that is going to take time."

"只是還沒有太多的質疑和批評的聲音. 但我想這是要花時間的."

Montenegro is beginning to stand on its own two feet, at least economically.

蒙地內格羅正開始獨立自主, 至少經濟上是如此.

But no-one believes the process of change and reform is anywhere near finished.


Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/09/18 10:24:33 GMT
