2008年3月21日 星期五

Fish key to reef climate survival

Fish key to reef climate survival
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent,
BBC News website

A healthy fish population could be the key to ensuring coral reefs survive the impacts of climate change, pollution, overfishing and other threats.


Australian scientists found that some fish act as "lawnmowers", keeping coral free of kelp and unwanted algae.


At a briefing to parliamentarians in Canberra, they said protected areas were rebuilding fish populations in some parts of the Great Barrier Reef.


Warming seas are likely to affect the reef severely within a few decades.


Pollution is also a growing problem, particularly fertilisers that wash from agricultural land into water around the reef, stimulating the growth of plants that stifle the coral.


Protect and survive

The assembled experts told parliamentarians that fish able to graze on invading plants played a vital role in the health of reef ecosystems.


"The Great Barrier Reef is still a resilient system... and herbivorous fish play a critical role in that regenerative capacity, by keeping the dead coral space free of algae, so that new juvenile coral can re-establish themselves," said Professor Terry Hughes from James Cook University in Townsville.

"大堡礁仍舊是一個具有彈性及恢復力的系統,這些草食性的魚類對再生能力起了關鍵性的作用,牠們使海藻無法佔據在已死去的珊瑚上,因此新生的珊瑚可以在上頭生長," Terry Hughes這位來自Townsville James Cook大學的教授說。

His research group has conducted experiments which involved building cages to keep fish away from sections of reef.


They found that three times as much new coral developed in areas where the fish were present as in the caged portions.


Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws to scrape off incipient algae and plants.


More recently, his team has also identified the rabbit fish - a brown, bland-looking species - as a potentially important harvester of seaweed.

另外,最近他的團隊也確認到褐籃子魚(臭肚) – 這種褐色、看起來性情溫和的魚類 – 是強而有力重要的海草收割機。

"So managing fisheries can help to maintain the reef's resilience to future climate change," he said.


In recent years, Marine Protected Areas have been set up along the Great Barrier Reef in order to provide sanctuaries where fish and other marine creatures can grow and develop.


Dr Peter Doherty from the Australian Institute of Marine Science presented data showing that just two years of protection brought significant increases in populations of important species such as coral trout and tropical snapper.

來自澳洲海洋科學學會的Peter Doherty博士提出的資料顯示,僅僅兩年的保育使得重要的魚類,如花斑刺鰓鮨及熱帶真鯛,在數量上都有顯著的成長。

"More importantly, more eggs are being produced... nearly three times the number of eggs per unit area being produced in the surrounding territory," he said.


The eggs, he showed, travelled well outside the boundaries of the protected zones, potentially increasing fish populations in non-protected areas too.


Burning issue

The scientists emphasised that a comprehensive approach to reef protection would include measures to lower greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce run-off from agricultural land and human settlements along the coast.


"You have got a three- to nine-fold increase in sediment loss," said Professor Iain Gordon from the governmental research organisation CSIRO.

"沉積物招致的損害已經由原來的三倍增加到九倍之多,"來自CSIRO政府研究組織的Iain Gordon教授說。

"[There are] increases in nutrients that feed into the system, nitrates and phosphates and also new kinds of chemicals in the water that is around the reef; pesticides and herbicides, they haven't been there before."


Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland noted that unusually warm water in 1998 and 2002 had bleached and damaged coral in southern parts of the Barrier Reef.

來自Queensland大學的Ove Hoegh-Guldberg教授注意到1998年及2000年異常溫暖的海水使得大堡礁南部的珊瑚白化與損害。

"The reef literally goes from being brown and healthy to being a stark white, and this happens with very small changes in temperature," he said.


In the past, he said, bleaching events happened only at the warm extremes of natural cycles such as El Nino; but now the overall water temperature is higher, which makes the peaks of the cycles more harmful to coral.


"Because sea temperatures are now a lot higher, they are now reaching the thresholds at which coral get into distress, and of course it is really large scale impacts."


At high temperatures, coral polyps expel the algae which normally live with them in a symbiotic relationship, turning the reef white. The algae typically provide most of the polyp's nutrition; without them, the polyps eventually die.


Even if a bleached zone contains live polyps and carries the potential to recover when waters cool, a quick invasion of kelp, or types of algae that do not live symbiotically with coral, can make the die-off permanent - hence the protective role of plant-munchng fish.

即使白化區仍有活著的珊瑚蟲,當水溫降了下來時還是有復原的機會,而巨藻或其它幾類無法與珊瑚共生的海藻的快速入侵下,致使珊瑚相繼死絕 - 由此可知這些大啖植物的魚類,牠們的保護作用。

The Great Barrier Reef is worth about six billion Australian dollars (US$5.5bn; £2.8bn) to the national economy, primarily through tourism and fishing.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/20 14:31:31 GMT


2008年3月19日 星期三

Nauru seeks to regain lost fortunes

Nauru seeks to regain lost fortunes
By Nick Squires
BBC, Nauru

There are not many countries you can bicycle around before breakfast. One of the very few is Nauru, a Pacific island nation halfway between Australia and Hawaii.


Dubbed Pleasant Island in the 18th Century by the captain of a passing British ship - it is the world's smallest independent republic, a coral speck dwarfed by the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.


On most assignments, one of the first tasks is to hire a car. On Nauru, it didn't really seem worth the bother, I opted instead for a battered mountain bike.


It took me about an hour and a half to cycle the narrow coast road, sweating profusely beneath the fierce equatorial sun. Before I knew it, I was back where I started. I had just circumnavigated the entire country.


Nauru may be little, but it once enjoyed enormous wealth. In fact Nauruans were among the richest people, per capita, in the world.


A quirk of nature means that their island consists of some of the world's purest phosphate - the legacy of millions of years of sea bird droppings reacting with an uplifted coral.

在大自然巧妙的安排下,他們的島嶼遍地都是全世界最精純的磷肥 - 是幾百萬年來海鳥的糞便與隆起的珊瑚起了化學作用所形成的。

Spending spree

From independence from Britain and Australia in 1968, until the 1990s, Nauru earned a fortune exporting its phosphate for fertiliser.


The decades of mining left the once-lush interior a bleak moonscape of strange, grey coral spikes - all that is left once the phosphate-rich top soil is scooped out of the ground - but Nauruans did not care.

數十年的開採使得一度蒼翠的內陸轉而猶如荒涼的月球表面般怪異,灰色的珊瑚長而銳利 – 一旦蘊藏豐富磷肥的表土由地面上被鏟走,剩下就是這些了 – 而諾魯人卻一點也不在意。

They gave up their jobs, brought in migrants from other Pacific islands to do the hot, dirty work of digging and sat back waiting for the royalty cheques to drop into their hands.


They then went on an extraordinary spending spree. Families who had never left the island would charter aircraft to take them on shopping expeditions in Hawaii, Fiji and Singapore.


Sports cars were imported, despite the fact that Nauru has only one paved road and the speed limit is 25mph.


A police chief memorably bought a sleek yellow Lamborghini, only to find he was too portly to fit in the driver's seat. "We just didn't know how to handle it all," a barefoot islander told me as he played his guitar beneath a tree.


"Hardly anyone thought of investing the money. Dollar notes were even used as toilet paper," his friend told me. "It's true," he insisted seeing my look of disbelief. "It was like every day was party day."


A procession of conmen and carpetbaggers persuaded successive governments to invest in a string of bizarre schemes, including a West End musical about the life of Leonardo da Vinci.


Nauru amassed a property portfolio of hotels and office blocks around the world. But corruption and downright incompetence took their toll and by the early part of this century, most of the assets had to be sold off to pay for the country's mounting debts.


Now all the money is gone.


Angry islanders

Signs of Nauru's former wealth are few and far between. Homes are dilapidated, with holes punched through their walls.


An area known as Location is one of the most squalid slums I have come across in the South Pacific, a concrete ghetto of smashed windows, stray dogs and graffiti.


The brand new cars which islanders bought are rusted wrecks smothered in tropical undergrowth.


Last week a mob of angry islanders burnt down Nauru's only prison in what the government said was politically motivated unrest orchestrated by a former president.


Now comes another blow to this Micronesian micro-nation. A refugee detention centre, set up by Australia seven years ago, will close down at the end of this month.


It was built by the government of Prime Minister John Howard at a time when hundreds of boat people were trying to reach Australia.


It proved a huge vote-winner, but Mr Howard was turfed out in November and his successor, Labour Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, swiftly moved to shut it down. Nauruans are distraught - the facility brought much-needed jobs and hundreds of big-spending contractors, police and officials.


Despite all these trials, Nauru is determined to get back on its feet. A new reformist government is hatching plans to establish the island as a pit-stop for international tuna boats to refuel and repair.


A mining company hopes to extract precious metals from the surrounding sea-bed. Phosphate mining has resumed with the government claiming there is another 30 years of reserves up in the scarred interior.



"We find ourselves in a big hole," concedes newly-elected president and former weight-lifting champion, Marcus Stephen. "We're doing our best to climb out of it. It won't be like in our heyday, but at least we'll be comfortable."

"我們好像掉到一個大坑洞裡,"這位新總統同時也是為前舉重冠軍得主Marcus Stephen承認說。"我們會盡最大的努力爬出來。雖然不會再像過去我們的全盛時期那樣,但至少我們將會舒服一點。"

Nauruans realise that the party is well and truly over.


Now comes the hangover and then, with luck, some sort of recovery. But it will take squeaky clean governance, hard work and rock-solid investments for Pleasant Island to once again live up to its name.


It may not yet be paradise lost, but it is most definitely paradise postponed.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/15 11:54:23 GMT


借用Chief Seattle's Statement西雅圖酋長宣言最後幾段做為本篇翻譯的感想,我想是非常足夠了。
Where is the thicket? Gone.叢林哪兒去了? 消失了!

Where is the Eagle? Gone.老鷹哪兒去了? 不見了!

The end of living and the beginning of survival.美好的生活已經結束, 殘喘求生的日子開始!

2008年3月12日 星期三

House of Augustus opens to public

House of Augustus opens to public
By Christian Fraser
BBC News, Rome

Almost 50 years ago, archaeologists searching for the ruined house of Augustus found a tiny clue buried deep in 2,000 years' worth of rubble overlooking the Forum in Rome.


The single fragment of painted plaster, discovered in masonry-filled rooms, led the experts to unearth a series of exquisite frescoes commissioned by the man who would later become Rome's first emperor.


On Sunday following decades of painstaking restoration, the frescoes in vivid shades of blue, red and ochre went on public show for the first time since they were painted in about 30BC.


One large room boasts a theatrical theme, its walls painted to resemble a stage with narrow side-doors.


High on the wall a comic mask peers through a small window.


Other trompe l'oeil designs include an elegant garden vista, yellow columns and even a meticulously sketched blackbird.


Builders' names preserved

The Rome authorities have spent nearly 2m euros preserving the four Augustus rooms - thought to comprise a dining-room, bedroom, an expansive reception hall at ground-level and a small study on the first floor.

羅馬當局已經花了近兩百萬歐元來保存四間奧古斯都的房間 – 應該包含了有一間餐廳、臥室、一樓高貴的宴會廳以及二樓一間小書房。

Experts say the frescoes are among the most splendid surviving examples of Roman wall paintings, on a par with those found in the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Archaeologists believe they may have been painted by an Egyptian.


In the large entrance hall, graffiti on one wall is believed to have been left by the builders, who seem to have sketched out geometric designs, possibly for mosaic floors, and left their names.


In 31BC Augustus - or Octavian, as he was then known - had triumphed over the combined forces of Mark Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium.

西元31年,奧古斯都 – 也就是當時的屋大維,在亞克興會戰中大勝馬克安東尼及埃及女皇佩托拉克聯合的軍隊。

The victory brought Egypt, and with it immense wealth, into the empire.


But if the frescoes on the walls are exquisite, their surroundings, though impressive, with vaulted ceilings, are less than palatial.


The Roman historian Suetonius described how Augustus lived in a modest house on the Palatine before he assumed supreme power and built a sprawling imperial complex higher up the hill.


Painstaking reconstruction

The great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, he took the name Augustus on becoming sole ruler in 27BC after the civil wars that followed Julius Caesar's assassination.


His rise ended the Roman Republic and marked the beginning of the Roman Empire. He died in AD14.


Some of his interior decoration was found intact when the Italian archaeologist Professor Gianfilippo Carettoni finally broke through to the rooms in the early 1970s.

1970年初,當義大利的考古學家Gianfilippo Carettoni教授排除萬難進到這幾間室內時,一些內部的裝飾仍是完好如初。

Other frescoes had to be pieced together from fragments found by a team led by Irene Jacopi, the archaeologist in charge of the Palatine Hill.

負責管理帕拉蒂尼山的考古學家Irene Jacopi所領軍的團隊,則必須由尋獲的碎片中將其他的壁畫拼湊出來。

The art is so delicate that no more than five visitors at a time will be able to enter the rooms. Nevertheless, they are expected to attract large crowds.


Recent archaeological work in Rome has boosted tourism by as much as 40%, according to the city authorities.


The Palatine Hill has been giving up new finds for years, although much of the site is off limits to visitors and under threat of subsidence.


Future revelations

The minister of culture, Francesco Rutelli, said that 12m euros had been set aside to help protect the extensive ruins.

文化部長Francesco Rutelli說撥出的這一千兩百萬歐元是用來幫助保護這片廣闊的廢墟。

Mr Rutelli, who is standing for election as mayor of Rome next month, described the opening of the Augustus rooms as an "extraordinary event, the fruit of decades of work".


"Ancient history is here," he said. "Every day you have a new discovery. It's incredible - in the very heart of the city, in the middle of the traffic and ordinary life."

"古代歷史就在這裡,"他說。"每天都有新發現。這實在是太不可思議了 - 而且就在市中心,在車水馬龍、在日常生活中。"

In November last year archaeologists located a grotto deep beneath Augustus's imperial palace that may have been the shrine where ancient Romans worshipped Romulus, the founder of the city according to legend.


Next year archaeologists hope to open to the public Augustus's mausoleum - once a monument in white travertine marble that is now an overgrown ruin.


From Monday entry to the Roman Forum will no longer be free. Instead, visitors must pay 11 euros ($16; £8) for a combined ticket that will give entry to the Forum, the Palatine Hill and the nearby Colosseum.


Officials say the proceeds will fund increased security and restoration work around Rome. "There are exciting new finds every month," said Mr Rutelli, "and we need this money to preserve these treasures for future generations".


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/09 14:59:46 GMT