2008年2月21日 星期四

Leaving Captain Cook's 'paradise'

Leaving Captain Cook's 'paradise'
By Nick Squires
BBC, Cook Islands

With their blue lagoons, white sand beaches and palm trees, the Cook Islands present, at first glance, a vision of paradise. But the islands are also experiencing a slow exodus as people seek a better standard of living.


It is all but impossible to get lost on Rarotonga, the picturesque main island of the Cook Islands.
There are two roads and two buses. The front of each bus bears a sign which indicates its destination, or rather its direction.


One is marked Clockwise, the other Anti-clockwise, and they leave from the Cook Islands' sleepy capital, Avarua.


Forty minutes is all it takes to go right round the island, which is only 20 miles (32km) in circumference.


Before you know it, you are back where you started.


The bus travels along a winding coastal road, passing smart beach resorts, quiet villages and beautiful 19th-Century churches built out of crushed coral and lime, dazzling white in the sunshine.


But between the fields of ripening paw paw and the luxuriant hedges of bougainvillea and hibiscus you also see many empty houses, shuttered and forlorn, slowly mouldering in the tropical heat.

但是在成熟的paw paw樹、濃密的九重葛樹籬與木槿重重交錯間,依然可窺見許多空蕩蕩的房子,窗板關著、孤寂荒涼,然後在熱帶暑氣中逐漸崩塌。

Doors and windows are boarded up, the gardens have run riot and there is often an old car rusting away in the drive.


They are the homes of Cook Islanders who have left the country in search of higher-paying jobs and better education for their children.


Most of them go to New Zealand. A special arrangement means that islanders are automatically entitled to Kiwi citizenship.


Others make their way to Australia or the United States.


Dramatic scenery

Depopulation is a huge issue here. About 14,000 people live in the Cooks but another 80,000 live overseas, with big expatriate communities in Auckland, Wellington and Sydney.


At first glance you wonder why anyone in their right mind would possibly want to leave a place like this.


The Cook Islands are the epitome of the South Seas tropical hideaway.


The beaches are long and all but empty, the sand is bone white, the lagoons a hundred different shades of blue and the coral reefs home to jewel-like tropical fish and giant clams.


As a local tourism slogan goes: "Visit Heaven - while you're still on Earth."

就像當地旅遊業的標語所傳達的: "造訪天堂 – 趁你還活著的時候。"

Fifteen islands make up this tiny country, scattered over an area of ocean the size of Western Europe.


Rarotonga is particularly dramatic, a volcanic remnant with a mountainous interior made up of dark green peaks, razorback ridges and sheer cliffs.


The Cook Islands' beauty and its laid-back pace of life have ensured that tourism is the main employer and the biggest earner.


Honeymooners flock here, as do people wanting to get married on the beach.


The place is choc-a-bloc with canoodling lovebirds, so much so that I often felt I was the only lone traveller in the whole country.


Cannibal tourism

As if romance and resorts are not enough to entice tourists, Cook Islanders are also happy to play up their sometimes bloodthirsty past.


In other parts of the Pacific the mere mention of the C-word - cannibalism - can cause grave offence. But here the locals make light of their ancestors' habit of eating their enemies.


I came across T-shirts being sold in the local market with a cartoon of an islander dangling a boggle-eyed white man over a steaming pot. "Send more tourists," the caption read. "The last lot were delicious."


A boat skipper I met recounted with relish how his ancestors would prepare a large underground oven - or umu - in which to cook their victims.


"In those days if you made one little mistake, we'd eat you," he said, chuckling to himself. "But then the missionaries came and people realised that they shouldn't eat each other any more."



The captain was telling me this as we cruised the lagoon of Aitutaki, an island to the north of Rarotonga.


The lagoon, acclaimed as the most beautiful in the world, is enclosed by a string of idyllic sandy islands.


Some of them were used earlier this year for the latest series of Survivor, the American reality TV show.

就在今年(2006)年初時,其中幾座小島還被拿來做為最新一季Survivor(我要活下去) - 這個美國實境節目秀的拍攝地點。

They have also been the setting for a British show, Shipwrecked. Together these productions have brought millions of pounds and hundreds of jobs.


Many islanders told me of friends and relatives who have decided to come home after years abroad.


They also seem to have coincided with a renewed sense of optimism.


Typical of the trend was a guide called Nga who took me on a tour of Aitutaki's interior in his bright yellow Landrover.


He spent 10 years working in a paper mill in Melbourne. "I got sick of the rat race," he said. "So I decided to come home."


He now has a thriving business. "A lot of people are coming back," he said as we jolted along a rough dirt track built by the Americans in World War II.


It would, however, require a truly epic economic renaissance to tempt back even half the Cook Islands' far-flung diaspora.


That is unlikely to happen any time soon. The islands will retain their easy-going charm and sense of isolation.


A taxi driver I met, a formidable matriarch with five grandchildren, put it this way: "God gave us a little piece of paradise in this secret corner of the world."

我遇到一位計程車司機,她是位望而生畏、有五個孫子的女族長,她這樣表達她的看法: "神所賜予我們的是在這世界偏遠角落裡的一小塊樂土"。

Anywhere else, that would sound like tourist brochure hype. Down here in the Cook Islands, they really mean it.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/11/04 13:24:57 GMT

2008年2月19日 星期二

The wave that destroyed Atlantis

The wave that destroyed Atlantis
By Harvey Lilley
BBC Timewatch

The legend of Atlantis, the country that disappeared under the sea, may be more than just a myth. Research on the Greek island of Crete suggests Europe's earliest civilisation was destroyed by a giant tsunami.


Until about 3,500 years ago, a spectacular ancient civilisation was flourishing in the Eastern Mediterranean.


The ancient Minoans were building palaces, paved streets and sewers, while most Europeans were still living in primitive huts.


But around 1500BC the people who spawned the myths of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth abruptly disappeared. Now the mystery of their cataclysmic end may finally have been solved.


A group of scientists have uncovered new evidence that the island of Crete was hit by a massive tsunami at the same time that Minoan culture disappeared.


"The geo-archaeological deposits contain a number of distinct tsunami signatures," says Dutch-born geologist Professor Hendrik Bruins of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

"地質考古的沉積物當中含有數個明確的海嘯特徵," 來自以色列Negev Ben-Gurion大學的荷籍地質學教授Hendrik Bruins這麼說。

"Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna.


"The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop," says Professor Bruins.

"只有藉威力強大的海嘯這樣的機制,才有可能將後者從海床上舀起,毀滅性的一瞬間將所有物質同時傾洩," Bruins教授說。

The deposits are up to seven metres above sea level, well above the normal reach of storm waves.


"An event of ferocious force hit the coast of Crete and this wasn't just a Mediterranean storm," says Professor Bruins.

"一個地中海的暴風是不可能以這種雷霆萬鈞之勢侵襲克里特島沿岸的," Bruins教授說。

Big wave

The Minoans were sailors and traders. Most of their towns were along the coast, making them especially vulnerable to the effects of a tsunami.


One of their largest settlements was at Palaikastro on the eastern edge of the island, one of the sites where Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years.

他們其中一座最大的聚落就建在島上東邊的Palaikastro,加拿大的考古學家Sandy MacGillivray在其中一個遺址從事挖掘工作已經有25年了。

Here, he has found other tell-tale signs such as buildings where the walls facing the sea are missing but side walls which could have survived a giant wave are left intact.


"All of a sudden a lot of the deposits began making sense to us," says MacGillivary.


"Even though the town of Palaikastro is a port it stretched hundreds of metres into the hinterland and is, in places, at least 15 metres above sea level. This was a big wave."


But if this evidence is so clear why has it not been discovered before now?


Tsunami expert Costas Synolakis, from the University of Southern California, says that the study of ancient tsunamis is in its infancy and people have not, until now, really known what to look for.

來自南加州大學的海嘯專家Costas Synolakis表示,對於研究古代所發生的海嘯還在初期的階段,一直到現在人們才真正了解要找的是什麼。

Many scientists are still of the view that these waves only blasted material away and did not leave much behind in the way of deposits.


But observation of the Asian tsunami of 2004 changed all that.


"If you remember the video footage," says Costas, "some of it showed tonnes of debris being carried along by the wave and much of it was deposited inland."

"如果你對電視幾個鏡頭還有印象," Costas說,"大浪一路挾帶了幾公噸的碎石瓦礫,而大部份都沉積在內陸。"

Volcanic eruption

Costas Synolakis has come to the conclusion that the wave would have been as powerful as the one that devastated the coastlines of Thailand and Sri Lanka on Boxing day 2004 leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives.

Costas Synolakis已做出了一個結論,他認為在這裡曾遭逢的巨浪威力可能與發生在2004年耶誕節次日導致超過二十五萬人喪生並且蹂躪泰國及斯里蘭卡沿岸的海嘯是一樣的。

After decades studying the Minoans, MacGillivray is struck by the scale of the destruction.


"The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. Now, you go to Bande Aceh [in Indonesia] and you find that the mortality rate is 80%. If we're looking at a similar mortality rate, that's the end of the Minoans."


But what caused the tsunami? The scientists have obtained radiocarbon dates for the deposits that show the tsunami could have hit the coast at exactly the same time as an eruption of the Santorini volcano, 70 km north of Crete, in the middle of the second millennium BC.

但,是什麼引發了海嘯? 科學家對沉積物做碳-14定年法所測得的時間,也就是海嘯侵襲的那個時間,與克里特島北方70公里處的聖托里尼火山爆發時間相當穩合,約是在西元前第二個千禧年中間。

Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. It caused massive climatic disruption and the blast was heard over 3000 miles away.


Costas Synolakis thinks that the collapse of Santorini's giant volcanic cone into the sea during the eruption was the mechanism that generated a wave large enough to destroy the Minoan coastal towns.

Costas Synolakis認為聖托里尼火山在爆發時,巨大的火山錐崩塌到海裡所產生的浪,大到足以毀掉邁諾安沿海的城鎮。

It is not clear if the tsunami could have reached inland to the Minoan capital at Knossos, but the fallout from the volcano would have carried other consequences - massive ash falls and crop failure. With their ports, trading fleet and navy destroyed, the Minoans would never have fully recovered.

海嘯是否侵襲至內陸的邁諾安首都克諾索斯,目前尚不清楚,但是火山爆發的餘波必定招至其它的後果 – 大規模的落塵以及農作物的欠收。由於他們的港口、貿易艦隊及海軍都被摧毀,邁諾安人要完全恢復到原狀是不可能的。

The myth of Atlantis, the city state that was lost beneath the sea, was first mentioned by Plato over 2000 years ago.


It has had a hold on the popular imagination for centuries.


Perhaps we now have an explanation of its origin - a folk memory of a real ancient civilisation swallowed by the sea.

一段民間記憶記載了一個真實存在但最後卻被大海吞沒的古老文明 – 也許我們現在可以解釋它的由來了。

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/04/20 08:05:45 GMT

在另一篇報導裡曾引用詩人艾略特在The Hollow Man幾句著名的詩句:
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
Not with a bang but a whimper 不發轟然巨響而只嗚咽

2008年2月15日 星期五

The Med's 'forgotten' island

The Med's 'forgotten' island
By John Pickford
BBC, Gavdos

It is hard to imagine a more spectacular edge of a continent.


On the crest of a 1,000ft (304m) ridge, stupendous cliffs dip to the Libyan Sea. Africa lies 180 miles (289km) to the south, closer than Athens. To the north loom the Cretan mountains.


Sperm whales are sometimes sighted off Gavdos, in what is one of the deepest parts of the Mediterranean, and from its southern cliffs you see an endless traffic of container ships and tankers, plying the sea lanes between Suez and Europe.


But Gavdos feels by-passed by this global trade. Homer described it as "a world apart" and 27 centuries on that still seems right.


It was the scene, he tells us, of the shipwreck of Odysseus on his way home from Troy.
He was rescued by the alluring goddess of the island, Calypso. She warmed him beside a fire of cedar wood and held him in pampered imprisonment for seven years.


Population decline

And Gavdos, as the myth suggests, does have charm.


It is a small island about 10 square miles and looks surprisingly green given the harshness of the climate. Summer temperatures of 40C (104F) are a regular occurrence.


The greenness comes from a carpeting of pine trees and scrub, but beneath it lies a lost world, as abandoned terraces built up by peasant families through centuries of toil revert to wilderness.


Gavdos for decades has been haemorrhaging people. The 500 or more on the island at the beginning of the last century has fallen to fewer than 100 today.


At the last census in 2001, the biggest village - Kastri - had just 23 residents.


Numbers do swell with an influx of young visitors in July and August, drawn by free camping, nude bathing and unstructured hedonism on the island's beaches. But the kind of organised tourism that has transformed - and in some cases wrecked - other Greek islands has so far passed Gavdos by.


Vivid procession

What is more remarkable, perhaps, is not the people who have left but the ones who have stayed, and who have kept some kind of economy going that has traces still of the old island life.


You see this vividly when the ferry turns up. In winter, there is only one a week and it is often delayed by bad weather.


The first sign of its approach is an amazing procession of battered, wheezing vehicles assembling on the harbour front. By the time the ferry's docked in the little harbour of Karabe, half the island, it seems, has arrived.


There is the grey-bearded Greek Orthodox priest playfully poking a farmer in the back as he swings a fertiliser bag onto his shoulders. That is the tousle-haired island baker collecting his flour.


There is the young doctor in his white van. Fresh graduates from medical school can do a six-month stint on Gavdos in place of military service.


There is the Earth Mother of the island, Evangelina Tsigonakis, whose solitary taverna in Karabe is the one place out of season where you can be sure of finding food, drink and other people.

Evangelina Tsigonakis在島上Karabe開設的唯一一間小酒館Earth Mother是不分時令的,在這裡你一定可以找到食物、酒還有其他的同好。

And that man wheeling a lorry tyre onto the boat is surely the one who passed me the other day on his moped with a shotgun over his shoulder.


They are a resilient and, on the whole, a cheerful bunch.



And, in fact, these stalwarts of the island have more reason now to be optimistic than for many a year.


Two extraordinary developments in the wider political world have combined to put Gavdos on the map in a way that no-one could have predicted.


First in 1996 during the planning of a Nato exercise south of Crete, Turkey suddenly announced that Gavdos should be kept out of the exercise because it fell into a "grey area" so far as its sovereignty was concerned.


This bombshell rocked the whole of Greece, but so far the outcome for Gavdos has been benign.


The Greek prime minister actually paid a visit, and over the past seven years funds from both the Greek government and the European Union have poured in.


New arrivals

Gavdos at last has a few metalled roads. It has a reliable electricity supply, an impressive new harbour, a heliport and even an open-air theatre.


Then in 2002, it was discovered that a leading member of the November 17 terror network - based in Greece - who had just been arrested, had been living on Gavdos more or less openly for years.


The islanders were astonished. They had known him as an amiable beekeeper.


This second bombshell brought more publicity and a new kind of tourist: fashionable Athenians who come in the searing heat of August to sample an exotic curiosity, the forgotten island on their doorstep.

這第二次的突發事件不但讓Gavdos知名度大增,也帶來了不一樣的觀光客: 時尚的雅典人在酷熱的八月來到這裡體驗充滿異國風情的驚奇,那個彷彿在他們門階上,一個被遺忘的島嶼。

The most positive consequence of all this attention must surely be the re-opening of the primary school.


It now has nine pupils and a new school building in a breathtaking location. There it sits on top of the ridge in the centre of the island, Africa to the south, Europe to the north, sea views all round, on the edge of a continent.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/01/24 14:41:50 GMT


2008年2月13日 星期三

Swimming with Jeeps off Vanuatu

Swimming with Jeeps off Vanuatu
By Nick Squires
BBC, South Pacific

Sixty years on from World War II, an act of environmental vandalism is proving to be a valuable asset for the tiny South Pacific nation of Vanuatu.


Scattered on the seabed is what looks like the shattered remains of a phantom army.


Peering through my diver's mask at first I could make out little more than ghostly shapes.


But as I descended deeper into the green-tinged gloom, a bizarre sight unfolded before me.


Resting on the seabed were military trucks, up-ended jeeps, and powerful-looking army bulldozers.


There were twisted metal girders and rubber tyres, their treads still clearly visible.


Half buried in the sand I found a vintage Coca-Cola bottle. I dug it out and slipped it into my wetsuit as a souvenir.


Strange story

This is Million Dollar Point, one of the world's most unusual diving spots.

這裡叫做Million Dollar Point,是世界上最獨特的幾個潛水勝地之一。

It is a vast undersea junkyard lying just a few metres off a pristine white beach on the island of Espiritu Santo in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu. How it came to be here is one of the stranger stories of World War II.


Before independence Vanuatu was an obscure Anglo-French territory known as the New Hebrides.


From 1942 it became the focus of a massive military build-up by the Americans.


Half a million or more US troops poured into the tiny colony in preparation for the great counter-offensive against the Japanese.


Coconut plantations were cleared, local men were recruited as porters, and the sleepy colonial outposts of Port Vila and Luganville were transformed into bustling military hubs.

椰子園紛紛被鏟除,當地人被雇來做為搬運工人,把Port Vila以及Luganville這兩個原本步調慵懶偏遠的殖民居住地轉變為活躍的軍事中心。

Once the war was won, the Americans were faced with the problem of what to do with all the military material they had accumulated.


The high cost of shipping made it too expensive to send back to the States.


So the Americans offered to sell much of the equipment to the French and British.


But the colonial authorities calculated that the Americans would have to leave everything behind anyway, so why pay for it?


Their bluff failed in spectacular fashion.


Watery junkyard

In a fit of pique, the Americans decided to dump immense quantities of supplies instead of giving them away for free.


Navy engineers known as Seabees built a jetty and simply drove the unwanted Jeeps, trucks, and bulldozers into the sea.


Sixty years on these weapons of war have become a remarkably rich artificial reef. The abandoned vehicles are encrusted with vivid red and yellow corals.


I swam idly past a bulldozer and noticed a pink and blue shrimp perched delicately on the driver's metal seat, where once a GI would have sat.


The barrel of an enormous naval gun was inhabited by a cluster of clams.


As a couple of flipper kicks took me ever deeper, a lionfish emerged from behind a rusted axle.


An enduring legacy of mankind's most deadly conflict, Million Dollar Point is now an asset to Vanuatu, attracting divers from all over the world.

人類最致命的衝突留下恆久的遺產,也是萬那杜現有的資產Million Dollar Point,吸引了世界各地的潛水愛好者。

Acclaimed wreck

Many of them take in an equally spectacular dive site a little way along the coast.


The USS President Coolidge was a luxury liner when it was converted into a troop ship at the outbreak of war.

USS President Coolidge曾是艘豪華的巨輪,在戰爭爆發的同時轉而成為一艘運輸艦。

In 1942 it was carrying 5,000 men when it accidentally hit two American mines.


The quick-thinking captain managed to ground it on a reef, allowing all but two of its officers and men to wade ashore.


An hour later, it slid beneath the waves and is now one of the most acclaimed wreck dives in the world.


Those who venture into its flooded decks and cargo holds encounter a weird mixture of civilian luxury - chandeliers, a tiled swimming pool - and raw military necessity, including gas masks and ammunition.


It is not just Vanuatu that is benefiting from the detritus of war.


In Papua New Guinea a guide led me into a patch of jungle which was once a Japanese military airfield.


Lying crumpled amid the luxuriant foliage was a Japanese bomber, its ribbed fuselage and skull-like nose cone resembling the skeleton of some great prehistoric beast. Bullet holes showed where it had been attacked by Allied fighter planes as it struggled to take off from the long-forgotten tropical airstrip.


In the neighbouring Solomon Islands, one sea channel is so littered with sunken American and Japanese warships that it is known as Ironbottom Sound.

鄰近的所羅門群島,一條被稱做Ironbottom Sound的海溝佈滿了美國與日本籍沉沒的軍艦。

Hellcat fighter planes sit on the ocean floor, their machine guns silenced forever. Where once they were strafed by Japanese Zeros, now they are circled by sharks.


Machines designed to take life have instead spawned new life in the South Pacific.


Million Dollar Point may be an indictment of the appalling wastefulness of war. But it has become one of Vanuatu's best known attractions. As such it needs to be preserved just as it is.

Million Dollar Point可以是戰爭導致可怕揮霍的起訴書。但是她已然成了萬那杜其中一個知名度最高的旅遊勝地。無論就那一方面,她都需要被好好的保存下來。

As I shrugged off my air tank at the end of the dive, I reached into my wetsuit and threw that scavenged Coke bottle back into the sea. Keeping it just did not seem right.


Even underwater junkyards deserve some respect.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/02/01 12:16:57 GMT

2008年2月12日 星期二

Winter shortages fuel Tajik anger

Winter shortages fuel Tajik anger
By Natalia Antelava
BBC News, Dushanbe

Tajikistan is well-versed in hardship, but this winter has been too much.


Millions of people here are trying to survive without heat, water or electricity in temperatures that stay well below zero.


In a freezing maternity ward, outside the capital Dushanbe, nurses and doctors scurry as Unicef, accompanied by health ministry officials, deliver emergency supplies of extra blankets and small gas heaters.


One of the officials is quick to assure me that all the hospital needs are being met, and the situation is under full control.


But in a quiet room, a few feet away, nurses speak of their worries.


"It's horrible," one of them says as she wraps a newborn baby girl in several layers of blankets.


The maternity ward, she explains, has no heating, and only a limited electricity supply.


"We are terrified that this will become worse, we have children here who are sick, who need special attention. We need electricity," she adds.


She lays the baby down and gently slips a bottle of hot water next to her.


It is the best heating method they have, but it does not always work.


Power failures

In the past few weeks, a number of babies are reported to have died in hospitals across the country, although no-one knows how many.


There is no official data, because the government says the deaths are not related to the energy crisis.


But aid workers disagree.


"There have been deaths prompted by the cold weather and power failures, but all these reports are anecdotal.


"Unfortunately there are no official reports about these deaths," says Sobir Kurbonov, a Unicef health worker.

"不幸的是這些死亡案例都沒有正式的報導," Sobir Kurbonov,聯合國兒童基金會的衛生工作者說。

Some international aid workers suggest that the general lack of transparency has made it very difficult to estimate the scale of the problem.


But now, there is no longer any doubt that Tajikistan could face a serious humanitarian crisis.


On Wednesday, the Tajik government appealed for emergency aid and together with international donors it is now designing an action plan aimed at easing the situation.


Frozen rivers

The crisis has already gone far beyond power supplies, affecting every sphere of this impoverished and fragile society.


Humanitarian agencies say hundreds of thousands of people are suffering from severe food shortages.


"People are spending all they have on trying to keep warm, and they don't have enough money to buy food," says Zlatan Milisic, the country director for the UN's World Food Programme.

"人們用盡一切試圖保暖,所以他們沒有足夠的錢來買吃的,"聯合國世界糧食計畫署的區域署長Zlatan Milisic說。

And things are likely to get worse before they get better.


With rivers frozen, the country's hydropower stations continue to slow down.


Nurek, the main plant, is losing its reservoir of water.


Set high up in the mountains and surrounded by snow-covered peaks, Nurek is like a giant bathtub that has been unplugged.


Energy experts predict that within days the water will reach the critical level, and the whole country could shut down.


'Harder and harder'

The government's mammoth task is to keep Tajikistan away from slipping into a stone age.


But some believe its too late for that.


"This country has no future," says Ermokhmad, an intelligent, soft-spoken man, who lives in the outskirts of the capital.


"Is this what you call life?" he asks as he shows me around his house.

"這樣也能叫做生活嗎? "他邊問邊帶著我到他家四處看看。

The tour is quick. To keep warm, all 10 members of his family live in one room.


It's lit by a bleak kerosene lamp; they do not remember the last time they saw electricity.


The air is heavy and full of smoke. In the corner, Ermokhmad's four children, their heads buried in school textbooks, are sitting on the floor next to the crackling woodstove.


Gurgling on top of it is their dinner - rice porridge.

他們的晚餐 - 米粥就放在爐子上滾煮著。

Ermokhmad has a long list of complaints, and an even longer list of questions.


Why is it, he asks, that his children have to walk for an hour every day to get to the nearest school? Why is every winter more and more difficult for him and his neighbours? Why have prices gone up so much?

他問為什麼他的孩子們每天必須跋涉一個小時到最近的學校去上課? 為什麼每一個冬天都令他和他的鄰人感到越來越難熬呢? 為什麼物價漲了這麼多?

He does not seem to have many answers, but he does have a solution.


"I will go to Russia," he says.

"我要到俄羅斯去," 他說。

That is what hundreds of thousands of Tajiks have already done.


"Soon there will be no young people left here - just elderly and women. Everyone is going away. I want to save money for the ticket to Russia, so that I can feed my family from there," Ermokhmad says.

"不久,年輕人都會離開這裡,只剩下老人和女人。大家都準備離開了。我要存錢買到俄羅斯的車票,這樣我就可以在那裡賺錢養活我的家人," Ermokhmad說。

A few minutes later, as he expands on his plans, he jokes that he may even marry a Russian woman. His own, Tajik, wife does not seem excited about the prospect. Yet she is willing to let him go.


"We have to eat," she says.

"我們得填飽肚子," 她說。

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/02/11 19:17:26 GMT