2007年12月9日 星期日

Anabasis 遠征記

Anabasis 遠征記


這是源於小居魯士(Cyrus)企圖奪取他哥哥阿薩息斯二世(Artaxerxes II)手中的王權因而引發的一場內戰。西元前401年的夏季,兩軍在巴比倫的克納科薩一役 (Battle of Cunaxa)中,希臘的傭兵步隊雖然打了一場很漂亮的仗,但是小居魯士卻在戰爭中意外被標槍射死。




參考Wikipedia Anabasis(Xenophon)提供的地圖如下:紅線所繪的範圍為波斯帝國的疆域,藍色虛線箭頭則為遠征記當中希臘傭兵步隊行軍及撤退的路線。

參考Wikipedia Anabasis(Xenophon)的內容大致如下:

Xenophon accompanied the Ten Thousand, a large army of Greek mercenaries hired by Cyrus the Younger, who intended to seize the throne of Persia from his brother, Artaxerxes II. Though Cyrus' army was victorious at Cunaxa in Babylon (401 BC), Cyrus himself was killed in the battle, rendering the victory irrelevant and the expedition a failure.
Stranded deep in enemy territory, the Spartan general Clearchus and most of the other Greek generals were subsequently killed or captured by treachery on the part of the Persian satrap Tissaphernes. Xenophon played an instrumental role in encouraging the Greek army of 10,000 to march north to the Black Sea. Now abandoned in the middle of the hostile Anatolian plateau, without communications and supplies other than what they could obtain by force as they went, the 10,000 had to fight their way northward, making ad hoc decisions as to their destiny. Ultimately this "marching republic" managed to reach the shores of the Black Sea, a destination they greeted with their famous cry of joyous exultation.



從克納科薩一役 (Battle of Cunaxa) 率眾安全撤退的贊諾芬又在拜占庭與斯巴達軍隊共同抵抗波斯,並且和斯巴達的國王阿傑西雷斯(Agesilaus II)結為好朋友。沒多久,雅典遂向斯巴達宣戰,贊諾芬決定效忠斯巴達,結果遭到放逐被迫離開雅典。另有一說是由於支持蘇格拉底而受到牽連。歸化斯巴達後的贊諾芬得到在西奇留斯(Scillus)的土地與房產,據說他在此地舒舒服服的住了二十多年,遠征記(Anabsis)就是在這個時期完成的作品。