Turkish dam threatens historic site
By Sarah Rainsford
BBC News, Hasankeyf

The ancient city of Hasankeyf is perched on rock, towering above the river Tigris.
Hasankeyf 這個古老的城市是建築在巨大岩石的頂端,高高的聳立在底格里斯河畔.
It is a spectacular setting filled with monuments to multiple civilisations.
The caves at the very top are 3,000 years old.
More recent sandstone mosques in the valley below testify to a time when Hasankeyf was among the richest cities in Mesopotamia.
Soon the entire valley is to be flooded with a dam. The controversial project was first conceived in 1954 and abandoned six years ago.
沒多久, 整個谷地將因為大壩而完全淹沒在水下. 這個受爭議的計劃最早在1954年成形, 中止於六年後.
Now a new funding deal from an international consortium including Austria, Germany and Switzerland means it is on the brink of realisation.
現在, 在來自包括奧地利,德國及瑞士的國際財團資助下, 使得這個計劃幾近成真.
Environmental activists are horrified.
"The castle of Hasankeyf is a million years monument made by nature, the Tigris and the rocks. Can you imagine all this will sink for only 50 years economic benefit?" asks Nuri Ozbagdatli.
你能想像這將全部沉在水中只是為了換得區區50年的經濟效益嗎?"Nuri Ozbagdatli問道.
"You can transport the dam plans to wherever suitable. But you cannot carry nature and the archaeological heritage from here."
"你可以將築壩的計劃移到別處更適合的地方. 而大自然和考古遺產卻是沒有辦法說遷就遷的."
Economic development
The 1.2bn euro Ilisu dam is part of Turkey's vast GAP project - a network of dams and hydroelectric power plants along both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
斥資1.2億歐元的Ilisu水霸是土耳其龐大的GAP計劃中的一環, GAP計畫包含了沿著底格里斯河及幼發拉底河建築一系列的大壩及水力發電廠.
It will flood more than 300 sq km (116 sq miles) of land to create the second largest reservoir in the country.
Ilisu水壩將淹沒300平方公里(116平方英哩)的土地, 是土耳其境內第二大的儲水庫.
The aim is to generate electricity to feed rapidly rising demand and fuel Turkey's economic development.
目的是希望產生足夠的電力以負荷日益升高的用電需求, 同時刺激土耳其的經濟發展.
Dam supporters also argue it will help develop the neglected south east of Turkey, racked by years of conflict with Kurdish separatists.
支持築壩的人也認為這樣做將有助於土耳其東南部的發展, 這個被忽視且長年苦於與庫德族獨派衝突不斷的地方.
Many locals migrated away from the violence and the poverty. Now some are starting to come back because of the dam.
許多當地居民為了躲避暴力衝突與貧窮,紛紛遷走了. 現在, 有些人因為這個築壩計劃動身回到這裡.
At least 4,000 jobs should be created.
In the small, dusty town closest to the dam site - but out of the flood zone - a new restaurant has just opened, in anticipation of hungry construction workers and their families.
靠近大壩工程建地淹沒區以外一處沙塵漫天的小鎮, 一間新的餐館才剛開張, 瞄準了建築工人與他們家人的胃.
Other locals are building additional floors on their houses to rent out.
"I wish Hasankeyf wasn't flooded. But most people here can't find jobs," says teacher Benjamin Alp, playing backgammon in the shade on a side street.
"我希望Hasankeyf不會被淹沒. 但是不這樣的話, 這裡絕大部份的人是找不到事情做的," 任教的Benjamin Alp說, 他坐在街道旁的陰涼處下著雙陸棋.
"There's no industry, nothing. So people do want the dam to find work."
"這裡沒有工業, 什麼也沒有. 因此人們很需要這個水壩好讓他們有工作做."
"This region has a lot of economical problems," his friend Ridvan agrees.
"這個地區有很嚴重的經濟問題," 他的朋友Ridvan附和道.
"The economic benefits of the dam will help people improve their situation and prevent them choosing other ways," he says - referring to support for the outlawed Kurdish separatist PKK.
"水壩帶來的的經濟效益會幫助人們改善他們目前的處境,還可以避免他們採取其他途徑," 他說 - 涉及擁護非法的庫德族獨派PKK(庫德族勞工黨).
Rich history

But the cost to history will be high.
但對歷史而言, 所換取的代價將會很高.
The dam consortium plans to create a culture park on the edge of the reservoir and transfer key monuments from Hasankeyf there.
出資築壩的國際財團計劃在儲水庫邊上建立一個文化園區, 將Hasankeyf重要的遺址搬遷過來.
That includes the remains of a 900-year-old bridge, built when Hasankeyf was the capital of the Artukid Empire - and now the symbol of the city.
當中包括有900年歷史的古橋遺存,築於Artukid王朝(1102-1231 A.D)建都Hasankeyf時 - 是這個城市的象徵.
Most experts argue the sandstone much of Hasankeyf is built from will crumble if it is moved.
多數的專家一致認為, 絕大部份都是由砂岩所建成的Hasankeyf一經搬動就會馬上崩解.
They scorn the notion the city can be recreated in a culture park.
Archaeologists also believe there are layers rich with history beneath ground they will not have time to reach before the flood.
考古學家也認為地面下的層層沉積地層中還埋藏有豐富的歷史, 他們絕是對趕不及在大水淹沒前取出來.
So they are working against the clock to recover whatever possible.
This month the dig team uncovered fragments of the first Roman wall mosaic ever found here.
"For an archaeologist who has been working here for years nothing can be so painful as seeing all these artefacts flooded," says excavation leader Abdusselam Ulucam, as he brushes the dust of centuries from his new discovery.
"對在這裡工作了好幾年的考古學家來說, 沒有什麼比看見這些古代藝術品被水淹沒更叫人心痛的事了," 考古隊隊長Abdusselam Ulucamu一邊說, 一邊輕輕為他的新發現刷去幾百年來的塵土.
"We are constantly bringing things to light here from the smallest stone to big walls. Knowing that all this will vanish far from human eyes is deeply upsetting."
"我們不斷有東西出土, 從小石頭到巨牆. 知道這一切終將從人類的眼裡消失時是多麼的令人沮喪."
New opportunities
Fifty-four thousand people will be displaced by the dam in total.
Those who live in Hasankeyf will be offered new apartments nearby. Others will get compensation.
住在Hasankeyf的居民將會得到建在附近的新公寓. 其他的人則是會拿到補助金.
But it is another major upheaval in the mainly Kurdish-populated region, where tens of thousands have already been forcibly displaced during the worst years of fighting here.
但在這個以庫德族為主的地區, 這算是另一個大變動, 因為, 這裡成千上萬的居民早就因為幾年慘烈的戰亂被迫流離失所.
The man in charge of the dam says his project will leave those people better off and he is convinced he is doing no harm to history.
負責大壩工程的人說,他這個計劃會使這些人過得更好一些, 而且他堅信自己正在做的事絕對不會對歷史造成任何的傷害.
"Nine sites will be transported to a culture park. The new appearance will be marvellous!" Yunus Bayraktar enthuses.
"將有九個遺址會被遷到文化園區來. 呈現出來的新風貌將會是很了不起!" Yunus Bayraktar充滿熱情的說.
The project co-ordinator has a vision of caves converted to villas, crowds of tourists - and jet skis.
負責專案協調的人員則是對洞窟改裝了的別野懷有一番憧憬, 蜂擁而至的觀光客 - 還有水上摩托車.
He points out that the uppermost part of Hasankeyf will remain above water and suggests any monuments that cannot be moved can be rebuilt - leaving the originals as an underwater paradise for divers.
他指出, Hasnkeyf最高的地方仍將會在水面上, 並且還建議那些沒辦法搬遷的遺址則可以重新造一個新的, 水下的原址就留著做為潛水愛好者的天堂.
"The cultural heritage in Hasankeyf is collapsing in any case. It only has eight or so years left to survive," he argues.
Hasankeyf的文化遺產無論如何都是會毀掉. 大約只剩八年的時間," 他辯解說.
"This project will transfer it to the next centuries."
The dam consortium says this is the only viable location for their reservoir.
They want to generate tourist revenue here as well as electricity.
他們想在此處像電力一般, 也產生觀光的收益.
Opponents insist they are drowning at least 3,000 years of history in the process.
By Sarah Rainsford
BBC News, Hasankeyf

The ancient city of Hasankeyf is perched on rock, towering above the river Tigris.
Hasankeyf 這個古老的城市是建築在巨大岩石的頂端,高高的聳立在底格里斯河畔.
It is a spectacular setting filled with monuments to multiple civilisations.
The caves at the very top are 3,000 years old.
More recent sandstone mosques in the valley below testify to a time when Hasankeyf was among the richest cities in Mesopotamia.
Soon the entire valley is to be flooded with a dam. The controversial project was first conceived in 1954 and abandoned six years ago.
沒多久, 整個谷地將因為大壩而完全淹沒在水下. 這個受爭議的計劃最早在1954年成形, 中止於六年後.
Now a new funding deal from an international consortium including Austria, Germany and Switzerland means it is on the brink of realisation.
現在, 在來自包括奧地利,德國及瑞士的國際財團資助下, 使得這個計劃幾近成真.
Environmental activists are horrified.
"The castle of Hasankeyf is a million years monument made by nature, the Tigris and the rocks. Can you imagine all this will sink for only 50 years economic benefit?" asks Nuri Ozbagdatli.
你能想像這將全部沉在水中只是為了換得區區50年的經濟效益嗎?"Nuri Ozbagdatli問道.
"You can transport the dam plans to wherever suitable. But you cannot carry nature and the archaeological heritage from here."
"你可以將築壩的計劃移到別處更適合的地方. 而大自然和考古遺產卻是沒有辦法說遷就遷的."
Economic development
The 1.2bn euro Ilisu dam is part of Turkey's vast GAP project - a network of dams and hydroelectric power plants along both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
斥資1.2億歐元的Ilisu水霸是土耳其龐大的GAP計劃中的一環, GAP計畫包含了沿著底格里斯河及幼發拉底河建築一系列的大壩及水力發電廠.
It will flood more than 300 sq km (116 sq miles) of land to create the second largest reservoir in the country.
Ilisu水壩將淹沒300平方公里(116平方英哩)的土地, 是土耳其境內第二大的儲水庫.
The aim is to generate electricity to feed rapidly rising demand and fuel Turkey's economic development.
目的是希望產生足夠的電力以負荷日益升高的用電需求, 同時刺激土耳其的經濟發展.
Dam supporters also argue it will help develop the neglected south east of Turkey, racked by years of conflict with Kurdish separatists.
支持築壩的人也認為這樣做將有助於土耳其東南部的發展, 這個被忽視且長年苦於與庫德族獨派衝突不斷的地方.
Many locals migrated away from the violence and the poverty. Now some are starting to come back because of the dam.
許多當地居民為了躲避暴力衝突與貧窮,紛紛遷走了. 現在, 有些人因為這個築壩計劃動身回到這裡.
At least 4,000 jobs should be created.
In the small, dusty town closest to the dam site - but out of the flood zone - a new restaurant has just opened, in anticipation of hungry construction workers and their families.
靠近大壩工程建地淹沒區以外一處沙塵漫天的小鎮, 一間新的餐館才剛開張, 瞄準了建築工人與他們家人的胃.
Other locals are building additional floors on their houses to rent out.
"I wish Hasankeyf wasn't flooded. But most people here can't find jobs," says teacher Benjamin Alp, playing backgammon in the shade on a side street.
"我希望Hasankeyf不會被淹沒. 但是不這樣的話, 這裡絕大部份的人是找不到事情做的," 任教的Benjamin Alp說, 他坐在街道旁的陰涼處下著雙陸棋.
"There's no industry, nothing. So people do want the dam to find work."
"這裡沒有工業, 什麼也沒有. 因此人們很需要這個水壩好讓他們有工作做."
"This region has a lot of economical problems," his friend Ridvan agrees.
"這個地區有很嚴重的經濟問題," 他的朋友Ridvan附和道.
"The economic benefits of the dam will help people improve their situation and prevent them choosing other ways," he says - referring to support for the outlawed Kurdish separatist PKK.
"水壩帶來的的經濟效益會幫助人們改善他們目前的處境,還可以避免他們採取其他途徑," 他說 - 涉及擁護非法的庫德族獨派PKK(庫德族勞工黨).
Rich history

But the cost to history will be high.
但對歷史而言, 所換取的代價將會很高.
The dam consortium plans to create a culture park on the edge of the reservoir and transfer key monuments from Hasankeyf there.
出資築壩的國際財團計劃在儲水庫邊上建立一個文化園區, 將Hasankeyf重要的遺址搬遷過來.
That includes the remains of a 900-year-old bridge, built when Hasankeyf was the capital of the Artukid Empire - and now the symbol of the city.
當中包括有900年歷史的古橋遺存,築於Artukid王朝(1102-1231 A.D)建都Hasankeyf時 - 是這個城市的象徵.
Most experts argue the sandstone much of Hasankeyf is built from will crumble if it is moved.
多數的專家一致認為, 絕大部份都是由砂岩所建成的Hasankeyf一經搬動就會馬上崩解.
They scorn the notion the city can be recreated in a culture park.
Archaeologists also believe there are layers rich with history beneath ground they will not have time to reach before the flood.
考古學家也認為地面下的層層沉積地層中還埋藏有豐富的歷史, 他們絕是對趕不及在大水淹沒前取出來.
So they are working against the clock to recover whatever possible.
This month the dig team uncovered fragments of the first Roman wall mosaic ever found here.
"For an archaeologist who has been working here for years nothing can be so painful as seeing all these artefacts flooded," says excavation leader Abdusselam Ulucam, as he brushes the dust of centuries from his new discovery.
"對在這裡工作了好幾年的考古學家來說, 沒有什麼比看見這些古代藝術品被水淹沒更叫人心痛的事了," 考古隊隊長Abdusselam Ulucamu一邊說, 一邊輕輕為他的新發現刷去幾百年來的塵土.
"We are constantly bringing things to light here from the smallest stone to big walls. Knowing that all this will vanish far from human eyes is deeply upsetting."
"我們不斷有東西出土, 從小石頭到巨牆. 知道這一切終將從人類的眼裡消失時是多麼的令人沮喪."
New opportunities
Fifty-four thousand people will be displaced by the dam in total.
Those who live in Hasankeyf will be offered new apartments nearby. Others will get compensation.
住在Hasankeyf的居民將會得到建在附近的新公寓. 其他的人則是會拿到補助金.
But it is another major upheaval in the mainly Kurdish-populated region, where tens of thousands have already been forcibly displaced during the worst years of fighting here.
但在這個以庫德族為主的地區, 這算是另一個大變動, 因為, 這裡成千上萬的居民早就因為幾年慘烈的戰亂被迫流離失所.
The man in charge of the dam says his project will leave those people better off and he is convinced he is doing no harm to history.
負責大壩工程的人說,他這個計劃會使這些人過得更好一些, 而且他堅信自己正在做的事絕對不會對歷史造成任何的傷害.
"Nine sites will be transported to a culture park. The new appearance will be marvellous!" Yunus Bayraktar enthuses.
"將有九個遺址會被遷到文化園區來. 呈現出來的新風貌將會是很了不起!" Yunus Bayraktar充滿熱情的說.
The project co-ordinator has a vision of caves converted to villas, crowds of tourists - and jet skis.
負責專案協調的人員則是對洞窟改裝了的別野懷有一番憧憬, 蜂擁而至的觀光客 - 還有水上摩托車.
He points out that the uppermost part of Hasankeyf will remain above water and suggests any monuments that cannot be moved can be rebuilt - leaving the originals as an underwater paradise for divers.
他指出, Hasnkeyf最高的地方仍將會在水面上, 並且還建議那些沒辦法搬遷的遺址則可以重新造一個新的, 水下的原址就留著做為潛水愛好者的天堂.
"The cultural heritage in Hasankeyf is collapsing in any case. It only has eight or so years left to survive," he argues.
Hasankeyf的文化遺產無論如何都是會毀掉. 大約只剩八年的時間," 他辯解說.
"This project will transfer it to the next centuries."
The dam consortium says this is the only viable location for their reservoir.
They want to generate tourist revenue here as well as electricity.
他們想在此處像電力一般, 也產生觀光的收益.
Opponents insist they are drowning at least 3,000 years of history in the process.

Published: 2007/09/11 23:39:24 GMT