Three-year Genghis Khan trek ends

An Australian man has completed a three-year journey from Mongolia to Hungary, following in the footsteps of the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan.
一位澳洲人花了三年的時間, 跟隨蒙古軍事統帥成吉思汗的足跡, 完成一段從蒙古到匈牙利的旅程.
When Tim Cope began his 10,000 km (6,200 mile) journey in June 2004 he expected it to take 18 months.
在2004年的六月Tim Cope正準備展開他10,000公里(6,200英哩)的旅程時, 他預計這一趟會花上18個月的時間.
However, a stint at home when his father died and other delays meant it took more than double that.
然而, 他父親的過世以及其他事情耽擱的因素下, 他在家待了一段時間. 使得這趟旅程所花費的時間遠超過預估的兩倍以上.
Throughout the trek he travelled on horseback and relied on the hospitality of local people, including nomads.
He travelled with three horses at any time, one to carry him and two to carry feed and supplies and briefly, whilst in Kazakhstan, also used a camel.
他在旅程中總是帶著三匹馬, 三匹馬輪流著;一匹載著他、其他兩匹則是載著飼料和補給品 , 在行經哈薩克時, 還找來了一隻駱駝.
He needed 13 horses in total to complete the marathon journey, though two of them - Taskonir and Ogonyok - have been with him since October 2004 when he was in Kazakhstan.
為了完成這項馬拉松式的旅程, 他總共動用了13匹馬, 其中兩隻Taskonir和Ogonyok則是從2004年十月他到哈薩克時開始跟著他.
Vodka and raw eggs
His other companion was Tigon, meaning "hawk" or "fast wind", a black and white hunting dog given to him as gift in Kazakhstan, whom he now hopes to take home to Australia.
他還有另一個伙伴Tigon, 有"鷹"或者"疾風"的意思, 是隻黑白相間的獵犬, 在哈薩克時被當成禮物送給他, 他現在很希望能把牠帶回澳洲.

Arriving at his final destination, the Hungarian town of Opusztaszer, Mr Cope paid tribute to the animals saying that they, along with the numerous people who had welcomed him into their homes, were the "real heroes" of the journey.
抵達他的最終站, 也就是匈牙利小鎮Opusztaszer, Mr. Cope向這些動物們以及沿途那些歡迎他到家裡作客的眾多人們致敬, 說他們才是旅程中真正的英雄.
Both he and the animals faced much hardship as they endured life on the steppes of Asia and Central Europe, experiencing temperature ranging from minus 52C to plus 54C.
他和動物們都面對了各種艱辛忍受亞洲及中歐草原的生存方式, 歷經攝氏零下52度到高溫攝氏54度的溫差.
On two occasions his horses were stolen and even Tigon was taken whilst in Ukraine.
在烏克蘭有兩度他的馬被偷了, 甚至連Tigon都被帶走.
Mr Cope eventually found him nearly frozen to death, locked inside an ice filled mine shaft.
Mr Cope最終發現自己被鎖在積滿雪的礦井中差點沒被凍死.
It took hours in a hot sauna and a diet of raw eggs and vodka to revive the dog, who was not able to continue the journey for three weeks.
他的狗有整整三個星期都沒辦法繼續趕路. 他用幾小時的蒸氣浴、生雞蛋和伏特加使他的狗恢復元氣.
Separation fears
Such is the bond between Mr Cope and the animals that he told the Associated Press news agency that he was concerned about letting them go.
他告訴美聯新聞通訊社的這些點點滴滴已將Mr. Cope和他的動物們緊緊的繫在一起, 這讓他掛念起牠們就要離開了.
"I'm feeling a bit panicky about finishing because I can't imagine saying goodbye to the horses," he was quoted as saying.
"我對這一切即將終了感到有些惶恐, 因為我實在無法想像就要跟馬兒說再見了," 他引用他的話說.
According to Hungarian tradition, Magyar leaders arriving in the Carpathian Basin from Central Asia met in Opusztaszer, 90 miles south of Budapest, in 896AD to divide the land they had conquered among themselves.
按照匈牙利的傳說,自中亞來到喀爾巴阡盆地的馬扎爾(Magyar)幾個部落的領袖在布達佩斯以南90哩處的Opusztaszer會合, 在公元896年瓜分了他們彼此征戰所得到的土地.
"Here at the Danube River is where the steppe ends, with its beginning in Mongolia and Manchuria," Mr Cope told AP. "So Opusztaszer is the perfect ending symbolically and geographically."
"這裡濱臨多瑙河畔正是歐亞草原從蒙古與滿洲延伸至此的盡頭," Mr. Cope這樣告訴美聯社."因此無論是從象徵意義上或地理位址上,Opusztaszer都是個理想的終站."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/09/23 15:17:12 GMT

An Australian man has completed a three-year journey from Mongolia to Hungary, following in the footsteps of the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan.
一位澳洲人花了三年的時間, 跟隨蒙古軍事統帥成吉思汗的足跡, 完成一段從蒙古到匈牙利的旅程.
When Tim Cope began his 10,000 km (6,200 mile) journey in June 2004 he expected it to take 18 months.
在2004年的六月Tim Cope正準備展開他10,000公里(6,200英哩)的旅程時, 他預計這一趟會花上18個月的時間.
However, a stint at home when his father died and other delays meant it took more than double that.
然而, 他父親的過世以及其他事情耽擱的因素下, 他在家待了一段時間. 使得這趟旅程所花費的時間遠超過預估的兩倍以上.
Throughout the trek he travelled on horseback and relied on the hospitality of local people, including nomads.
He travelled with three horses at any time, one to carry him and two to carry feed and supplies and briefly, whilst in Kazakhstan, also used a camel.
他在旅程中總是帶著三匹馬, 三匹馬輪流著;一匹載著他、其他兩匹則是載著飼料和補給品 , 在行經哈薩克時, 還找來了一隻駱駝.
He needed 13 horses in total to complete the marathon journey, though two of them - Taskonir and Ogonyok - have been with him since October 2004 when he was in Kazakhstan.
為了完成這項馬拉松式的旅程, 他總共動用了13匹馬, 其中兩隻Taskonir和Ogonyok則是從2004年十月他到哈薩克時開始跟著他.
Vodka and raw eggs
His other companion was Tigon, meaning "hawk" or "fast wind", a black and white hunting dog given to him as gift in Kazakhstan, whom he now hopes to take home to Australia.
他還有另一個伙伴Tigon, 有"鷹"或者"疾風"的意思, 是隻黑白相間的獵犬, 在哈薩克時被當成禮物送給他, 他現在很希望能把牠帶回澳洲.

Arriving at his final destination, the Hungarian town of Opusztaszer, Mr Cope paid tribute to the animals saying that they, along with the numerous people who had welcomed him into their homes, were the "real heroes" of the journey.
抵達他的最終站, 也就是匈牙利小鎮Opusztaszer, Mr. Cope向這些動物們以及沿途那些歡迎他到家裡作客的眾多人們致敬, 說他們才是旅程中真正的英雄.
Both he and the animals faced much hardship as they endured life on the steppes of Asia and Central Europe, experiencing temperature ranging from minus 52C to plus 54C.
他和動物們都面對了各種艱辛忍受亞洲及中歐草原的生存方式, 歷經攝氏零下52度到高溫攝氏54度的溫差.
On two occasions his horses were stolen and even Tigon was taken whilst in Ukraine.
在烏克蘭有兩度他的馬被偷了, 甚至連Tigon都被帶走.
Mr Cope eventually found him nearly frozen to death, locked inside an ice filled mine shaft.
Mr Cope最終發現自己被鎖在積滿雪的礦井中差點沒被凍死.
It took hours in a hot sauna and a diet of raw eggs and vodka to revive the dog, who was not able to continue the journey for three weeks.
他的狗有整整三個星期都沒辦法繼續趕路. 他用幾小時的蒸氣浴、生雞蛋和伏特加使他的狗恢復元氣.
Separation fears
Such is the bond between Mr Cope and the animals that he told the Associated Press news agency that he was concerned about letting them go.
他告訴美聯新聞通訊社的這些點點滴滴已將Mr. Cope和他的動物們緊緊的繫在一起, 這讓他掛念起牠們就要離開了.
"I'm feeling a bit panicky about finishing because I can't imagine saying goodbye to the horses," he was quoted as saying.
"我對這一切即將終了感到有些惶恐, 因為我實在無法想像就要跟馬兒說再見了," 他引用他的話說.
According to Hungarian tradition, Magyar leaders arriving in the Carpathian Basin from Central Asia met in Opusztaszer, 90 miles south of Budapest, in 896AD to divide the land they had conquered among themselves.
按照匈牙利的傳說,自中亞來到喀爾巴阡盆地的馬扎爾(Magyar)幾個部落的領袖在布達佩斯以南90哩處的Opusztaszer會合, 在公元896年瓜分了他們彼此征戰所得到的土地.
"Here at the Danube River is where the steppe ends, with its beginning in Mongolia and Manchuria," Mr Cope told AP. "So Opusztaszer is the perfect ending symbolically and geographically."
"這裡濱臨多瑙河畔正是歐亞草原從蒙古與滿洲延伸至此的盡頭," Mr. Cope這樣告訴美聯社."因此無論是從象徵意義上或地理位址上,Opusztaszer都是個理想的終站."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/09/23 15:17:12 GMT