2007年9月28日 星期五
Uncovering Iran's ancient past
When the BBC's Zahid Warley arrived in Iran for a special Radio 4 programme, it was not his first visit - that was in the 70s when Tehran was a stop-off on the hippy trail.
BBC的Zahid Warley為了Radio 4的特別節目來到伊朗,,這可不是他生平第一次到這裡 - 他的初次造訪是在70年代,當時的伊朗還只是「嬉皮之路」[1]上的一個休憩站。
The images that surface from that first visit are fragmentary but vivid: the deep red of the pomegranate juice served to us from a bucket by a street vendor; the fresh laundry smell of the steamed rice and kebabs that we ate pretty well every day, and a truly hallucinatory hotel where, as we were waiting to check in, I turned and saw - or thought I saw - a goat munching sugar from one of the bowls in the restaurant.
初次造訪時所浮現的印象雖是片片斷斷的,但卻很清晰:街頭小販為我們遞上從桶子裡倒出來的深紅色石榴汁;味道聞起來像是洗淨了的衣服的白飯和我們幾乎每天都吃的烤肉串,還有一個讓你真的會產生幻覺的旅館,在那裡,正當我們等著辦理住宿登記時,我轉身赫見 - 或以為我看見 - 一隻山羊在餐廳裡正津津有味的嚼著裝在碗裡的糖。
There are other more typical impressions, of course: the turquoise and apricot coloured domes of the mosques in Isfahan and the insanity of the traffic in Tehran.
I am glad to say that I saw nothing of the goat this time but the mosques and the traffic were much the same.
It is estimated that there are something like 14 million people in Tehran, and when you try to cross the road it can seem as if they are all queuing up to roar past.
Red can mean stop and green can mean go but traffic lights seem to be merely advisory and there is no right or wrong side of the road.
I was delighted to learn that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's President and a one time mayor of Tehran has a degree in traffic management. Make of that what you will.
當我得知Mahmoud Ahmadinejad這位伊朗的總統,同時也是做過一個任期的德黑蘭市長居然擁有交通運輸工程的博士學位時,讓我不禁失笑了。那就入境隨俗你愛怎麼走就怎麼走。
Three moments
Luckily, I was never called upon to take the wheel.
This was the responsibility of our driver, Mr Dashti, who drove his four-wheel-drive in and out of all the obstacles placed in his path with the skill of Michael Schumacher.
這就有勞我們的司機Mr Dashti,他開著他那輛四輪驅動的車子,用媲美車神舒馬克的技術跨越行經之處所有的障礙。
This left me free to consider the purpose of my visit - to make a programme with the director of the British Museum, Neil MacGregor, about Iran's ancient past and how it affects a modern Iranian's sense of identity.
這讓我有時間好好思考一下此行的目的 – 就是和大英博物館館長Neil MacGregor一起製作一個節目,關於伊朗古老的過去並探討這些過去何以影響現代伊朗人的認同感。
We decided to focus on three moments when Iranian identity seemed to crystallise: The birth of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great in 550 BC, the foundation of a Shia state under Shah Abbas in the 16th Century and the empire of language and letters established by the 14th Century poet, Hafez.
A road journey across a featureless plain surrounded by the Zagros mountains took us to the tomb of Cyrus, a kind of stepped pyramid surmounted by a stone ark.
There is not much more to be seen even though the place - Pasargadae - was once the capital of Persia's first ruler.
It made me think of Ozymandias, the heat reducing everything to dust and a buffeting wind blowing it all away.
The achievements of Cyrus are more durable, though.
He is remembered not just for uniting the Medes and the Persians but also for formulating what has been called the first declaration of human rights.
Beautiful lens
The next stage of our journey took us several hundred miles north to another city - the Isfahan of Shah Abbas.
行程的下一站是要前往距離此處幾百哩以北的另一個城市 – 阿拔斯一世的伊斯法罕。
Isfahan is the beautiful lens through which Persian culture is most often seen.
English poet Vita Sackville West thought it was built out of light itself, and I could not keep this thought out of my mind when I stood recording with Neil MacGregor in Imam Square.
英國詩人Vita Sackville West認為伊斯法罕這個城市在打造時已經把所有的光都用掉了,當我和Neil MacGregor站在伊瑪目廣場做記錄時,這個想法一直揮之不去。
Dusk was falling and the sky was turning from pale blue to violet.
Horse-drawn carriages were tinkling round the periphery and families were spreading their picnic rugs.
Kettles hissed on primus stoves and the air turned spicy with the smell of food.
There could be no better symbol of Shah Abbas and his aspirations - spiritual and temporal power in harmony and the people held in the benign civic embrace of a society deriving its strength from Shi'ism.
再也沒有什麼會比這更好用來象徵阿拔斯一世和他所抱負的事情了 - 精神與世俗力量的相互調合,並以一個充滿什葉派教義力量的社會,吸引人們留在它親切和煦城市的懷抱中。
Mystical understanding
Our examination of the third aspect of Persia's imperial past involved a trip further south to Shiraz and the tomb of the poet, Hafez.
Nothing could have prepared us for what we saw.
There were hundreds and hundreds of people milling about.
If you can imagine a large formal garden surrounding Wordsworth's Dove Cottage with a tea house to one side where you can eat rose petal ice cream and smoke a hubble bubble then you get the idea.
The Persian language, it seems, is still very much the same as it was in the 14th Century.
And Hafez has a mystical, tolerant understanding of Islam which is well-suited to his graceful idiom.
A couple of days later as I waited for Mr Dashti to turn up with the car and barge a passage to the airport and the plane to take us home, I turned over what we had heard from the people we had met.
幾天以後,當我正等待Mr Dashti開著他的車子出現,好闖出一條路到機場讓我們順順利利搭機返家時,我仔細的思考從我們遇到的人們那邊聽來的那些話。
There was no doubt that Hafez, Cyrus and Shah Abbas colour the way that modern Iranians think of themselves.
But what they stand for left me with a question which I have not been able to resolve.
Why do the leaders of today's Islamic Republic of Iran appear so unbending in the West when Shah Abbas and Cyrus were so renowned for their tolerance?
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/09/21 11:56:36 GMT
[1]嬉皮之路 (Hippie trail) 是風行於上個世紀六、七十年代的一條跨越歐亞大陸的自助旅行路線,大致上是從丹麥的阿姆斯特丹一路往東,途經中亞的伊斯坦堡(Istanbul)、德黑蘭(Tehran) 、喀布爾(Kabul) 、白沙瓦(Peshawar)、拉合爾(Lahore)等城市,最後以尼泊爾的加德滿都(Kathmandu)或是印度的果亞(Goa)為終點。http://caisting.blogspot.com/2007/06/hippie-trail.html
[2] 薩法維王朝君主阿拔斯一世(Shah Abbas I,1578-1629)。
[3] 哈菲茲本名Shamsoddin Mohammad,約1320-1389,14世紀伊朗偉大的抒情詩人和神秘主義詩人
[4] Ozymandias也就是Ramesses the Great,法老王,古埃及第十九王朝的創建者。
2007年9月26日 星期三
Three-year Genghis Khan trek ends
An Australian man has completed a three-year journey from Mongolia to Hungary, following in the footsteps of the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan.
一位澳洲人花了三年的時間, 跟隨蒙古軍事統帥成吉思汗的足跡, 完成一段從蒙古到匈牙利的旅程.
When Tim Cope began his 10,000 km (6,200 mile) journey in June 2004 he expected it to take 18 months.
在2004年的六月Tim Cope正準備展開他10,000公里(6,200英哩)的旅程時, 他預計這一趟會花上18個月的時間.
However, a stint at home when his father died and other delays meant it took more than double that.
然而, 他父親的過世以及其他事情耽擱的因素下, 他在家待了一段時間. 使得這趟旅程所花費的時間遠超過預估的兩倍以上.
Throughout the trek he travelled on horseback and relied on the hospitality of local people, including nomads.
He travelled with three horses at any time, one to carry him and two to carry feed and supplies and briefly, whilst in Kazakhstan, also used a camel.
他在旅程中總是帶著三匹馬, 三匹馬輪流著;一匹載著他、其他兩匹則是載著飼料和補給品 , 在行經哈薩克時, 還找來了一隻駱駝.
He needed 13 horses in total to complete the marathon journey, though two of them - Taskonir and Ogonyok - have been with him since October 2004 when he was in Kazakhstan.
為了完成這項馬拉松式的旅程, 他總共動用了13匹馬, 其中兩隻Taskonir和Ogonyok則是從2004年十月他到哈薩克時開始跟著他.
Vodka and raw eggs
His other companion was Tigon, meaning "hawk" or "fast wind", a black and white hunting dog given to him as gift in Kazakhstan, whom he now hopes to take home to Australia.
他還有另一個伙伴Tigon, 有"鷹"或者"疾風"的意思, 是隻黑白相間的獵犬, 在哈薩克時被當成禮物送給他, 他現在很希望能把牠帶回澳洲.
Arriving at his final destination, the Hungarian town of Opusztaszer, Mr Cope paid tribute to the animals saying that they, along with the numerous people who had welcomed him into their homes, were the "real heroes" of the journey.
抵達他的最終站, 也就是匈牙利小鎮Opusztaszer, Mr. Cope向這些動物們以及沿途那些歡迎他到家裡作客的眾多人們致敬, 說他們才是旅程中真正的英雄.
Both he and the animals faced much hardship as they endured life on the steppes of Asia and Central Europe, experiencing temperature ranging from minus 52C to plus 54C.
他和動物們都面對了各種艱辛忍受亞洲及中歐草原的生存方式, 歷經攝氏零下52度到高溫攝氏54度的溫差.
On two occasions his horses were stolen and even Tigon was taken whilst in Ukraine.
在烏克蘭有兩度他的馬被偷了, 甚至連Tigon都被帶走.
Mr Cope eventually found him nearly frozen to death, locked inside an ice filled mine shaft.
Mr Cope最終發現自己被鎖在積滿雪的礦井中差點沒被凍死.
It took hours in a hot sauna and a diet of raw eggs and vodka to revive the dog, who was not able to continue the journey for three weeks.
他的狗有整整三個星期都沒辦法繼續趕路. 他用幾小時的蒸氣浴、生雞蛋和伏特加使他的狗恢復元氣.
Separation fears
Such is the bond between Mr Cope and the animals that he told the Associated Press news agency that he was concerned about letting them go.
他告訴美聯新聞通訊社的這些點點滴滴已將Mr. Cope和他的動物們緊緊的繫在一起, 這讓他掛念起牠們就要離開了.
"I'm feeling a bit panicky about finishing because I can't imagine saying goodbye to the horses," he was quoted as saying.
"我對這一切即將終了感到有些惶恐, 因為我實在無法想像就要跟馬兒說再見了," 他引用他的話說.
According to Hungarian tradition, Magyar leaders arriving in the Carpathian Basin from Central Asia met in Opusztaszer, 90 miles south of Budapest, in 896AD to divide the land they had conquered among themselves.
按照匈牙利的傳說,自中亞來到喀爾巴阡盆地的馬扎爾(Magyar)幾個部落的領袖在布達佩斯以南90哩處的Opusztaszer會合, 在公元896年瓜分了他們彼此征戰所得到的土地.
"Here at the Danube River is where the steppe ends, with its beginning in Mongolia and Manchuria," Mr Cope told AP. "So Opusztaszer is the perfect ending symbolically and geographically."
"這裡濱臨多瑙河畔正是歐亞草原從蒙古與滿洲延伸至此的盡頭," Mr. Cope這樣告訴美聯社."因此無論是從象徵意義上或地理位址上,Opusztaszer都是個理想的終站."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/09/23 15:17:12 GMT
2007年9月22日 星期六
Montenegro seeks fruits of statehood
Montenegro seeks fruits of statehood
A year has passed since the former Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro held its first general election after becoming an independent state. The BBC's Nick Hawton finds out how Europe's newest country, with a population of just 650,000, is coping.
前南斯拉夫蒙地內格羅共和國, 從獨立建國後舉行的第一次大選至今已整整一年了. BBC的Nick Hawton 探究了這個歐洲最年輕、人口只有六十五萬的國家是如何因應.
In a steel factory in the town of Niksic, in northern Montenegro, the carcasses of Soviet-era T-55 tanks lie burning and smouldering.
蒙地內格羅北邊尼克希奇城鎮的鋼鐵工廠裡, 前蘇聯T-55坦克車的殘骸在烈火裡悶燒.
Their precious steel is being fed to the furnaces and turned into objects for civilian use.
坦克車貴重的鋼鐵被送進了熔爐裡, 轉成供民生使用的物資.
After 15 years of war, economic crisis and political turmoil, the voluntary destruction of weapons is something of a rarity in this part of the world.
歷經了十五年的戰亂、經濟危機、政治動盪, 自願將武器銷毀, 在這個素來有世界火藥庫之稱的巴爾幹半島是非常罕見的事.
It is a sign of changing times.
"The cutting of the tanks has had a good impact - political, psychological, symbolic," says Ljubisa Perovic, the deputy defence minister.
"削減坦克的數量無論在政治、心理及象徵上都有好的影響." 國防部次長Ljubisa Perovic說.
"We have been welcomed into the world community and we want to play our part. We want to build our democracy," she says.
"我們加入並且被這個世界共同體所接納, 我們應該盡我們的本份. 我們要建立我們的民主制度," 她說.
The money made from selling the steel will be used to further reduce surplus stockpiles of weapons in the country.
It is part of a major reform of the military that has seen conscription abolished and the army reduced by half.
這是軍方主要的改革之一, 而且在廢除徵兵制度與裁軍半數上已經有了具體的成果.
'Strong achievements'
About an hour's drive from the steel factory is the capital, Podgorica, the scene of street celebrations a year ago when the country voted in a national referendum to break from its union with Serbia.
距鋼鐵工廠約一個小時車程遠的首都Podgorica, 正舉辦著街頭慶祝活動, 紀念一年前這個國家舉辦公投決定和塞爾維亞一起脫離聯邦.
Finance Minister Igor Luksic is upbeat about economic progress.
財政部長Igor Luksic對經濟發展樂觀以對.
"We are in the midst of an economic boom. GDP growth is assessed to reach 7% this year, inflation is around 2%, public debt is going down rapidly and the unemployment rate is below 12%. "
"我們處於經濟繁榮之中. 今年GDP成長率估計高達7%,通貨膨脹率約在2%, 公債正迅速減少中, 失業率也降到12%以下."
"These are very strong economic achievements," he says.
"這些都是非常了不起的經濟成就," 他說.
The country is due to move a step closer to joining the EU with the signing of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement in October.
這個國家在十月份簽署了穩定與聯繫協議後, 離加入歐盟又更進了一步.
'Greater accountability'
But not everyone is convinced by the good news story.
"If we are a serious country, we would develop the infrastructure, in terms of roads and water supply," says Mirjana Kuljak, economics professor at the University of Montenegro.
"如果這是個實實在在的國家, 我們就應該好好發展道路與供水方面的公共建設," Mirjana Kuljak蒙地內格羅大學的經濟學教授說.
"They are just not developed to the same degree like in neighbouring Croatia."
She is also concerned about the origin of foreign money coming into the country, especially from Russia.
她同樣對流入國內的外資來源感到憂心, 特別是來自俄羅斯.
"It would be good if this injection was very healthy but we do not know what is the source of that money. There needs to be greater accountability," Prof Kuljak says.
"如果注入的資金是良好的那還好, 可是我們並不知道這些錢是從哪裡來的. 做更詳細的說明是有必需的." Kuljak 教授說.
"One of the big problems is that this country has had the same ruling elite for nearly 20 years."
Incomplete process
Much of the money coming into the country is being invested on the beautiful Montenegrin coastline, which is booming.
It is estimated around 20% of the country's GDP is accounted for by direct, or indirect, tourism. New hotels and businesses are opening almost all the time.
估計觀光業直接或間接創造出來的產值, 約佔了這個國家GDP的20%. 幾乎隨時都有新的飯店和商店開幕.
The wealth generated on the coastline is in stark contrast to the poverty and unemployment that still exists in the mountainous hinterland.
International organisations, like the UN Development Programme, believe there is a growing gap between rich and poor.
國際組織, 諸如聯合國開發計劃署, 相信貧富懸殊的差距將會越來越大.
Back in Niksic, and the Art Bar in the centre of town, students sip coffee and listen to music.
回到尼克希奇, 城鎮中央的藝文酒吧裡,學生在裡頭啜飲咖啡, 聽音樂.
"Montenegro has not changed much since independence," says Ana, 22, who is studying political science.
"蒙地內格羅從獨立以來並沒有太大的改變," 22歲,正在攻讀政治科學的 Ana 說.
"We have a few new sports teams but not much else. This country still doesn't have a fully functional civil society. "
"我們有幾個體育代表隊, 其他就沒了. 這個國家還沒有建立一個完整的公民社會."
"There just isn't much questioning or criticism about the state of affairs. But I guess that is going to take time."
"只是還沒有太多的質疑和批評的聲音. 但我想這是要花時間的."
Montenegro is beginning to stand on its own two feet, at least economically.
蒙地內格羅正開始獨立自主, 至少經濟上是如此.
But no-one believes the process of change and reform is anywhere near finished.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/09/18 10:24:33 GMT
2007年9月18日 星期二
Fight on to save Stone Age Atlantis
BBC News, Hampshire
A race against time is under way to try to save a Stone Age settlement found buried at the bottom of the sea in the Solent.
Eight thousand years ago the area would have been dry land, a valley and woodland criss-crossed by rivers.
八千年前,此處曾是一片乾地, 由河流交錯切割而成的山谷與林地.
A swamped prehistoric forest was identified off the northern Isle of Wight coast in the 1980s, but Bouldnor Cliff's buried Stone Age village was only found - by chance - a few years ago.
1980年代就已經知道在Wight島北部海域有一座沉沒於水下的史前森林, 但被掩埋在Bouldnor斷崖一處石器時代村落, 則是最近幾年的一個意外的發現.
Divers taking part in a routine survey spotted a lobster cleaning out its burrow on the seabed and to their surprise the animal was throwing out dozens of pieces of worked flint.
潛水人員在一次例行勘測時, 恰巧看到海床上有一隻龍蝦正在清理它的洞穴, 讓這些潛水人員感到吃驚的是這隻動物清出了許多加工過的燧石.
Maritime archaeologists from the Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology have carried out a number of underwater excavations at the 8,000-year-old site.
來自Hampshire及Wight Trust的水下考古學家在這個擁有八千年歷史的地點完成了幾處水下的挖掘工作.
For the first time they are bringing up sections of the Mesolithic village from the seabed and going through the sediments.
But they have to work fast, as the site is literally being washed away by tidal currents, which eat away at the submerged cliff at a rate of 12in (30cm) a year.
但是他們必須加緊腳步, 因為這個地點在潮汐的沖刷下, 正以一年12英吋的速度侵蝕著這個已沒入水中的斷崖.
Garry Momber, director of the charity - which is supported by English Heritage - said the project is unique and helps to shed light on a time in British history which very little is known about.
一個由英國遺產署所支持的慈善團體主任Garry Momber表示,這個專案難能可貴, 而且可以幫助我們了解這段英國最不為人知的歷史.
He said: "This is the only site of its kind in Britain and is extremely important to our understanding of our Stone Age ancestors from the lesser-known Mesolithic period.
他說:"像這種類型的遺址在英國只有這一個, 而且對了解我們這些鮮為人知的中石器時代祖先是極為重要的"
"It reveals a time before the English Channel existed when Europe and Britain were linked."
"它揭露了一段時期, 是當英國與歐洲大陸相連, 英吉利海峽還不存在之際."
"The people who lived on this site could have walked over to Calais without too much trouble."
The Isle of Wight was then the highest point of a chalk ridge stretching out along the south coast with valleys on either sides.
Wight島在當時是個至高點, 白堊丘陵沿著南方海岸延伸, 丘陵兩側都是谷地.
After the ice cap - which had covered most of northern Europe - melted, the sea levels started to rise and the settlement was swamped and buried under the sea.
覆蓋在大部份歐洲北方的冰帽融化後, 海平面開始上升, 聚落被湮沒並且掩埋在海水之下.
In the process, silt formed on top and preserved both tools, such as flint knives and scrapers, as well as charcoal, worked pieces of wood, nuts and other organic material, which would have disappeared on land.
在這樣的過程中, 淤泥漸漸堆積在上頭保存了從陸地上消失的各種工具,諸如燧石刀和刮削器, 同時也保存了木炭, 加工過的木片, 堅果, 等其他有機物質.
"It's called the Stone Age because, on land, we find stones from this period but under water a whole lot more survives," Mr Momber said.
"這個時期被稱做石器時代是因為在陸地上我們只找到許多石器, 但在水面下殘存的則更多更完整,"
"I believe these people were far more sophisticated than we give them credit for."
Among the discoveries are wooden poles and structures believed to have been used to build houses and canoes.
木頭柱子和結構也在發現之列, 相信是用來建造房屋和獨木舟.
"The reason so little is known about the lives of the Mesolithic people, is because most of the sites where they settled are now on the seabed," Mr Momber added.
"對中石器時代人類的生活知之甚少的原因, 是因為大部份他們所居住的地方目前都在海底," Mr Momber說道.
"The whole of the North Sea could be covered in sites like this one.
"If we want to understand the Mesolithic people - how they went from hunter-gatherers to farming - we need to look under the water."
"如果我們想知道中石器時代的人類是如何從魚獵生活轉為農耕 - 我們必須從水下開始查起."
In 2004, the team carried out another excavation on a less intact site 300yds (275m) away.
2004年, 考古隊對300碼以外一處保存較不完整的地點進行挖掘.
This showed signs of having been by a river and Mr Momber believes the two sites were linked.
結果顯示曾有河流流經此處的跡象, Mr Momber相信這兩個遺址是有關聯的.
He said it was likely the larger one was where the people lived and the other where they went to catch fish.
他說, 較大的遺址有可能是人們拿來做居所用, 較小的則是他們常去補魚的地方.
However, there is still a lot more work to be done until it is known what Bouldnor Cliff looked like and how the site was used.
然而, 還有更多的工作得要繼續進行, 直到了解Bouldnor斷崖的原樣以及這個遺址的用途.
To put it in perspective, Mr Momber compared the find to one of the more "modern" historic finds in the Solent.
為了確保其正確性, Mr Momber將這個發現拿來和在Solent屬較近代的歷史發現做比較.
"The Mary Rose is only about 500 years old - this was well before that, well before the pyramids, which are 3,000 years old and way before Stonehenge was built, which was only 5,000 years ago," he said.
"瑪麗.羅斯號只有約500年的歷史 - 這個比它來得久遠, 比3000年歷史的金字塔久遠, 也比5000年前所建的巨石陣來得久遠," 他說.
Mr Momber added they hoped to secure more funding so they could continue their work before the artefacts were lost forever, as the Bouldnor Cliff area was being washed away fast.
Mr Momber接著說, 在這些歷史工藝品永遠消失前, 他們希望能籌措更多的資金, 好讓他們繼續進行挖掘工作, 因為Bouldnor正快速的流失中.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/08/08 11:07:23 GMT
2007年9月14日 星期五
Turkish dam threatens historic site
By Sarah Rainsford
BBC News, Hasankeyf
The ancient city of Hasankeyf is perched on rock, towering above the river Tigris.
Hasankeyf 這個古老的城市是建築在巨大岩石的頂端,高高的聳立在底格里斯河畔.
It is a spectacular setting filled with monuments to multiple civilisations.
The caves at the very top are 3,000 years old.
More recent sandstone mosques in the valley below testify to a time when Hasankeyf was among the richest cities in Mesopotamia.
Soon the entire valley is to be flooded with a dam. The controversial project was first conceived in 1954 and abandoned six years ago.
沒多久, 整個谷地將因為大壩而完全淹沒在水下. 這個受爭議的計劃最早在1954年成形, 中止於六年後.
Now a new funding deal from an international consortium including Austria, Germany and Switzerland means it is on the brink of realisation.
現在, 在來自包括奧地利,德國及瑞士的國際財團資助下, 使得這個計劃幾近成真.
Environmental activists are horrified.
"The castle of Hasankeyf is a million years monument made by nature, the Tigris and the rocks. Can you imagine all this will sink for only 50 years economic benefit?" asks Nuri Ozbagdatli.
你能想像這將全部沉在水中只是為了換得區區50年的經濟效益嗎?"Nuri Ozbagdatli問道.
"You can transport the dam plans to wherever suitable. But you cannot carry nature and the archaeological heritage from here."
"你可以將築壩的計劃移到別處更適合的地方. 而大自然和考古遺產卻是沒有辦法說遷就遷的."
Economic development
The 1.2bn euro Ilisu dam is part of Turkey's vast GAP project - a network of dams and hydroelectric power plants along both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
斥資1.2億歐元的Ilisu水霸是土耳其龐大的GAP計劃中的一環, GAP計畫包含了沿著底格里斯河及幼發拉底河建築一系列的大壩及水力發電廠.
It will flood more than 300 sq km (116 sq miles) of land to create the second largest reservoir in the country.
Ilisu水壩將淹沒300平方公里(116平方英哩)的土地, 是土耳其境內第二大的儲水庫.
The aim is to generate electricity to feed rapidly rising demand and fuel Turkey's economic development.
目的是希望產生足夠的電力以負荷日益升高的用電需求, 同時刺激土耳其的經濟發展.
Dam supporters also argue it will help develop the neglected south east of Turkey, racked by years of conflict with Kurdish separatists.
支持築壩的人也認為這樣做將有助於土耳其東南部的發展, 這個被忽視且長年苦於與庫德族獨派衝突不斷的地方.
Many locals migrated away from the violence and the poverty. Now some are starting to come back because of the dam.
許多當地居民為了躲避暴力衝突與貧窮,紛紛遷走了. 現在, 有些人因為這個築壩計劃動身回到這裡.
At least 4,000 jobs should be created.
In the small, dusty town closest to the dam site - but out of the flood zone - a new restaurant has just opened, in anticipation of hungry construction workers and their families.
靠近大壩工程建地淹沒區以外一處沙塵漫天的小鎮, 一間新的餐館才剛開張, 瞄準了建築工人與他們家人的胃.
Other locals are building additional floors on their houses to rent out.
"I wish Hasankeyf wasn't flooded. But most people here can't find jobs," says teacher Benjamin Alp, playing backgammon in the shade on a side street.
"我希望Hasankeyf不會被淹沒. 但是不這樣的話, 這裡絕大部份的人是找不到事情做的," 任教的Benjamin Alp說, 他坐在街道旁的陰涼處下著雙陸棋.
"There's no industry, nothing. So people do want the dam to find work."
"這裡沒有工業, 什麼也沒有. 因此人們很需要這個水壩好讓他們有工作做."
"This region has a lot of economical problems," his friend Ridvan agrees.
"這個地區有很嚴重的經濟問題," 他的朋友Ridvan附和道.
"The economic benefits of the dam will help people improve their situation and prevent them choosing other ways," he says - referring to support for the outlawed Kurdish separatist PKK.
"水壩帶來的的經濟效益會幫助人們改善他們目前的處境,還可以避免他們採取其他途徑," 他說 - 涉及擁護非法的庫德族獨派PKK(庫德族勞工黨).
Rich history
But the cost to history will be high.
但對歷史而言, 所換取的代價將會很高.
The dam consortium plans to create a culture park on the edge of the reservoir and transfer key monuments from Hasankeyf there.
出資築壩的國際財團計劃在儲水庫邊上建立一個文化園區, 將Hasankeyf重要的遺址搬遷過來.
That includes the remains of a 900-year-old bridge, built when Hasankeyf was the capital of the Artukid Empire - and now the symbol of the city.
當中包括有900年歷史的古橋遺存,築於Artukid王朝(1102-1231 A.D)建都Hasankeyf時 - 是這個城市的象徵.
Most experts argue the sandstone much of Hasankeyf is built from will crumble if it is moved.
多數的專家一致認為, 絕大部份都是由砂岩所建成的Hasankeyf一經搬動就會馬上崩解.
They scorn the notion the city can be recreated in a culture park.
Archaeologists also believe there are layers rich with history beneath ground they will not have time to reach before the flood.
考古學家也認為地面下的層層沉積地層中還埋藏有豐富的歷史, 他們絕是對趕不及在大水淹沒前取出來.
So they are working against the clock to recover whatever possible.
This month the dig team uncovered fragments of the first Roman wall mosaic ever found here.
"For an archaeologist who has been working here for years nothing can be so painful as seeing all these artefacts flooded," says excavation leader Abdusselam Ulucam, as he brushes the dust of centuries from his new discovery.
"對在這裡工作了好幾年的考古學家來說, 沒有什麼比看見這些古代藝術品被水淹沒更叫人心痛的事了," 考古隊隊長Abdusselam Ulucamu一邊說, 一邊輕輕為他的新發現刷去幾百年來的塵土.
"We are constantly bringing things to light here from the smallest stone to big walls. Knowing that all this will vanish far from human eyes is deeply upsetting."
"我們不斷有東西出土, 從小石頭到巨牆. 知道這一切終將從人類的眼裡消失時是多麼的令人沮喪."
New opportunities
Fifty-four thousand people will be displaced by the dam in total.
Those who live in Hasankeyf will be offered new apartments nearby. Others will get compensation.
住在Hasankeyf的居民將會得到建在附近的新公寓. 其他的人則是會拿到補助金.
But it is another major upheaval in the mainly Kurdish-populated region, where tens of thousands have already been forcibly displaced during the worst years of fighting here.
但在這個以庫德族為主的地區, 這算是另一個大變動, 因為, 這裡成千上萬的居民早就因為幾年慘烈的戰亂被迫流離失所.
The man in charge of the dam says his project will leave those people better off and he is convinced he is doing no harm to history.
負責大壩工程的人說,他這個計劃會使這些人過得更好一些, 而且他堅信自己正在做的事絕對不會對歷史造成任何的傷害.
"Nine sites will be transported to a culture park. The new appearance will be marvellous!" Yunus Bayraktar enthuses.
"將有九個遺址會被遷到文化園區來. 呈現出來的新風貌將會是很了不起!" Yunus Bayraktar充滿熱情的說.
The project co-ordinator has a vision of caves converted to villas, crowds of tourists - and jet skis.
負責專案協調的人員則是對洞窟改裝了的別野懷有一番憧憬, 蜂擁而至的觀光客 - 還有水上摩托車.
He points out that the uppermost part of Hasankeyf will remain above water and suggests any monuments that cannot be moved can be rebuilt - leaving the originals as an underwater paradise for divers.
他指出, Hasnkeyf最高的地方仍將會在水面上, 並且還建議那些沒辦法搬遷的遺址則可以重新造一個新的, 水下的原址就留著做為潛水愛好者的天堂.
"The cultural heritage in Hasankeyf is collapsing in any case. It only has eight or so years left to survive," he argues.
Hasankeyf的文化遺產無論如何都是會毀掉. 大約只剩八年的時間," 他辯解說.
"This project will transfer it to the next centuries."
The dam consortium says this is the only viable location for their reservoir.
They want to generate tourist revenue here as well as electricity.
他們想在此處像電力一般, 也產生觀光的收益.
Opponents insist they are drowning at least 3,000 years of history in the process.
Published: 2007/09/11 23:39:24 GMT
2007年9月11日 星期二
Winds of change shake Romanian farms
By Mark Mardell
Europe editor, BBC News, Transylvania
In Transylvania in central Romania a cheerful woman with a pink headscarf stands outside her house behind a trestle table. On it she has old-fashioned scales, a couple of plastic baskets of pears and a small crate of apples.
在羅馬尼亞中部的特蘭西瓦尼亞,一位神情愉悅的婦人,手裡拿著粉紅色的頭巾,站在自家門外的擱板桌前. 桌上擺著她老式的秤, 兩三個裝了梨子的塑膠籃和一小簍子的蘋果.
She and her husband are teachers, but their large orchard produces far more than they could possibly eat so she sells to passers-by and neighbours.
她和丈夫都是老師, 但是他們大片果園裡產出了遠遠超過他們所能吃的量, 因此她拿來賣給路人和鄰居.
In the shadow of one of the castles that claims to be Dracula's own, people here avoided the fangs of Nicolae Ceausescu during the communist era.
While he sucked the life out of many villages and wrecked the country's economy, somehow people here survived unscathed and made a good living selling apples.
儘管他吸盡無數村莊的活力並且還摧毀國家的經濟, 這裡的人們不但平安無事而且還靠著販賣蘋果過著不錯的生活.
But all over Romania it is obvious, wherever you go, that small-scale agriculture is the lifeblood of this country, whether for pocket money, home consumption or survival.
無論走到羅馬尼亞的任何地方, 很肯定的, 這種小規模的農業是這個國家的命脈, 無論是賺取零用, 支付家庭消費或為了生存.
Down the road there are more tables loaded with jars and bottles of varying shapes and sizes filled with honey.
沿著這條路, 有更多張桌子擺滿了各式各樣大小不一的瓶瓶罐罐, 裡面裝滿了蜂蜜.
Sheep graze on a pocket of grass between two houses, where the owners park their car. A common sight is a man leading a single cow along the roadside. Women sit patiently by their front porch selling piles of shiny aubergines and pyramids of melons.
羊在兩棟房子間的小塊空地上吃著草, 這是被屋主拿來停車用的. 最常見的是男人牽著一隻牛沿著路邊漫步. 女人則是耐心的坐在門口賣著一堆色澤光亮的茄子和疊得高高的甜瓜.
Wolves and bears
But Romania joined the European Union at the beginning of this year, and some question whether this way of life will survive.
今年初羅馬尼亞加入歐盟, 有些人就懷疑這樣的生活方式是否可以繼續延續下去.
The EU reformed its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) a couple of years ago, so that it would no longer encourage over-production by big farms but instead make a key aim the "preservation of traditional rural landscapes, and bird and wildlife conservation".
幾年前,歐盟針對其共同農業政策進行改革, 為此它不再鼓勵大農場過度生產, 反而以保存傳統田園景觀,及鳥類與野生動物的管理作為重要目標.
But will this really work in Romania, where traditional agriculture will inevitably clash with some other EU values like "standards of farm hygiene and safety"? And will Romania joining the rest of the EU also mean the easy import of foreign standardised produce and modernisation of agricultural techniques?
但這樣的農業政策在羅馬尼亞行得通嗎? 傳統的農業是否將不可避免的與一些歐盟價值相衝突, 像是農場衛生與安全? 這是否意味著聯合了歐盟其他國家的羅馬尼亞將可以很容易從國外輸入標準化產品及引進現代化的農業技術?
It is twilight by the time I reach my next destination, a hillside deep in the Transylvanian countryside. It is very tranquil, a scene unchanged for centuries. Smoke rises from a little wooden hut. Its scent and the tinkling of cow bells fill the air.
我的下一個目的地是深入Transylvanian鄉間的一處山腰,當我抵達時暮色正昏沉. 四周非常寧靜, 是幾世紀以來都沒有改變過的景緻. 炊煙從小木屋上方冉冉升起. 空氣中迷漫著芳香與牛鈴的叮咚聲.
In the darkness, I am almost upon the sturdy cow pen before I see it, and realise it is milking time.
在黑暗中, 我差點撞上了堅固的牛欄, 才明白現在正是擠牛奶的時間.
Three men with weathered, rugged faces crouch on stools, muttering encouragement to the animals as they milk them by hand. This is not allowed by EU law, although the country has been given time to adapt.
三個有張同樣飽經風霜臉孔的男人蹲坐在凳子上,當他們在擠著奶時還一邊喃喃自語鼓勵這些動物. 這當然是違反歐盟的規定, 雖然已要求這個國家限期改善.
In the hut, the source of the woodsmoke, Ion Duculesu shows me his cheese-making equipment. He pours milk into a metal pail which stands in the middle of the muddy floor, next to the simple wood fire, a few sticks also burning on the floor. After it curdles, the moisture is pressed out on a wooden table, the shape of a blunt triangle.
This too is unlikely to meet EU health and safety standards. He says that eventually they will have to buy machinery but he wants to carry on like this.
散發出燻煙味的小屋裡, Ion Duculesu 給我看他那套製作起司的器具. 他將牛奶注入一個放置在泥濘的地板中央的金屬桶裡, 在一旁簡單的堆了些柴火, 幾根木柴在地板上燒著. 牛奶凝固後, 水份被擠壓流到木頭桌子上, 形狀看起來就像一個鈍三角形. 這同樣也不太可能符合歐盟的健康安全標準. 他說最終他們還是必須買一套機器設備, 但他還是想繼續像現在這樣做.
"They'll fine us, and we'll go out of business so I will be out of a job. But I've always worked with animals since I was a child so I will still raise them."
"他們會對我們易科罰金, 我們將被迫停業, 我也會因此失業. 但是從我孩提時代已來就跟著群動物一起工作, 所以我會繼續飼養牠們."
Ion gestures sleeping with his head on his hands for me to have a look at his bed. It is a low contraption like a table, laid with a mattress. A wooden covering and tarpaulin sit on top.
Ion 作勢將他的頭枕在手上意示我看看他睡的床. 這像是張桌子的低矮玩意兒, 上面鋪著床墊. 一個木質的罩子跟帆布擱在上頭.
He tells me he stays up with the animals to frighten off predators. If the bears or wolves come he shouts and chases them with sticks, he says.
他告訴我他要徹夜看顧這些動物好嚇退那些掠食者. 他說如果有熊或是狼過來, 他就會大聲喊叫並且拿著棍棒追擊.
Woods and pasture
As the cowherds bring us mugs of frothy fermented yoghurt and the darkness deepens, I chat to Mark Redman, a British agricultural and environmental expert who lives just down the hill. He helps governments and farmers in Ukraine and Turkey prepare for EU membership.
當牧人帶給我們起泡發酵的優格時, 夜暮更加低垂了, 我和Mark Redman聊了起來, 他是一個英國農業及環境專家, 就住在山腳下. 他幫助烏克蘭以及土耳其政府與農民進行加入歐盟的準備工作.
"The EU is clearly creating a whole lot of obstacles for these guys, but there are immense opportunities. The problem is to exploit those opportunities," he tells me.
歐盟顯然給這些人帶來很大的障礙, 但也存在無窮盡的機會. 問題就是要怎麼利用這些機會." 他告訴我.
"The regulations handed down from Brussels have to be interpreted creatively at a national level. But you need a political commitment at a national level to protect this sort of farming system... I don't see people putting themselves out to defend the way of life of these guys."
"從布魯塞爾傳下來的規章必須要以國家層面有創意地去解釋. 但是必須要取得國家層面的政治承諾來保護這類形的農業經營系統...我並沒有看到人們站出來捍衛這些人的生活方式."
The farms and orchards create this landscape. In one, chickens run among the sour cherry and apple trees. It means the hillside is divided higgledy-piggledy into corridors and rectangles of varying shapes.
農莊與果園集成獨豎一格的景象. 其一是雞群在櫻桃與蘋果樹之間到處亂跑. 整片山坡被零亂的切割成長長的通道與形狀不一的方形.
Standing in one field and looking across a valley to the hillside opposite and the mist-topped mountain beyond, Raluca Barbu of the World Wildlife Fund tells me that traditional farming is essential, vital for biodiversity.
站在其中一處田地遠望對面山坡上的村莊和遠方薄霧繚繞的山巔,世界野生動物基金會的Raluca Barbu告訴我, 傳統農業對生物多樣性是基本的且是不可或缺的.
"The trees mixed with pastures mean that there are a variety of bird species, five of the most threatened varieties of butterflies, small mammals and closer to the forest, bears and wolves," she says.
"樹林與牧草場混雜代表了可以有不同種的鳥類,五種濱臨絕種的蝴蝶, 小型哺乳類在這裡生存, 還有居住在靠近森林的熊與狼." 她說.
"This is the result of a real balance between nature, humans and animals. But in this village people are abandoning the land, getting more involved with tourism - and to maintain biodiversity you need animals."
"這個結果可以使大自然,人類與動物取得實際的平衡. 但是住在這個村莊裡的居民卻棄置他們的土地, 並開始專注在觀光業上, 你需要動物來維持生物的多樣性."
Foreign farmers
About 200 miles (320km) to the south-east, near the Danube, it is a rather different story, probably because of its flatter landscape and more temperate climate.
朝東南方約200哩接近多瑙河的地方, 則又是另一個完全不同於此的情況, 也許是因為它平坦的地勢與溫和的氣候.
Here, there are some of the biggest farms in Europe, perhaps a legacy of Ceausescu's collectivisation. Cornfields stretch as far as the eye can see, the sort of landscape that environmentalists say is the enemy of biodiversity. Smaller plots of land are being bought up by big business, some of it foreign-owned.
這裡, 有幾個歐洲最大的農田, 或許是因著西奧塞古共耕制所遺留下的. 玉米田向天際極盡延伸至視線所及之處, 這類的景觀卻是環保人士眼中生物多樣化的敵人. 較小塊的土地正一塊塊被大企業買走, 其中還有部份是國外的企業.
On a big village farm Arnaud Perrain is showing off his shiny new turbo-charged tractor. The man who drives it performs a trick: using the fork to lift the tyres of an old-fashioned Romanian model off the ground.
在一個大村莊的農地上,Arnaud Perrain正在炫耀他展新的渦輪增壓拖拉機.這個男人駕駛著拖拉機表演了個特技: 用動力鋤把老式的羅馬尼亞型拖拉機從地面上鏟了起來.
Arnaud is French, but this is his home. He has been here 10 years and is married to a Romanian.
Arnaud是個法國人, 但是這裡是他的家. 他待在這裡已經有十年了, 還娶了一位羅馬尼亞妻子.
His neighbour, an Italian, arrived four year ago and to him and his brothers it is more of a business proposition. He goes home to Italy every few weeks, and his wife and child live there. But both men bought land in Romania because they could afford much bigger farms here.
他的義大利鄰居是四年前來的, 對他和他的兄弟而言生意是比較重要的. 他每幾個星期回義大利一趟, 他的妻兒則留在那裡. 兩兄弟在羅馬尼亞買了塊地,因為在這裡可以買到比較大片的農地.
After a tough eight years Mr Perrain now has more than 3,000 hectares, growing sunflowers, soya and corn and employs around 50 people. His tractor is just one of the new pieces of machinery he has bought with the help of an EU grant worth around 104,000 euros (£70,000).
過了八年艱苦的日子, Perrain先生現在已經擁有超過3,000公頃的地, 種有向日葵,大豆和玉米, 而且他還顧了五十幾個人. 他的拖拉機只不過是他最近添購裝備的其中之一, 裡頭有來自歐盟補助的104,000歐元(約70,000英磅).
He says the EU has cost him money as well. Old cheap weedkillers have been banned and seed prices have gone up. But the EU brings legal security to foreigners who want to buy here.
他說歐盟還是讓他花了不少錢. 之前所使用便宜的除草劑已被禁用而且種子的價格也上揚. 但歐盟卻也保障了國外買家的合法權益.
He thinks more change to the landscape is inevitable.
"It's not economically viable to have a couple of hectares. Romania has a lot of catching up to do right now. People aspire to a certain level of wealth, of comfort. They don't want to look after one cow and one pig and work on a Sunday, work all the days of the week, cultivating a handful of land."
他認為地上景觀的更動日趨頻繁, 這是必然的現象. "並不是經濟上允許就可以有個幾公頃的地. 羅馬尼亞現在令人趨之若鶩的事很多. 人們渴望有一定程度的財富與舒適. 他們才不會想去照顧牛、豬,在星期天或整週都工作, 耕作這麼麻煩的地."
More food
The Romanian director of a big farm of 400,000 hectares is even more blunt. Nicusor Serban of Agroserv Mariuta asks me: "Do people want to look at a pretty landscape or feed people? Things look different on a full stomach."
羅馬尼亞公司Agroserv Mariuta一位管轄400,000公頃農地的主任Agroserv Mariuta更是直言不諱, 他問我: "人們想要欣賞漂亮的風景還是能夠填飽肚子? 肚子飽飽的看事情就會不一樣"
He adds: "Things will change, of course. Small plots will disappear and in the end there'll be medium and big farms. The EU's policy is to subsidise every worked piece of land, big or small. But there's a choice: have intensive agriculture and feed the world or have an ecological agriculture and let people starve."
他又補充說道:"物換星移,理當如此. 較小的耕地將會消失,最終只將會有中型和大型的農地. 歐盟的政策是補助任何大小的耕地. 但終究還是會面臨到一個選擇: 採用集約農業供給全世界或者採用讓人餓肚子的生態農業."
Ceausescu destroyed villages and forced their occupants into half-built apartment blocks in an effort to make Romania look more modern, and collectivise agriculture.
西奧塞古摧毀了農村, 把居民趕到建了一半的公寓大樓裡, 企圖讓羅馬尼亞看起來更具現代化, 還有集體式的農耕.
Some say the EU will succeed where he failed. But that is rather unfair.
有些人說西奧塞古做不到的, 歐盟將做到. 但是這有點不公平.
EU policy tends to tug in different directions, so one law designed to protect traditional environments may be undermined by another intended to help people stay in the countryside and still make a good living.
歐盟的政策想要努力做到全方位, 因此一個設計用來保護傳統環境的法律, 可能會被其他企圖想幫助人們待在鄉間但仍可過著好生活的人們所破壞.
But more important than the details of EU policy is the fact that joining the European Union gives access to new markets and gives those markets access to Romania.
但比歐盟政策裡旁枝末節更重要的是, 加入歐盟就有了進入新市場的通行證, 而且也給了這些市場進入羅馬尼亞的機會.
It will almost certainly make Romania richer.
Cheaper, mass-produced food will appear in the supermarkets and people will make their choice.
超級市場裡將充斥著更便宜、大量生產的食物, 由人們來做選擇.
One orchard owner who has recently sold some land and who has stopped breeding sheep and cows told me that people won't buy her rough-pitted but tasty apples any longer.
一個果園的主人最近賣了一些地,而且已經不再飼養牛羊, 她告訴我人們將不會再向她買那些外表難看但嚐起來卻好吃的蘋果了.
People have seen the deep red ones in the shop and like the look of them. There is no future for her in the land.
人們在商店裡已經可以看到那些深紅色令他們喜歡的蘋果. 她的土地沒有辦法再帶給她什麼了.
The very process of joining the EU has a certain logic, and all that implies for tinkling cow bells and wolves on the hillside.
加入歐盟的每一個程序都有其特定的邏輯, 而且一切都是為了要讓叮叮咚咚的牛鈴聲和狼同時存在山坡上.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/09/04 10:54:59 GMT
2007年9月3日 星期一
Experts work on volcano warning
蘇格蘭的科學家們得到四十萬英磅的贊助, 將全數用來建立一套逃生用的火山警報系統.
2007年9月1日 星期六
Greece prepares to count fire cost
希臘經歷了近年來最慘重的大火, 大火摧毀了房舍與土地, 迫使人們逃離他們的家園與生計.
It is far from clear what the long-term impact of the devastation will be on the Greek economy as a whole.
But there are fears that damage to the Peloponnese region of Southern Greece - an olive-producing heartland which has borne the brunt of the fires - could seriously harm the local economy for some time to come.
The Greek government has pledged to speed up compensation for those whose homes or land have been affected.
The Ministry of Finance has already announced grants for the immediate needs of victims, compensation for domestic equipment, and increased grants for the families of the deceased.
財政部宣布將給予受災者立即的需求, 家用設備的補助金,以及提高對罹難者家屬的撫卹金.
"The government has decided the priority will be to the villages with the greatest number of fatal victims - Artamitha, Makistos and Smirna from the municipality of Zacharo," government spokesman Bororis Resopolis said.
政府發言人Bororis Resopolis說:"政府已經決定Zacharo市的Artamitha, Makistos以及Smirna幾個死傷最為慘重的村子將享有優先權,"
According to Dee Murphy, a freelance journalist for the BBC, who has just come back from the region, queues were already forming at banks in Zacharo for those seeking government aid.
Dee Murphy,BBC的自由記者剛才從這個地區回來, 據她所述, 那些尋求政府援助的人已經在Zacharo的幾個銀行前大排長龍.
Much of the area is dominated by farmers, so losing their homes means losing their livelihoods, she said.
居住這個地區的大部份都是農民, 因此失去他們的房產等於就是失去他們的生計, 她說.
Without feed for their livestock or water for their produce, their income is threatened she added.
沒有東西可以餵養他們的牲口或他們的農產無水可用, 他們的收入受到了威脅. 她補充道.
Output hit
While it is too early to gauge the impact, it is clear the scale of the fires is exceptional.
儘管現在要對這個衝擊做出評估還太早, 可以確信的是火災的規模異常的大.
According to the BBC's Dominic Hughes, more than 120 major fires have been reported this year compared to 52 for the whole of last year.
據BBC的Dominic Hughes所說, 相較於去年一整年52場的火災, 今年就已經據報有超過120場重大火災.
The government has not posted any official figures on the total costs though unconfirmed estimates have been issued in the local media.
政府迄今仍未對總體損失公佈任何官方數據, 然而未經證實的估計值卻已被當地媒體公佈出來.
Greek newspaper Kathimerini said the cost of damages will exceed 3bn euros, or 0.6% of GDP, while another newspaper Express put the figure at 0.7% economic output.
希臘Kathimerini報社說損失將超過3兆歐元, 或0.6%的GDP, 而另一間Express報社則將數據定在0.7%的經濟產出.
Eirianna Kouri, from the British Embassy in Athens, cited Kathimerini as saying that 270,000 hectares and 4,500 homes had been burned by fires this summer.
Eirianna Kouri,從駐雅典的英國大使館,引述Kathimerini的報導, 說這個夏天就有270,000公頃的土地以及4,500間房屋慘遭祝融.
George Georgakopoulos, the acting financial editor of Kathimerini told the BBC that four areas - Ilia, Laconia, Arcadia and Messina - which are all in the Peloponnese, in addition to the island of Evia - represent 4.5% of Greece's annual GDP
George Georgakopoulos, Kathimerini的金融代理編輯告訴BBC, Ilia, Laconia, Arcadia和Messina這四個地區全在伯羅奔尼撒,另外還有Evia島 - 在希臘年度GDP中就占了4.5%.
Olive groves
根據農業部發言人表示, 受創最嚴重的Kalamatia及周邊地區,是希臘主要幾個橄欖種植地之一.
He said about 20% of Greece's olives are grown there.
The region is renowned for producing high quality olives that are used for extra virgin olive oil, which is sold at a premium.
這個地區就是因出產高品質的橄欖而聞名遐邇, 那是用來製作價格昂貴上等精純的橄欖油.
As well as being a key exporter to EU countries such as Spain and Italy, Greece also sells to countries including the US and China.
同樣是歐盟國家如西班牙與義大利的主要輸出國, 希臘也銷往其它國家, 包含美國與中國.
Ms Murphy said one farmer she spoke to who grew olives exclusively had lost 500 out of 700 trees, and estimated it would take up to five years to recover and yield a full crop again.
Murphy女士說, 一位和她談過的農民, 在他所種植的700棵橄欖樹中就折損了500棵, 而且估計從復原一直栽種到可以採收還要花個五年的時間.
Graphic pictures of the damage wrought by the fires have inevitably raised fears that it could prevent tourists from visiting Greece, further damaging the local economy.
大火造成損失一幕幕驚心動魄的影像不免讓人心生疑慮, 為此裹足不前的觀光客會更進一步的重創當地經濟.
But while Greece may be a popular tourist destination, visitors tend to go to the Greek islands at this time of year more than the Peloponnese, said Manos Hatzimalonas, from the Greek National Tourism Office (GNTO) in London.
在倫敦, 希臘國家旅遊局的Manos Hatzimalonas說, 儘管希臘是個受歡迎的旅遊勝地, 比起伯羅奔尼, 在這個時節觀光客還是傾向去希臘的島嶼.
"No developed tourist areas have been affected by the fires as those areas consist of mostly rural and mountainous terrain," he said.
"發展完善的觀光區並沒有受到火災的影響, 因為這些地區多半都是農村和山地," 他說.
But he added that "all figures are speculative at this early stage with fires still burning and people still missing".
但他隨即說到 "現在大火仍在繼續蔓延而且到目前為止還找不到失蹤者, 在這個階段所有的數據都是推測出來的"
Nonetheless, there are hotels in the region which have clearly been impacted.
即便是如此, 當地的旅館還是受到明顯的衝擊.
Panagiotis Zafiropoulos, the head of the Olympia Palace Hotel, told the BBC World Service that the hotel had been empty of clients and tour groups since Sunday night due to the "terrible smoke" making it impossible to breathe.
Panagiotis Zafiropoulos,Olympia Palace 飯店的主管,告訴BBC World Service 飯店從星期天的晚上就因為令人呼吸困難的濃煙, 已經沒有房客或旅行團了.
"We though it was better to call tour operators to tell them to take tour groups to other destinations," he said.
"我們認為打電話叫旅行社將他們的旅行團帶到其他觀光景點會比較好一些," 他說.
However, the hotel - which overlooks the ancient site of Olympia - had been full of radio and TV reporters covering the fires.
然而, 可以俯瞰奧林匹亞古蹟的飯店,早已住滿了前來報導火災的廣播與電視台記者.
But he predicted that life in Olympia would return to normal by Wednesday.
但是,他預測在星期三之前, 奧林匹亞的一切步調都將會恢復正常.
Ms Murphy, meanwhile, said some of the land around the hotel she had been staying in Pyrgos had been burnt and the hotel had closed as a result.
同時, Murphy女士說, 她之前在Pyrgos待過的飯店, 其周圍鄰地有部份已經遭到焚毀, 飯店也因此被迫停業.
Recovery time
Even once the fires are out, there is the ongoing issue of land which has been damaged.
即使火一旦撲滅, 在毀損了的土地上仍舊有沒完沒了的問題.
It can take up to four years, on average, for Mediterranean shrub land to recover, said Dr Paulo Barbosa of the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS).
EFFIS的Paulo Barbosa 博士說, 地中海灌木林平均需要四年的時間才能復原.
As for forest regeneration, it can take between two and three decades.
至於森林的再生, 就要花上二三十年.
Back in 2003, severe forest fires swept across Europe, with Portugal seeing the worst damage Dr Barbosa said.
追溯到2003年, 猛烈的森林大火肆虐歐洲, Barbosa博士說, 葡萄牙災情最為慘重.
At the time, Portugal estimated that 270,000 hectares of forest land had been destroyed as well as 25,000 hectares of agricultural land.
Portugal was awarded 31m euros from the European Commission's Solidarity Fund - but the total amount claimed was 946.5m euros in direct damage.
葡萄牙從執行委員會的團結基金得到31百萬歐元的援助 - 但總計大火直接造成的損失就高達946.5百萬歐元
The disaster was reported to have caused the loss of goods, jobs and work for some 45,000 people.
Published: 2007/08/29 17:15:15 GMT