The wave that destroyed Atlantis
By Harvey Lilley
BBC Timewatch
The legend of Atlantis, the country that disappeared under the sea, may be more than just a myth. Research on the Greek island of Crete suggests Europe's earliest civilisation was destroyed by a giant tsunami.

Until about 3,500 years ago, a spectacular ancient civilisation was flourishing in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The ancient Minoans were building palaces, paved streets and sewers, while most Europeans were still living in primitive huts.
But around 1500BC the people who spawned the myths of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth abruptly disappeared. Now the mystery of their cataclysmic end may finally have been solved.
A group of scientists have uncovered new evidence that the island of Crete was hit by a massive tsunami at the same time that Minoan culture disappeared.
"The geo-archaeological deposits contain a number of distinct tsunami signatures," says Dutch-born geologist Professor Hendrik Bruins of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.
"地質考古的沉積物當中含有數個明確的海嘯特徵," 來自以色列Negev Ben-Gurion大學的荷籍地質學教授Hendrik Bruins這麼說。
"Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna.

"The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop," says Professor Bruins.
"只有藉威力強大的海嘯這樣的機制,才有可能將後者從海床上舀起,毀滅性的一瞬間將所有物質同時傾洩," Bruins教授說。
The deposits are up to seven metres above sea level, well above the normal reach of storm waves.
"An event of ferocious force hit the coast of Crete and this wasn't just a Mediterranean storm," says Professor Bruins.
"一個地中海的暴風是不可能以這種雷霆萬鈞之勢侵襲克里特島沿岸的," Bruins教授說。
Big wave
The Minoans were sailors and traders. Most of their towns were along the coast, making them especially vulnerable to the effects of a tsunami.
One of their largest settlements was at Palaikastro on the eastern edge of the island, one of the sites where Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years.
他們其中一座最大的聚落就建在島上東邊的Palaikastro,加拿大的考古學家Sandy MacGillivray在其中一個遺址從事挖掘工作已經有25年了。
Here, he has found other tell-tale signs such as buildings where the walls facing the sea are missing but side walls which could have survived a giant wave are left intact.
"All of a sudden a lot of the deposits began making sense to us," says MacGillivary.
"Even though the town of Palaikastro is a port it stretched hundreds of metres into the hinterland and is, in places, at least 15 metres above sea level. This was a big wave."

But if this evidence is so clear why has it not been discovered before now?
Tsunami expert Costas Synolakis, from the University of Southern California, says that the study of ancient tsunamis is in its infancy and people have not, until now, really known what to look for.
來自南加州大學的海嘯專家Costas Synolakis表示,對於研究古代所發生的海嘯還在初期的階段,一直到現在人們才真正了解要找的是什麼。
Many scientists are still of the view that these waves only blasted material away and did not leave much behind in the way of deposits.
But observation of the Asian tsunami of 2004 changed all that.
"If you remember the video footage," says Costas, "some of it showed tonnes of debris being carried along by the wave and much of it was deposited inland."
"如果你對電視幾個鏡頭還有印象," Costas說,"大浪一路挾帶了幾公噸的碎石瓦礫,而大部份都沉積在內陸。"
Volcanic eruption
Costas Synolakis has come to the conclusion that the wave would have been as powerful as the one that devastated the coastlines of Thailand and Sri Lanka on Boxing day 2004 leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives.
Costas Synolakis已做出了一個結論,他認為在這裡曾遭逢的巨浪威力可能與發生在2004年耶誕節次日導致超過二十五萬人喪生並且蹂躪泰國及斯里蘭卡沿岸的海嘯是一樣的。
After decades studying the Minoans, MacGillivray is struck by the scale of the destruction.
"The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. Now, you go to Bande Aceh [in Indonesia] and you find that the mortality rate is 80%. If we're looking at a similar mortality rate, that's the end of the Minoans."
But what caused the tsunami? The scientists have obtained radiocarbon dates for the deposits that show the tsunami could have hit the coast at exactly the same time as an eruption of the Santorini volcano, 70 km north of Crete, in the middle of the second millennium BC.
但,是什麼引發了海嘯? 科學家對沉積物做碳-14定年法所測得的時間,也就是海嘯侵襲的那個時間,與克里特島北方70公里處的聖托里尼火山爆發時間相當穩合,約是在西元前第二個千禧年中間。

Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. It caused massive climatic disruption and the blast was heard over 3000 miles away.
Costas Synolakis thinks that the collapse of Santorini's giant volcanic cone into the sea during the eruption was the mechanism that generated a wave large enough to destroy the Minoan coastal towns.
Costas Synolakis認為聖托里尼火山在爆發時,巨大的火山錐崩塌到海裡所產生的浪,大到足以毀掉邁諾安沿海的城鎮。
It is not clear if the tsunami could have reached inland to the Minoan capital at Knossos, but the fallout from the volcano would have carried other consequences - massive ash falls and crop failure. With their ports, trading fleet and navy destroyed, the Minoans would never have fully recovered.
海嘯是否侵襲至內陸的邁諾安首都克諾索斯,目前尚不清楚,但是火山爆發的餘波必定招至其它的後果 – 大規模的落塵以及農作物的欠收。由於他們的港口、貿易艦隊及海軍都被摧毀,邁諾安人要完全恢復到原狀是不可能的。
The myth of Atlantis, the city state that was lost beneath the sea, was first mentioned by Plato over 2000 years ago.
It has had a hold on the popular imagination for centuries.
Perhaps we now have an explanation of its origin - a folk memory of a real ancient civilisation swallowed by the sea.
一段民間記憶記載了一個真實存在但最後卻被大海吞沒的古老文明 – 也許我們現在可以解釋它的由來了。
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/04/20 08:05:45 GMT
By Harvey Lilley
BBC Timewatch
The legend of Atlantis, the country that disappeared under the sea, may be more than just a myth. Research on the Greek island of Crete suggests Europe's earliest civilisation was destroyed by a giant tsunami.

Until about 3,500 years ago, a spectacular ancient civilisation was flourishing in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The ancient Minoans were building palaces, paved streets and sewers, while most Europeans were still living in primitive huts.
But around 1500BC the people who spawned the myths of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth abruptly disappeared. Now the mystery of their cataclysmic end may finally have been solved.
A group of scientists have uncovered new evidence that the island of Crete was hit by a massive tsunami at the same time that Minoan culture disappeared.
"The geo-archaeological deposits contain a number of distinct tsunami signatures," says Dutch-born geologist Professor Hendrik Bruins of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.
"地質考古的沉積物當中含有數個明確的海嘯特徵," 來自以色列Negev Ben-Gurion大學的荷籍地質學教授Hendrik Bruins這麼說。
"Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna.

"The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop," says Professor Bruins.
"只有藉威力強大的海嘯這樣的機制,才有可能將後者從海床上舀起,毀滅性的一瞬間將所有物質同時傾洩," Bruins教授說。
The deposits are up to seven metres above sea level, well above the normal reach of storm waves.
"An event of ferocious force hit the coast of Crete and this wasn't just a Mediterranean storm," says Professor Bruins.
"一個地中海的暴風是不可能以這種雷霆萬鈞之勢侵襲克里特島沿岸的," Bruins教授說。
Big wave
The Minoans were sailors and traders. Most of their towns were along the coast, making them especially vulnerable to the effects of a tsunami.
One of their largest settlements was at Palaikastro on the eastern edge of the island, one of the sites where Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years.
他們其中一座最大的聚落就建在島上東邊的Palaikastro,加拿大的考古學家Sandy MacGillivray在其中一個遺址從事挖掘工作已經有25年了。
Here, he has found other tell-tale signs such as buildings where the walls facing the sea are missing but side walls which could have survived a giant wave are left intact.
"All of a sudden a lot of the deposits began making sense to us," says MacGillivary.
"Even though the town of Palaikastro is a port it stretched hundreds of metres into the hinterland and is, in places, at least 15 metres above sea level. This was a big wave."

But if this evidence is so clear why has it not been discovered before now?
Tsunami expert Costas Synolakis, from the University of Southern California, says that the study of ancient tsunamis is in its infancy and people have not, until now, really known what to look for.
來自南加州大學的海嘯專家Costas Synolakis表示,對於研究古代所發生的海嘯還在初期的階段,一直到現在人們才真正了解要找的是什麼。
Many scientists are still of the view that these waves only blasted material away and did not leave much behind in the way of deposits.
But observation of the Asian tsunami of 2004 changed all that.
"If you remember the video footage," says Costas, "some of it showed tonnes of debris being carried along by the wave and much of it was deposited inland."
"如果你對電視幾個鏡頭還有印象," Costas說,"大浪一路挾帶了幾公噸的碎石瓦礫,而大部份都沉積在內陸。"
Volcanic eruption
Costas Synolakis has come to the conclusion that the wave would have been as powerful as the one that devastated the coastlines of Thailand and Sri Lanka on Boxing day 2004 leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives.
Costas Synolakis已做出了一個結論,他認為在這裡曾遭逢的巨浪威力可能與發生在2004年耶誕節次日導致超過二十五萬人喪生並且蹂躪泰國及斯里蘭卡沿岸的海嘯是一樣的。
After decades studying the Minoans, MacGillivray is struck by the scale of the destruction.
"The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. Now, you go to Bande Aceh [in Indonesia] and you find that the mortality rate is 80%. If we're looking at a similar mortality rate, that's the end of the Minoans."
But what caused the tsunami? The scientists have obtained radiocarbon dates for the deposits that show the tsunami could have hit the coast at exactly the same time as an eruption of the Santorini volcano, 70 km north of Crete, in the middle of the second millennium BC.
但,是什麼引發了海嘯? 科學家對沉積物做碳-14定年法所測得的時間,也就是海嘯侵襲的那個時間,與克里特島北方70公里處的聖托里尼火山爆發時間相當穩合,約是在西元前第二個千禧年中間。

Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. It caused massive climatic disruption and the blast was heard over 3000 miles away.
Costas Synolakis thinks that the collapse of Santorini's giant volcanic cone into the sea during the eruption was the mechanism that generated a wave large enough to destroy the Minoan coastal towns.
Costas Synolakis認為聖托里尼火山在爆發時,巨大的火山錐崩塌到海裡所產生的浪,大到足以毀掉邁諾安沿海的城鎮。
It is not clear if the tsunami could have reached inland to the Minoan capital at Knossos, but the fallout from the volcano would have carried other consequences - massive ash falls and crop failure. With their ports, trading fleet and navy destroyed, the Minoans would never have fully recovered.
海嘯是否侵襲至內陸的邁諾安首都克諾索斯,目前尚不清楚,但是火山爆發的餘波必定招至其它的後果 – 大規模的落塵以及農作物的欠收。由於他們的港口、貿易艦隊及海軍都被摧毀,邁諾安人要完全恢復到原狀是不可能的。
The myth of Atlantis, the city state that was lost beneath the sea, was first mentioned by Plato over 2000 years ago.
It has had a hold on the popular imagination for centuries.
Perhaps we now have an explanation of its origin - a folk memory of a real ancient civilisation swallowed by the sea.
一段民間記憶記載了一個真實存在但最後卻被大海吞沒的古老文明 – 也許我們現在可以解釋它的由來了。
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/04/20 08:05:45 GMT
在另一篇報導裡曾引用詩人艾略特在The Hollow Man幾句著名的詩句:
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
Not with a bang but a whimper 不發轟然巨響而只嗚咽
在另一篇報導裡曾引用詩人艾略特在The Hollow Man幾句著名的詩句:
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
Not with a bang but a whimper 不發轟然巨響而只嗚咽