2008年7月18日 星期五

Rediscovering treasures of Bamiyan

Rediscovering treasures of Bamiyan

By Alastair Leithead,
BBC News, Bamiyan

When the Buddhas of Bamiyan were carved out of the mountainside, the Roman Empire still held sway.


They towered over a rich valley in what is now central Afghanistan, where caravans of traders would stop and rest on the Silk Road as they transported goods between east and west.


For centuries the two huge statues stood guard over Bamiyan.


But in 2001, just months before they were forced from power, the Taleban dynamited what they considered un-Islamic representations of the human form.


Today all that remains are the recesses where they stood, and the labyrinth of fragile caves surrounding them.


Iconic art

Today there isn't even a paved road connecting the valley to Kabul, but yet inside the caves are a reminder of Bamiyan's past wealth and glory and a new claim to fame that could put the province back on the map.


Inside those caves the steep, narrow steps are crumbling, there are cracks in the mud tunnels carved into the mountainside, and still visible high in the echoing chambers are pieces of Buddhist iconic art which are now thought to be the oldest oil paintings in the world.


Japanese, European and American scientists restoring the cave murals dating back to around 650AD, discovered oil was used in the paint.


Yoko Taniguchi, one of the Japanese experts working on the caves, told reporters this is the earliest known use of this technique in the history of art.

其中一位在石窟裡工作的日本專家Yoko Taniguchi告訴記者們這在藝術史上,是目前已知最早使用這種技術的。

She said it was previously thought the technique originated in Europe during the Renaissance, eight centuries later.


But wandering through the Buddhist temples carved out of the rock, there is little left of the murals destroyed in the last 30 years of war after surviving for centuries.


A tourist guidebook to Afghanistan written in the 1960s and 70s by Nancy Dupree, a famous traveller who dedicated much of her life to the country, gave an account of the artwork as it was then.

著名的旅行家Nancy Dupree幾乎將她的一生全部奉獻給阿富汗,她在1960年與1970年間寫了一部阿富汗旅遊指南,裡頭有對這些藝術品的描述。


"The rest of the hall is elaborately decorated in a varied palette of burnt sienna, green, lapis lazuli blue, and yellow ochre depicting flowers, trees, stylised floral sprays, cornucopias and figures of kneeling worshipers," she wrote.

她寫道: "走廊其餘的部份到處都有精巧的裝飾,滿是用褐色、綠色、天青石藍、黃土色等各種顏色來描繪的花朵,樹木,植物花葉飾物,各種富饒的象徵以及跪拜著的信徒畫像,"

"A series of Buddhas dressed in sombre-hued maroon robes and framed with aureoles against an azure background walk on lotus pads set among flowers."


There's little evidence of this today apart from a few scraps of colour and detail here and there, but there are isolated caves higher up the mountain, impossible to get to without a rope, where some of the best examples still survive.


A combination of the vibration from artillery shells, the Taleban chiselling away the depictions of faces and hands, and looting put paid to most of the paintings.


But there are enough fragments left to give a hint of what it must have been like.


The views from the caves looking out over the valley are stunning and there is another twist to the story of the Buddhas of Bamiyan.


A Buddhist pilgrim wrote around the time the paintings were finished in the mid seventh century of the amazing statues - but he described three.

一位佛教徒曾於七世紀中葉當這些繪畫已臻完工時前來朝聖,他寫下了這些驚人的佛像 - 但是他說的佛像卻有三座。

According to his account, the third reclining Buddha was a 1,000 feet long and lay on the valley floor.


It would be remarkable if it was buried beneath the river sediment and two teams of archaeologists, one from France another from Japan, are in a race to find it.


It sounds like an Indiana Jones film, but there have been many interesting archaeological discoveries in Bamiyan and this beautiful valley may not yet have revealed all its secrets.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/07/17 09:38:53 GMT


2008年7月8日 星期二

The fabled city of Timbuktu

The fabled city of Timbuktu
By Hamilton Wende
BBC News, Mali

Timbuktu is a name that conjures up ideas of the unattainable or magical and, as Hamilton Wende discovers, it still remains relatively inaccessible even in today's world of quick and easy travel.

Timbuktu (廷巴克圖)這個名字,它會讓你腦中浮現一種不可能的或者充滿神秘的想法,Hamilton Wende發現,即使像時下的旅行是這麼的快捷與簡易,它依舊相對是那麼的難以到達。

Our journey began badly. Only a few hundred yards from our hotel in Bamako, the capital of Mali, I suddenly noticed that our driver Ibrahim looked curiously relaxed as we waited at an intersection.


Then, horrified, I realised he was snoring loudly with his head drooped over the steering wheel.


He had been up all night partying, so I insisted on driving.


As our convoy headed north into the semi-desert, he slept like a baby in the passenger seat for four hours.


It was only when we stopped for lunch under an acacia tree that he finally awoke.


In order to help him along, Moussa, another driver, pulled out a goatskin bag containing an ornate teapot that looked like something out of the Arabian Nights and a small gas burner.


"Chai," he said to me with a cigarette clenched in his teeth, as he squatted in the hot sand to brew some mint tea.


"This could take a while," one of my travelling companions muttered.


"Traditionally, they have to drink three cups. The first is bitter like death, the second bitter-sweet like life and the third sweet like love."


Moussa and Ibrahim, however, limited themselves to a single cup and we got back onto the road.


Changing colours

The heat shimmered off the white sand as we drove, while the empty sky was bleached almost white by the sun. And baobab trees stood stark against the horizon.


The journey proved hard and exhausting, and we all wondered what lay ahead.


The landscape and towering sky were at first drab but then started to change with the alchemy of light in Africa, layered with subtle tones of green, brown, yellow, blue, silver and white.


That range of colours was interrupted suddenly by people in the villages who were wearing bright clothes of emerald, canary and azure.


Two Tuareg men in traditional turbans zoomed by on motorbikes.


The houses were almost all of mud, and the mosques with their green shuttered archways had minarets of mud and logs.


Colourfully painted donkey carts and buses piled impossibly high with luggage careened down the road in both directions.


Hours passed. Ibrahim remained alert.


Finally, as dusk fell, we came to the town of Mopti on the bend of the Niger river.


Long pirogues were poled across the pink and silver currents of the river at sunset, frogs called loudly from the banks and huge bats swirled overhead in the last of the light.


The heat was oppressive and we still had 250 miles to go the next day.


Ancient human landscape

We left shortly after dawn.


North of Mopti, the landscape grew harder and more bleak. There were hardly any villages now.


But, as remote and forbidding as it is, this is an ancient human landscape, settled and travelled across for millennia.


For well over a thousand years, camel caravans have traversed the dry sands carrying salt, gold and slaves.


Finally, after another eight hours of driving, we came to the Niger river again. We crossed by ferry and drove the last few miles to our destination.


"Welcome to Timbuktu. The city of 333 saints," read a battered sign along the road.


Soon a low mud gateway appeared in the fading light. It was a disappointing entrance to the fabled city.


A few yards on, goats browsed among piles of garbage. We passed through a few streets with houses of mud and cracked concrete.


There was little to see. The marketplace was filthy and rundown, the people brusque or insisting that we buy their overpriced souvenirs. The heat was near unbearable.


There was, it seemed, not much left of the mystic grandeur of Timbuktu.


We were exhausted and disappointed. Moussa and Ibrahim brewed more tea on the steps of our hotel.


Centre of learning

The next morning we saw the ancient Djingareyber mosque.

次日早晨,我們參觀了古老的Djingareyber清真寺。(提姆布克圖的三大清真寺,Djingareyber、Sankore、Sidi Yahia)

As non-Muslims, we could not enter but inside is an ancient door which, legend says, if it is ever opened, it will signal the end of the world.


A few crowded sandy lanes away is the ancient mud-walled Sankore mosque, the site of Africa's first university.


Timbuktu was once a centre of great learning and there are an estimated 700,000 manuscripts dating back to the 9th Century in its libraries.


Many have been damaged by water, sand and termites, but all of them offer a gateway to a past that has been almost forgotten.


The thousands of leather-bound volumes are filled with beautiful calligraphy, ancient medical secrets and even maps of the stars.


As we walked the streets of the town, I began to see something different about it, that its glory may be gone but its wealth still exists.


What I had learned was that the road to Timbuktu is a journey not only into geography but also into the realm of memory and imagination.


The old saying "from here to Timbuktu" might not mean what it used to, but I am glad that I have been there.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/07/04 10:22:04 GMT

※"from here to Timbuktu",是先知鼓勵穆斯林追求知識與真理,即使是再遙遠的地方,都應該懷著一顆崇敬的心,每天都渴望到那裡去追求人生的意義與真諦。

2008年5月19日 星期一

The Balkans' bakers keep on rolling

The Balkans' bakers keep on rolling

By Nick Thorpe
BBC News, Kosovo

Almost all the bakers of the old Yugoslavia were Albanians, from one small corner of Kosovo. They have lived through war and upheaval but the toughest test for some came in February this year when Kosovo broke away from Serbia.


The first poppies of summer are blood scarlet on the shores of the White Drim river as we drive out of Prizren, up onto the slopes of Mount Pashtrik.

當我們駛離Prizren市沿著Pashtrik山的山坡向上爬時,今年夏天第一批鮮紅血色的罌粟花在White Drim河岸邊正盛開著。

The lunchtime bread in the largest village, Djonaj, is white and so fresh it melts like chocolate in your mouth.


Dine Rexhbecaj is 50 and home for a short break to see his family. He has eight children, six girls and two boys. They live here while he works in distant Zagreb, in Croatia, seven or eight months of the year.

50歲的Dine Rexhbecaj利用短短的休假期間回來探視家人。他有八個小孩,其中六個是女孩,兩個是男孩。他們住在這裡,而他一年當中有六到八個月的時間是在離這裡很遠的克羅埃西亞的Zagreb這個地方工作。

"I like my work," he said. "But I would hope for something better for my children. Now that Kosovo is independent, I hope they can find work here and not travel abroad."


'Bread money'

The village streets bustle with women and children on their way home from school. Four little girls, each dressed in a different shade of pink, giggle by.


In a graveyard beside the road, children play ball, and brown cows graze among red and black Albanian flags.


Houses are being repaired with money sent from abroad, "bread money" one might call it. It goes towards new bathrooms in the traditional extended-family compounds, and to repair the tall outside walls and daunting gateways.


This is a male-dominated society but the men are gone, scattered to the four corners of the Balkans, to Serbia and Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.


Working a baker's dozen of hours each day, they roll out the much sought after burek - spinach or cheese, potato or meat-filled pies - round breads and crescent-moon-shaped rolls, star-scattered with sesame seeds.

麵包師父每天十幾個小時的工作中,他們做出許許多多極受歡迎的布雷卡 – 一種有菠菜或起司,馬鈴薯或肉餡的派 - 圓麵包和新月型麵包捲,佈滿了芝麻。

And when they finish their long shifts, the fathers can only dream of the children growing up without them.


"I started work as a baker in Montenegro when I was 13," Alush Maloku tells me in Planeja, a village at the end of a mountain road, hunched against the Albanian border.

"我13歲的時候在蒙特內格羅開始學習當麵包師傅,"Planeja村的Alush Maloku告訴我,這個村子在山路的盡頭,推進到阿爾巴尼亞的邊界。

"Then I came home and worked as a shepherd for 12 years."


Then he went back into baking, this time in western Serbia. All these places were part of one country, then Yugoslavia.


In 1979 when his father died, he came home to run the village shop. As the eldest son, he had to care for his family.


Trade map

We are sitting barefoot, cross-legged on a rug on his porch, looking across the valley at the ruins of his old house.


American B52 bombers blasted the Serbs into submission here in 1999 after the Albanian villagers had been driven out. The Serbian army, living in quarters nearby, sustained some of its heaviest losses in the air raids.


Unexploded bombs still lie buried deep in the earth. Alush said he knows of five people from a neighbouring village who have lost limbs as they stumbled across war litter.


"We paid a high price for liberation," he says.


"Why do all the men here become bakers?" I ask 79-year-old Azem Collaku from the village of Zym.

"為什麼這裡的男人都會成為麵包師傅? "我問一位來自Zym村79歲的Azem Collaku。

He rolls out a mental map of Kosovo, divided by traditional trades.


The bakers from the Harsi i Thata - the dry hearth - so called because of its paucity of water. The builders from a certain valley. The farmers from the flat, fertile lands between Prizren and Djakova.

麵包師傅來自Harsi i Thata也就是乾燥的爐灶之意,源自於當地缺乏水資源。建築工人來自某個山谷。農夫則是來自Prizren與Djakova間平坦肥沃的土地。

Azem worked for 40 years in the family bakery in northern Kosovo, in the ethnically-mixed town of Mitrovica. In 1999, when the Nato bombing started, the hostility of the local Serbs to the Albanians increased.


Like all the Albanians here, he tells the history of the Balkans in bakers' terms.


"We knew we were in trouble when the Serbs stopped delivering our flour," said Azem.


So they had to stop baking.


"The strange thing was, the day we fled the city, the flour we had paid for weeks before actually arrived. But by then it was too dangerous to stay," he added.


Radical youths

His son Afrim worked in the Serbian capital Belgrade until January this year. Then Serb refugees from Kosovo smashed the windows of the bakery in a spate of anger, on the eve of Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia.


"They didn't like the idea that we could come to work in their country, while they couldn't return to Kosovo," said Afrim, almost sympathetically.


But he is hopeful the bakery will soon re-open after the defeat of Serb nationalists in last weekend's elections.


Only a month ago, radical youths in Sombor, in northern Serbia, handed out free bread outside an Albanian-run bakery to try to drive it out of business.


And like-minded youths posted a film clip of themselves on the video sharing website YouTube setting fire to another Albanian bakery.


In the Kosovan capital Pristina, Ramadan and Lerim from the village of Djonaj load logs into their wood-burning ovens, and mix flour and water and great cakes of yeast from Serbia into a stainless-steel drum.


"There is no better job than this," Ramadan explains. "You can sleep soundly knowing that the money you spend you earned with your own sweat."


He blows out the candles, by the light of which he kneaded the new loaves. Only the early morning sunshine breaks through the windows here.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/05/17 11:07:05 GMT


2008年5月12日 星期一

A Basque encounter with pirates

A Basque encounter with pirates

By Nick Rankin
BBC, Spain

When a Spanish fishing boat, with its cargo and crew, was seized off the Horn of Africa recently, it prompted Madrid to call for the extradition of the hijackers and for international action against piracy.


For centuries, bold Basque sailors have ventured out on the seas that crash on their homeland in the Bay of Biscay.


Basques, chasing whale and cod, were probably the first Europeans to reach North America.


The Portuguese, Ferdinand Magellan, is credited with being the first man to sail around the world, but actually he died in the Philippines and it was a Basque, Juan Elkano from Getaria, who brought his ship home.

葡萄牙人,費迪南德麥哲倫被譽為首位環球航行的航海家,但事實上他在菲律賓時身亡,把他的船開回家的則是一位來自Getaria的巴斯克人Juan Elkano。

So when a Basque-owned tuna fishing boat called Playa de Bakio was seized off Somalia, with five Basque among its crew, the story was a big one in the Basque country. The press were keen to find out all about the kidnapped fishermen and their anxious relatives. Pictures were vital.

因此,當這艘名為Playa de Bakio的巴斯克捕鮪魚船以及船員中有五名巴斯克人,在離索馬利亞不遠的海上遭到挾持時,隨即成為巴斯克地區的頭條大新聞。記者們莫不努力的想找出任何與被綁架的漁夫以及他們焦急的親屬有關的大小事物。照片更是不可少。

"This is gold dust," said my friend Vincent, the Reuters photographer, tapping a good image of the fishing boat in the newspapers, next to personal ones of the crew.

"這實在是太難了," 我的朋友Vincent,同時也是路透社的攝影師,輕輕敲著報紙上一張漁船清晰的影像,對著身旁的一位組員這樣說。

"I wonder where they got those."



In the bad old days, foot-in-the-door journalists used to steal framed family photographs off the mantel, but nowadays a second with a digital camera is all a good snapper needs.


The day before Vincent had been photographing the daughter of one of the kidnapped sailors and he still had her phone number. I called her mobile to offer a crumb of reassurance.


I told her I had made a BBC radio programme about Somali pirates and had learned they did not usually harm foreign captives. All they wanted was the ransom money.


She told me the company was prepared to pay and I said that in that case her dad would soon be back safe. And indeed, after a million or so euros changed hands, the crew were freed.


A Basque newspaper interviewed Andrew Mwangura, the sensitive man who runs a charity that helps distressed African seafarers.

一間巴斯克的報社採訪了Andrew Mwangura,這個感情細膩的男人辦了一個慈善的團體,專門幫助那些痛苦的非洲船員。

"Hello, Andrew!" I said out loud reading the paper because I had spent time with him in Mombasa.

"嗨! Andrew! "正在看報紙的我大聲的喊了出來,因為我跟他在Mombasa(孟巴薩,肯亞第一大港)一起待了一段時間。

Andrew Mwangura explained that Somali piracy was a rational economic activity in a lawless country. There was no government to regulate the fishing grounds in the Indian ocean off Somalia.

Andrew Mwangura解釋說,索馬利人的海盜行為在這個無法可管的國度裡是種合理的經濟行為。而且沒有一個政府在離索馬利亞不遠的印度洋明定漁場。

The hijacked Playa de Bakio may have been licensed to fish for tuna, but scores of other European and Asian fishing boats trawl illicitly in Somali waters, running big risks for high returns.

被挾持的Playa de Bakio或許有補鮪魚的執照,但是大多數歐洲及亞洲的漁船,為了高報酬而甘冒極大的風險,在索馬利人的海域進行非法的拖網捕漁。

Mwangura estimated that this pirate fishing off Somalia is worth over £50 million a year. And so the Somali pirates in their turn levy a kind of privatised tax or toll on any foreign vessels they can seize, claiming territorial rights.


Civil War horror

A few days later, in the cemetery at Gernika, I ran into my own personal pirate.


Gernika is a place whose history has been fought over. In 1937, during the Spanish civil war, the town of Gernika was burned down. There were two different stories about what happened.


The Spanish victors of the civil war claimed that the communist citizens of Gernika blew up and burned their own town. The Basques said their town was fire-bombed by foreign aeroplanes as was indeed the case.


I wrote a book about George Steer, the Times journalist, whose truthful report of the Nazi bombing inspired Pablo Picasso to paint his famous, black and white picture, Guernica.

我為時代雜誌的記者George Steer寫過一本書,他誠實的報導了納粹的轟炸驅使畢卡索繪製了他著名的黑白作畫,Guernica。

The Basques have now put up a bust of this reporter, George Steer, in the town - and every year on the anniversary I accompany his son, who lays flowers at the tomb of the dead.

巴斯克人於是為這位記者George Steer在城裡立了一尊半身像 - 每個週年紀念日,我都會陪著他的兒子到死者的墓前獻花。

After this year's ceremony, I was told that someone who had written in Basque about George Steer wanted to meet me.

今年的典禮結束後,有個以巴斯克文為George Steer寫書的人說要來見我。

Intellectual pirates

He was my age, with the rough scruffy look that is the badge of authenticity among left-wing, Basque nationalists.


"Your book made me cry," he said, "so I copied it."

"你的書讓我感動得哭了," 他說,"所以我就拿來抄襲了。"

He handed me a slim volume for young people. The cover was instantly familiar, because it was the same as my own.


I still did not quite grasp that someone had picked my pocket and was now presenting me with my own wallet as a gift.


Only later did I find all the pictures were lifted, without credit or permission, and realise that the publishers were the same intellectual pirates from Navarra who had also ripped off G L Steer's original Spanish civil war book and copyrighted it themselves.

一直到我發現所有的照片未經許可的被剽竊之後,才知道Navarra這些出版商全都是些盜版商,他們同時也剽竊了G L Steer的原著西班牙內戰這本書並逕自將版權歸於他們。

It is territoriality again, anything about Basques they feel belongs to them.


Although they flout international laws of ownership, the Somali pirate and the Basque publisher both claim their action is somehow in the national interest. As Dr Johnson said: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."


Madrid called for the hijackers of their trawler to be extradited to Spain and for international action against piracy.


I won't hold my breath waiting for law and order to reach Somalia. But the Basque country is in Europe where intellectual property rights are more protected.


I am minded to go fishing for trouble, with a heavyweight copyright lawyer.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/05/10 13:11:40 GMT


2008年4月7日 星期一

Anti-French fury in the Comoros Islands

Anti-French fury in the Comoros Islands

After African Union troops were sent to remove the president of one of the Comoros Islands from power, a diplomatic crisis swiftly followed when Colonel Mohamed Bacar escaped, apparently with French assistance. Jonny Hogg watched events unfold on the ground.

從非盟派遣的部隊將葛摩其中一座島嶼的總統去除職權後,一場外交危機正接踵而至,顯然地在法國的協助下,Mohamed Bacar上校得已脫逃。Jonny Hogg在現場關注事件的發展。

My footsteps were the only sound and even they seemed muted in the damp, heavy darkness of a tropical night.


I was already regretting my decision to walk to the hotel to send an e-mail. It was too silent for a capital city.


Suddenly a figure emerged out of the shadows. I started and muttered the traditional greeting, "salaama".


"Salaama," came the reply in the darkness. I walked on but the figure was now turning, accosting me, seemingly angry.


A few minutes later I was a chastened man. Abdul - for that was his name - was not impressed that I had walked past him in the middle of the night without at least stopping to pass the time.

幾分鐘後,我成了個接受管束的人。Abdul – 這是他的名字 – 他對我在深夜裡從他身旁走過也不停下來寒暄一下感到非常不滿意。

I mumbled an apology. My nocturnal niceties evidently were not up to scratch. Abdul, having ticked me off, gave me a big smile.


"Perhaps we shall meet tomorrow when you are less stressed."


As I walked on, I was grinning in the dark.


The Comoros - or the Islands of the Moon - lie in a crescent shape in the Indian Ocean, north of Madagascar.


It is a volcanic archipelago and Grande Comore, the largest island, is dominated by the hulk of Karthala, one of the world's most active volcanoes.


Since 2005 it has erupted four times. Its forested slopes are streaked with the scars of old lava floes. The electric blue of the Indian Ocean laps against the jet black volcanic rock that forms the island's shoreline.


To the south are the islands of Moheli and Anjouan, separated by water but part of the Union of the Comoros nonetheless.



The country is infused with a vertigo-inducing sense of other-worldliness.


Rainbows burst at crazy angles from clouds that boil and surge on Karthala's flanks.


Large birds that circle above turn out not to be birds at all but giant bats, flapping eerily over the capital, Moroni, with slow, thoughtful wing beats.


It is not just the islands' volcanoes that are prone to eruptions.


Since gaining independence from France in 1975, this Muslim country has seen 20 coups which, if you are interested, works out at approximately one every 1.65 years.


What is so strange, however, is that the Comorians - desperately poor and with few job prospects - remain some of the most welcoming people I have ever met.

然而,非常奇怪的是葛摩人 - 窮得要死也幾乎沒什麼工作前景 – 卻仍是我所遇過最好客的人之一。

How does such political instability equate with the spiritual peace that seems to permeate the leisurely pace of life there?


In fairness, at least three of the coups were orchestrated by the French mercenary, Bob Denard.

公平地說,至少有三次的政變是由法國傭兵Bob Denard(鮑勃‧德納得)精心策劃的。

Anti-French protests

Once more, in recent days, the Comorians have had to contemplate the possibility that they are not masters of their own political fate.


In the space of a few hours, I saw the warmth and friendliness of a Comorian welcome turn into shaking fists and thrown stones. Anti-French protests swept the country.


Even the Comorian government said it appeared that France had been quietly helping the rebel Anjouanaise president, Mohamed Bacar.

就連葛摩政府也認為這看起來像是法國在暗中幫助反叛的安樹昂總統Mohamed Bacar。

He escaped by speedboat to the French island of Mayotte, evading 1,000 African Union and Comorian soldiers sent to remove him from power.


In the hours leading up to the invasion, people spoke of bringing Mohamed Bacar to justice for his alleged crimes.

準備入侵的幾個小時裡,人們談論著要使Mohamed Bacar因著自己可能的罪愆接受制裁。

One man said, shaking with anger: "We are ready to eat. It will not be easy to eat a whole man but we shall eat Mohamed Bacar."

其中一個人氣得全身發抖: "我們準備將Mohamed Bacar吃了,就算很不容易我們也打算把他吃了。"

Metaphorical perhaps, but so far the feast has been denied them. He is currently requesting asylum with France.


Just before the invasion, a helicopter carrying two French policemen crashed off the coast of Anjouan. The French authorities say it was surveying illegal fishing.


Graffiti in Moroni says: "Since when have the French ever surveyed illegal fishing?"

莫羅尼市的街頭上的塗鴉: "是什麼時候起法國曾調查非法捕漁? "

Some suspect the helicopter was there to rescue Bacar.


Ansur, a Comorian, told me that people might attack the French embassy in Moroni.


He is a neat, quiet English teacher and I hardly believed him. Yet when Colonel Bacar escaped and independent but unconfirmed reports said ammunition boxes addressed to the French embassy had been found in his headquarters, Ansur was proved right.


Throat-slitting gestures

He too was in the crowd, baying anti-French slogans as lines of police held them back.


I was told to leave because I was white and could be mistaken as French. The same people who had welcomed me so warmly made throat-slitting gestures as they went past.


Tear gas and bullets were used to disperse the crowd but emotions remained high.


The day after I left, the main hotel in Moroni was attacked after it was rumoured French nationals were hiding there.


"Time and time again the French have interfered in our country," Ansur told me with rage. "They must leave."


I liked the Comorian people very much, their passion and their gentleness. I do not know the truth of the political intrigue that swirls around the tiny archipelago but I hope that, when these latest tremors have died down, more people will visit the Islands of the Moon.


They will not regret it. And perhaps if you live in the shadow of a volcano, it is not surprising if you are a bit explosive.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/04/05 11:06:34 GMT


2008年3月21日 星期五

Fish key to reef climate survival

Fish key to reef climate survival
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent,
BBC News website

A healthy fish population could be the key to ensuring coral reefs survive the impacts of climate change, pollution, overfishing and other threats.


Australian scientists found that some fish act as "lawnmowers", keeping coral free of kelp and unwanted algae.


At a briefing to parliamentarians in Canberra, they said protected areas were rebuilding fish populations in some parts of the Great Barrier Reef.


Warming seas are likely to affect the reef severely within a few decades.


Pollution is also a growing problem, particularly fertilisers that wash from agricultural land into water around the reef, stimulating the growth of plants that stifle the coral.


Protect and survive

The assembled experts told parliamentarians that fish able to graze on invading plants played a vital role in the health of reef ecosystems.


"The Great Barrier Reef is still a resilient system... and herbivorous fish play a critical role in that regenerative capacity, by keeping the dead coral space free of algae, so that new juvenile coral can re-establish themselves," said Professor Terry Hughes from James Cook University in Townsville.

"大堡礁仍舊是一個具有彈性及恢復力的系統,這些草食性的魚類對再生能力起了關鍵性的作用,牠們使海藻無法佔據在已死去的珊瑚上,因此新生的珊瑚可以在上頭生長," Terry Hughes這位來自Townsville James Cook大學的教授說。

His research group has conducted experiments which involved building cages to keep fish away from sections of reef.


They found that three times as much new coral developed in areas where the fish were present as in the caged portions.


Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws to scrape off incipient algae and plants.


More recently, his team has also identified the rabbit fish - a brown, bland-looking species - as a potentially important harvester of seaweed.

另外,最近他的團隊也確認到褐籃子魚(臭肚) – 這種褐色、看起來性情溫和的魚類 – 是強而有力重要的海草收割機。

"So managing fisheries can help to maintain the reef's resilience to future climate change," he said.


In recent years, Marine Protected Areas have been set up along the Great Barrier Reef in order to provide sanctuaries where fish and other marine creatures can grow and develop.


Dr Peter Doherty from the Australian Institute of Marine Science presented data showing that just two years of protection brought significant increases in populations of important species such as coral trout and tropical snapper.

來自澳洲海洋科學學會的Peter Doherty博士提出的資料顯示,僅僅兩年的保育使得重要的魚類,如花斑刺鰓鮨及熱帶真鯛,在數量上都有顯著的成長。

"More importantly, more eggs are being produced... nearly three times the number of eggs per unit area being produced in the surrounding territory," he said.


The eggs, he showed, travelled well outside the boundaries of the protected zones, potentially increasing fish populations in non-protected areas too.


Burning issue

The scientists emphasised that a comprehensive approach to reef protection would include measures to lower greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce run-off from agricultural land and human settlements along the coast.


"You have got a three- to nine-fold increase in sediment loss," said Professor Iain Gordon from the governmental research organisation CSIRO.

"沉積物招致的損害已經由原來的三倍增加到九倍之多,"來自CSIRO政府研究組織的Iain Gordon教授說。

"[There are] increases in nutrients that feed into the system, nitrates and phosphates and also new kinds of chemicals in the water that is around the reef; pesticides and herbicides, they haven't been there before."


Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland noted that unusually warm water in 1998 and 2002 had bleached and damaged coral in southern parts of the Barrier Reef.

來自Queensland大學的Ove Hoegh-Guldberg教授注意到1998年及2000年異常溫暖的海水使得大堡礁南部的珊瑚白化與損害。

"The reef literally goes from being brown and healthy to being a stark white, and this happens with very small changes in temperature," he said.


In the past, he said, bleaching events happened only at the warm extremes of natural cycles such as El Nino; but now the overall water temperature is higher, which makes the peaks of the cycles more harmful to coral.


"Because sea temperatures are now a lot higher, they are now reaching the thresholds at which coral get into distress, and of course it is really large scale impacts."


At high temperatures, coral polyps expel the algae which normally live with them in a symbiotic relationship, turning the reef white. The algae typically provide most of the polyp's nutrition; without them, the polyps eventually die.


Even if a bleached zone contains live polyps and carries the potential to recover when waters cool, a quick invasion of kelp, or types of algae that do not live symbiotically with coral, can make the die-off permanent - hence the protective role of plant-munchng fish.

即使白化區仍有活著的珊瑚蟲,當水溫降了下來時還是有復原的機會,而巨藻或其它幾類無法與珊瑚共生的海藻的快速入侵下,致使珊瑚相繼死絕 - 由此可知這些大啖植物的魚類,牠們的保護作用。

The Great Barrier Reef is worth about six billion Australian dollars (US$5.5bn; £2.8bn) to the national economy, primarily through tourism and fishing.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/20 14:31:31 GMT


2008年3月19日 星期三

Nauru seeks to regain lost fortunes

Nauru seeks to regain lost fortunes
By Nick Squires
BBC, Nauru

There are not many countries you can bicycle around before breakfast. One of the very few is Nauru, a Pacific island nation halfway between Australia and Hawaii.


Dubbed Pleasant Island in the 18th Century by the captain of a passing British ship - it is the world's smallest independent republic, a coral speck dwarfed by the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.


On most assignments, one of the first tasks is to hire a car. On Nauru, it didn't really seem worth the bother, I opted instead for a battered mountain bike.


It took me about an hour and a half to cycle the narrow coast road, sweating profusely beneath the fierce equatorial sun. Before I knew it, I was back where I started. I had just circumnavigated the entire country.


Nauru may be little, but it once enjoyed enormous wealth. In fact Nauruans were among the richest people, per capita, in the world.


A quirk of nature means that their island consists of some of the world's purest phosphate - the legacy of millions of years of sea bird droppings reacting with an uplifted coral.

在大自然巧妙的安排下,他們的島嶼遍地都是全世界最精純的磷肥 - 是幾百萬年來海鳥的糞便與隆起的珊瑚起了化學作用所形成的。

Spending spree

From independence from Britain and Australia in 1968, until the 1990s, Nauru earned a fortune exporting its phosphate for fertiliser.


The decades of mining left the once-lush interior a bleak moonscape of strange, grey coral spikes - all that is left once the phosphate-rich top soil is scooped out of the ground - but Nauruans did not care.

數十年的開採使得一度蒼翠的內陸轉而猶如荒涼的月球表面般怪異,灰色的珊瑚長而銳利 – 一旦蘊藏豐富磷肥的表土由地面上被鏟走,剩下就是這些了 – 而諾魯人卻一點也不在意。

They gave up their jobs, brought in migrants from other Pacific islands to do the hot, dirty work of digging and sat back waiting for the royalty cheques to drop into their hands.


They then went on an extraordinary spending spree. Families who had never left the island would charter aircraft to take them on shopping expeditions in Hawaii, Fiji and Singapore.


Sports cars were imported, despite the fact that Nauru has only one paved road and the speed limit is 25mph.


A police chief memorably bought a sleek yellow Lamborghini, only to find he was too portly to fit in the driver's seat. "We just didn't know how to handle it all," a barefoot islander told me as he played his guitar beneath a tree.


"Hardly anyone thought of investing the money. Dollar notes were even used as toilet paper," his friend told me. "It's true," he insisted seeing my look of disbelief. "It was like every day was party day."


A procession of conmen and carpetbaggers persuaded successive governments to invest in a string of bizarre schemes, including a West End musical about the life of Leonardo da Vinci.


Nauru amassed a property portfolio of hotels and office blocks around the world. But corruption and downright incompetence took their toll and by the early part of this century, most of the assets had to be sold off to pay for the country's mounting debts.


Now all the money is gone.


Angry islanders

Signs of Nauru's former wealth are few and far between. Homes are dilapidated, with holes punched through their walls.


An area known as Location is one of the most squalid slums I have come across in the South Pacific, a concrete ghetto of smashed windows, stray dogs and graffiti.


The brand new cars which islanders bought are rusted wrecks smothered in tropical undergrowth.


Last week a mob of angry islanders burnt down Nauru's only prison in what the government said was politically motivated unrest orchestrated by a former president.


Now comes another blow to this Micronesian micro-nation. A refugee detention centre, set up by Australia seven years ago, will close down at the end of this month.


It was built by the government of Prime Minister John Howard at a time when hundreds of boat people were trying to reach Australia.


It proved a huge vote-winner, but Mr Howard was turfed out in November and his successor, Labour Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, swiftly moved to shut it down. Nauruans are distraught - the facility brought much-needed jobs and hundreds of big-spending contractors, police and officials.


Despite all these trials, Nauru is determined to get back on its feet. A new reformist government is hatching plans to establish the island as a pit-stop for international tuna boats to refuel and repair.


A mining company hopes to extract precious metals from the surrounding sea-bed. Phosphate mining has resumed with the government claiming there is another 30 years of reserves up in the scarred interior.



"We find ourselves in a big hole," concedes newly-elected president and former weight-lifting champion, Marcus Stephen. "We're doing our best to climb out of it. It won't be like in our heyday, but at least we'll be comfortable."

"我們好像掉到一個大坑洞裡,"這位新總統同時也是為前舉重冠軍得主Marcus Stephen承認說。"我們會盡最大的努力爬出來。雖然不會再像過去我們的全盛時期那樣,但至少我們將會舒服一點。"

Nauruans realise that the party is well and truly over.


Now comes the hangover and then, with luck, some sort of recovery. But it will take squeaky clean governance, hard work and rock-solid investments for Pleasant Island to once again live up to its name.


It may not yet be paradise lost, but it is most definitely paradise postponed.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/15 11:54:23 GMT


借用Chief Seattle's Statement西雅圖酋長宣言最後幾段做為本篇翻譯的感想,我想是非常足夠了。
Where is the thicket? Gone.叢林哪兒去了? 消失了!

Where is the Eagle? Gone.老鷹哪兒去了? 不見了!

The end of living and the beginning of survival.美好的生活已經結束, 殘喘求生的日子開始!

2008年3月12日 星期三

House of Augustus opens to public

House of Augustus opens to public
By Christian Fraser
BBC News, Rome

Almost 50 years ago, archaeologists searching for the ruined house of Augustus found a tiny clue buried deep in 2,000 years' worth of rubble overlooking the Forum in Rome.


The single fragment of painted plaster, discovered in masonry-filled rooms, led the experts to unearth a series of exquisite frescoes commissioned by the man who would later become Rome's first emperor.


On Sunday following decades of painstaking restoration, the frescoes in vivid shades of blue, red and ochre went on public show for the first time since they were painted in about 30BC.


One large room boasts a theatrical theme, its walls painted to resemble a stage with narrow side-doors.


High on the wall a comic mask peers through a small window.


Other trompe l'oeil designs include an elegant garden vista, yellow columns and even a meticulously sketched blackbird.


Builders' names preserved

The Rome authorities have spent nearly 2m euros preserving the four Augustus rooms - thought to comprise a dining-room, bedroom, an expansive reception hall at ground-level and a small study on the first floor.

羅馬當局已經花了近兩百萬歐元來保存四間奧古斯都的房間 – 應該包含了有一間餐廳、臥室、一樓高貴的宴會廳以及二樓一間小書房。

Experts say the frescoes are among the most splendid surviving examples of Roman wall paintings, on a par with those found in the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Archaeologists believe they may have been painted by an Egyptian.


In the large entrance hall, graffiti on one wall is believed to have been left by the builders, who seem to have sketched out geometric designs, possibly for mosaic floors, and left their names.


In 31BC Augustus - or Octavian, as he was then known - had triumphed over the combined forces of Mark Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium.

西元31年,奧古斯都 – 也就是當時的屋大維,在亞克興會戰中大勝馬克安東尼及埃及女皇佩托拉克聯合的軍隊。

The victory brought Egypt, and with it immense wealth, into the empire.


But if the frescoes on the walls are exquisite, their surroundings, though impressive, with vaulted ceilings, are less than palatial.


The Roman historian Suetonius described how Augustus lived in a modest house on the Palatine before he assumed supreme power and built a sprawling imperial complex higher up the hill.


Painstaking reconstruction

The great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, he took the name Augustus on becoming sole ruler in 27BC after the civil wars that followed Julius Caesar's assassination.


His rise ended the Roman Republic and marked the beginning of the Roman Empire. He died in AD14.


Some of his interior decoration was found intact when the Italian archaeologist Professor Gianfilippo Carettoni finally broke through to the rooms in the early 1970s.

1970年初,當義大利的考古學家Gianfilippo Carettoni教授排除萬難進到這幾間室內時,一些內部的裝飾仍是完好如初。

Other frescoes had to be pieced together from fragments found by a team led by Irene Jacopi, the archaeologist in charge of the Palatine Hill.

負責管理帕拉蒂尼山的考古學家Irene Jacopi所領軍的團隊,則必須由尋獲的碎片中將其他的壁畫拼湊出來。

The art is so delicate that no more than five visitors at a time will be able to enter the rooms. Nevertheless, they are expected to attract large crowds.


Recent archaeological work in Rome has boosted tourism by as much as 40%, according to the city authorities.


The Palatine Hill has been giving up new finds for years, although much of the site is off limits to visitors and under threat of subsidence.


Future revelations

The minister of culture, Francesco Rutelli, said that 12m euros had been set aside to help protect the extensive ruins.

文化部長Francesco Rutelli說撥出的這一千兩百萬歐元是用來幫助保護這片廣闊的廢墟。

Mr Rutelli, who is standing for election as mayor of Rome next month, described the opening of the Augustus rooms as an "extraordinary event, the fruit of decades of work".


"Ancient history is here," he said. "Every day you have a new discovery. It's incredible - in the very heart of the city, in the middle of the traffic and ordinary life."

"古代歷史就在這裡,"他說。"每天都有新發現。這實在是太不可思議了 - 而且就在市中心,在車水馬龍、在日常生活中。"

In November last year archaeologists located a grotto deep beneath Augustus's imperial palace that may have been the shrine where ancient Romans worshipped Romulus, the founder of the city according to legend.


Next year archaeologists hope to open to the public Augustus's mausoleum - once a monument in white travertine marble that is now an overgrown ruin.


From Monday entry to the Roman Forum will no longer be free. Instead, visitors must pay 11 euros ($16; £8) for a combined ticket that will give entry to the Forum, the Palatine Hill and the nearby Colosseum.


Officials say the proceeds will fund increased security and restoration work around Rome. "There are exciting new finds every month," said Mr Rutelli, "and we need this money to preserve these treasures for future generations".


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/09 14:59:46 GMT


2008年2月21日 星期四

Leaving Captain Cook's 'paradise'

Leaving Captain Cook's 'paradise'
By Nick Squires
BBC, Cook Islands

With their blue lagoons, white sand beaches and palm trees, the Cook Islands present, at first glance, a vision of paradise. But the islands are also experiencing a slow exodus as people seek a better standard of living.


It is all but impossible to get lost on Rarotonga, the picturesque main island of the Cook Islands.
There are two roads and two buses. The front of each bus bears a sign which indicates its destination, or rather its direction.


One is marked Clockwise, the other Anti-clockwise, and they leave from the Cook Islands' sleepy capital, Avarua.


Forty minutes is all it takes to go right round the island, which is only 20 miles (32km) in circumference.


Before you know it, you are back where you started.


The bus travels along a winding coastal road, passing smart beach resorts, quiet villages and beautiful 19th-Century churches built out of crushed coral and lime, dazzling white in the sunshine.


But between the fields of ripening paw paw and the luxuriant hedges of bougainvillea and hibiscus you also see many empty houses, shuttered and forlorn, slowly mouldering in the tropical heat.

但是在成熟的paw paw樹、濃密的九重葛樹籬與木槿重重交錯間,依然可窺見許多空蕩蕩的房子,窗板關著、孤寂荒涼,然後在熱帶暑氣中逐漸崩塌。

Doors and windows are boarded up, the gardens have run riot and there is often an old car rusting away in the drive.


They are the homes of Cook Islanders who have left the country in search of higher-paying jobs and better education for their children.


Most of them go to New Zealand. A special arrangement means that islanders are automatically entitled to Kiwi citizenship.


Others make their way to Australia or the United States.


Dramatic scenery

Depopulation is a huge issue here. About 14,000 people live in the Cooks but another 80,000 live overseas, with big expatriate communities in Auckland, Wellington and Sydney.


At first glance you wonder why anyone in their right mind would possibly want to leave a place like this.


The Cook Islands are the epitome of the South Seas tropical hideaway.


The beaches are long and all but empty, the sand is bone white, the lagoons a hundred different shades of blue and the coral reefs home to jewel-like tropical fish and giant clams.


As a local tourism slogan goes: "Visit Heaven - while you're still on Earth."

就像當地旅遊業的標語所傳達的: "造訪天堂 – 趁你還活著的時候。"

Fifteen islands make up this tiny country, scattered over an area of ocean the size of Western Europe.


Rarotonga is particularly dramatic, a volcanic remnant with a mountainous interior made up of dark green peaks, razorback ridges and sheer cliffs.


The Cook Islands' beauty and its laid-back pace of life have ensured that tourism is the main employer and the biggest earner.


Honeymooners flock here, as do people wanting to get married on the beach.


The place is choc-a-bloc with canoodling lovebirds, so much so that I often felt I was the only lone traveller in the whole country.


Cannibal tourism

As if romance and resorts are not enough to entice tourists, Cook Islanders are also happy to play up their sometimes bloodthirsty past.


In other parts of the Pacific the mere mention of the C-word - cannibalism - can cause grave offence. But here the locals make light of their ancestors' habit of eating their enemies.


I came across T-shirts being sold in the local market with a cartoon of an islander dangling a boggle-eyed white man over a steaming pot. "Send more tourists," the caption read. "The last lot were delicious."


A boat skipper I met recounted with relish how his ancestors would prepare a large underground oven - or umu - in which to cook their victims.


"In those days if you made one little mistake, we'd eat you," he said, chuckling to himself. "But then the missionaries came and people realised that they shouldn't eat each other any more."



The captain was telling me this as we cruised the lagoon of Aitutaki, an island to the north of Rarotonga.


The lagoon, acclaimed as the most beautiful in the world, is enclosed by a string of idyllic sandy islands.


Some of them were used earlier this year for the latest series of Survivor, the American reality TV show.

就在今年(2006)年初時,其中幾座小島還被拿來做為最新一季Survivor(我要活下去) - 這個美國實境節目秀的拍攝地點。

They have also been the setting for a British show, Shipwrecked. Together these productions have brought millions of pounds and hundreds of jobs.


Many islanders told me of friends and relatives who have decided to come home after years abroad.


They also seem to have coincided with a renewed sense of optimism.


Typical of the trend was a guide called Nga who took me on a tour of Aitutaki's interior in his bright yellow Landrover.


He spent 10 years working in a paper mill in Melbourne. "I got sick of the rat race," he said. "So I decided to come home."


He now has a thriving business. "A lot of people are coming back," he said as we jolted along a rough dirt track built by the Americans in World War II.


It would, however, require a truly epic economic renaissance to tempt back even half the Cook Islands' far-flung diaspora.


That is unlikely to happen any time soon. The islands will retain their easy-going charm and sense of isolation.


A taxi driver I met, a formidable matriarch with five grandchildren, put it this way: "God gave us a little piece of paradise in this secret corner of the world."

我遇到一位計程車司機,她是位望而生畏、有五個孫子的女族長,她這樣表達她的看法: "神所賜予我們的是在這世界偏遠角落裡的一小塊樂土"。

Anywhere else, that would sound like tourist brochure hype. Down here in the Cook Islands, they really mean it.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/11/04 13:24:57 GMT

2008年2月19日 星期二

The wave that destroyed Atlantis

The wave that destroyed Atlantis
By Harvey Lilley
BBC Timewatch

The legend of Atlantis, the country that disappeared under the sea, may be more than just a myth. Research on the Greek island of Crete suggests Europe's earliest civilisation was destroyed by a giant tsunami.


Until about 3,500 years ago, a spectacular ancient civilisation was flourishing in the Eastern Mediterranean.


The ancient Minoans were building palaces, paved streets and sewers, while most Europeans were still living in primitive huts.


But around 1500BC the people who spawned the myths of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth abruptly disappeared. Now the mystery of their cataclysmic end may finally have been solved.


A group of scientists have uncovered new evidence that the island of Crete was hit by a massive tsunami at the same time that Minoan culture disappeared.


"The geo-archaeological deposits contain a number of distinct tsunami signatures," says Dutch-born geologist Professor Hendrik Bruins of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

"地質考古的沉積物當中含有數個明確的海嘯特徵," 來自以色列Negev Ben-Gurion大學的荷籍地質學教授Hendrik Bruins這麼說。

"Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna.


"The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop," says Professor Bruins.

"只有藉威力強大的海嘯這樣的機制,才有可能將後者從海床上舀起,毀滅性的一瞬間將所有物質同時傾洩," Bruins教授說。

The deposits are up to seven metres above sea level, well above the normal reach of storm waves.


"An event of ferocious force hit the coast of Crete and this wasn't just a Mediterranean storm," says Professor Bruins.

"一個地中海的暴風是不可能以這種雷霆萬鈞之勢侵襲克里特島沿岸的," Bruins教授說。

Big wave

The Minoans were sailors and traders. Most of their towns were along the coast, making them especially vulnerable to the effects of a tsunami.


One of their largest settlements was at Palaikastro on the eastern edge of the island, one of the sites where Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years.

他們其中一座最大的聚落就建在島上東邊的Palaikastro,加拿大的考古學家Sandy MacGillivray在其中一個遺址從事挖掘工作已經有25年了。

Here, he has found other tell-tale signs such as buildings where the walls facing the sea are missing but side walls which could have survived a giant wave are left intact.


"All of a sudden a lot of the deposits began making sense to us," says MacGillivary.


"Even though the town of Palaikastro is a port it stretched hundreds of metres into the hinterland and is, in places, at least 15 metres above sea level. This was a big wave."


But if this evidence is so clear why has it not been discovered before now?


Tsunami expert Costas Synolakis, from the University of Southern California, says that the study of ancient tsunamis is in its infancy and people have not, until now, really known what to look for.

來自南加州大學的海嘯專家Costas Synolakis表示,對於研究古代所發生的海嘯還在初期的階段,一直到現在人們才真正了解要找的是什麼。

Many scientists are still of the view that these waves only blasted material away and did not leave much behind in the way of deposits.


But observation of the Asian tsunami of 2004 changed all that.


"If you remember the video footage," says Costas, "some of it showed tonnes of debris being carried along by the wave and much of it was deposited inland."

"如果你對電視幾個鏡頭還有印象," Costas說,"大浪一路挾帶了幾公噸的碎石瓦礫,而大部份都沉積在內陸。"

Volcanic eruption

Costas Synolakis has come to the conclusion that the wave would have been as powerful as the one that devastated the coastlines of Thailand and Sri Lanka on Boxing day 2004 leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives.

Costas Synolakis已做出了一個結論,他認為在這裡曾遭逢的巨浪威力可能與發生在2004年耶誕節次日導致超過二十五萬人喪生並且蹂躪泰國及斯里蘭卡沿岸的海嘯是一樣的。

After decades studying the Minoans, MacGillivray is struck by the scale of the destruction.


"The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. Now, you go to Bande Aceh [in Indonesia] and you find that the mortality rate is 80%. If we're looking at a similar mortality rate, that's the end of the Minoans."


But what caused the tsunami? The scientists have obtained radiocarbon dates for the deposits that show the tsunami could have hit the coast at exactly the same time as an eruption of the Santorini volcano, 70 km north of Crete, in the middle of the second millennium BC.

但,是什麼引發了海嘯? 科學家對沉積物做碳-14定年法所測得的時間,也就是海嘯侵襲的那個時間,與克里特島北方70公里處的聖托里尼火山爆發時間相當穩合,約是在西元前第二個千禧年中間。

Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. It caused massive climatic disruption and the blast was heard over 3000 miles away.


Costas Synolakis thinks that the collapse of Santorini's giant volcanic cone into the sea during the eruption was the mechanism that generated a wave large enough to destroy the Minoan coastal towns.

Costas Synolakis認為聖托里尼火山在爆發時,巨大的火山錐崩塌到海裡所產生的浪,大到足以毀掉邁諾安沿海的城鎮。

It is not clear if the tsunami could have reached inland to the Minoan capital at Knossos, but the fallout from the volcano would have carried other consequences - massive ash falls and crop failure. With their ports, trading fleet and navy destroyed, the Minoans would never have fully recovered.

海嘯是否侵襲至內陸的邁諾安首都克諾索斯,目前尚不清楚,但是火山爆發的餘波必定招至其它的後果 – 大規模的落塵以及農作物的欠收。由於他們的港口、貿易艦隊及海軍都被摧毀,邁諾安人要完全恢復到原狀是不可能的。

The myth of Atlantis, the city state that was lost beneath the sea, was first mentioned by Plato over 2000 years ago.


It has had a hold on the popular imagination for centuries.


Perhaps we now have an explanation of its origin - a folk memory of a real ancient civilisation swallowed by the sea.

一段民間記憶記載了一個真實存在但最後卻被大海吞沒的古老文明 – 也許我們現在可以解釋它的由來了。

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/04/20 08:05:45 GMT

在另一篇報導裡曾引用詩人艾略特在The Hollow Man幾句著名的詩句:
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
This is the way the world ends 就這樣世界終結
Not with a bang but a whimper 不發轟然巨響而只嗚咽

2008年2月15日 星期五

The Med's 'forgotten' island

The Med's 'forgotten' island
By John Pickford
BBC, Gavdos

It is hard to imagine a more spectacular edge of a continent.


On the crest of a 1,000ft (304m) ridge, stupendous cliffs dip to the Libyan Sea. Africa lies 180 miles (289km) to the south, closer than Athens. To the north loom the Cretan mountains.


Sperm whales are sometimes sighted off Gavdos, in what is one of the deepest parts of the Mediterranean, and from its southern cliffs you see an endless traffic of container ships and tankers, plying the sea lanes between Suez and Europe.


But Gavdos feels by-passed by this global trade. Homer described it as "a world apart" and 27 centuries on that still seems right.


It was the scene, he tells us, of the shipwreck of Odysseus on his way home from Troy.
He was rescued by the alluring goddess of the island, Calypso. She warmed him beside a fire of cedar wood and held him in pampered imprisonment for seven years.


Population decline

And Gavdos, as the myth suggests, does have charm.


It is a small island about 10 square miles and looks surprisingly green given the harshness of the climate. Summer temperatures of 40C (104F) are a regular occurrence.


The greenness comes from a carpeting of pine trees and scrub, but beneath it lies a lost world, as abandoned terraces built up by peasant families through centuries of toil revert to wilderness.


Gavdos for decades has been haemorrhaging people. The 500 or more on the island at the beginning of the last century has fallen to fewer than 100 today.


At the last census in 2001, the biggest village - Kastri - had just 23 residents.


Numbers do swell with an influx of young visitors in July and August, drawn by free camping, nude bathing and unstructured hedonism on the island's beaches. But the kind of organised tourism that has transformed - and in some cases wrecked - other Greek islands has so far passed Gavdos by.


Vivid procession

What is more remarkable, perhaps, is not the people who have left but the ones who have stayed, and who have kept some kind of economy going that has traces still of the old island life.


You see this vividly when the ferry turns up. In winter, there is only one a week and it is often delayed by bad weather.


The first sign of its approach is an amazing procession of battered, wheezing vehicles assembling on the harbour front. By the time the ferry's docked in the little harbour of Karabe, half the island, it seems, has arrived.


There is the grey-bearded Greek Orthodox priest playfully poking a farmer in the back as he swings a fertiliser bag onto his shoulders. That is the tousle-haired island baker collecting his flour.


There is the young doctor in his white van. Fresh graduates from medical school can do a six-month stint on Gavdos in place of military service.


There is the Earth Mother of the island, Evangelina Tsigonakis, whose solitary taverna in Karabe is the one place out of season where you can be sure of finding food, drink and other people.

Evangelina Tsigonakis在島上Karabe開設的唯一一間小酒館Earth Mother是不分時令的,在這裡你一定可以找到食物、酒還有其他的同好。

And that man wheeling a lorry tyre onto the boat is surely the one who passed me the other day on his moped with a shotgun over his shoulder.


They are a resilient and, on the whole, a cheerful bunch.



And, in fact, these stalwarts of the island have more reason now to be optimistic than for many a year.


Two extraordinary developments in the wider political world have combined to put Gavdos on the map in a way that no-one could have predicted.


First in 1996 during the planning of a Nato exercise south of Crete, Turkey suddenly announced that Gavdos should be kept out of the exercise because it fell into a "grey area" so far as its sovereignty was concerned.


This bombshell rocked the whole of Greece, but so far the outcome for Gavdos has been benign.


The Greek prime minister actually paid a visit, and over the past seven years funds from both the Greek government and the European Union have poured in.


New arrivals

Gavdos at last has a few metalled roads. It has a reliable electricity supply, an impressive new harbour, a heliport and even an open-air theatre.


Then in 2002, it was discovered that a leading member of the November 17 terror network - based in Greece - who had just been arrested, had been living on Gavdos more or less openly for years.


The islanders were astonished. They had known him as an amiable beekeeper.


This second bombshell brought more publicity and a new kind of tourist: fashionable Athenians who come in the searing heat of August to sample an exotic curiosity, the forgotten island on their doorstep.

這第二次的突發事件不但讓Gavdos知名度大增,也帶來了不一樣的觀光客: 時尚的雅典人在酷熱的八月來到這裡體驗充滿異國風情的驚奇,那個彷彿在他們門階上,一個被遺忘的島嶼。

The most positive consequence of all this attention must surely be the re-opening of the primary school.


It now has nine pupils and a new school building in a breathtaking location. There it sits on top of the ridge in the centre of the island, Africa to the south, Europe to the north, sea views all round, on the edge of a continent.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/01/24 14:41:50 GMT