2008年5月19日 星期一

The Balkans' bakers keep on rolling

The Balkans' bakers keep on rolling

By Nick Thorpe
BBC News, Kosovo

Almost all the bakers of the old Yugoslavia were Albanians, from one small corner of Kosovo. They have lived through war and upheaval but the toughest test for some came in February this year when Kosovo broke away from Serbia.


The first poppies of summer are blood scarlet on the shores of the White Drim river as we drive out of Prizren, up onto the slopes of Mount Pashtrik.

當我們駛離Prizren市沿著Pashtrik山的山坡向上爬時,今年夏天第一批鮮紅血色的罌粟花在White Drim河岸邊正盛開著。

The lunchtime bread in the largest village, Djonaj, is white and so fresh it melts like chocolate in your mouth.


Dine Rexhbecaj is 50 and home for a short break to see his family. He has eight children, six girls and two boys. They live here while he works in distant Zagreb, in Croatia, seven or eight months of the year.

50歲的Dine Rexhbecaj利用短短的休假期間回來探視家人。他有八個小孩,其中六個是女孩,兩個是男孩。他們住在這裡,而他一年當中有六到八個月的時間是在離這裡很遠的克羅埃西亞的Zagreb這個地方工作。

"I like my work," he said. "But I would hope for something better for my children. Now that Kosovo is independent, I hope they can find work here and not travel abroad."


'Bread money'

The village streets bustle with women and children on their way home from school. Four little girls, each dressed in a different shade of pink, giggle by.


In a graveyard beside the road, children play ball, and brown cows graze among red and black Albanian flags.


Houses are being repaired with money sent from abroad, "bread money" one might call it. It goes towards new bathrooms in the traditional extended-family compounds, and to repair the tall outside walls and daunting gateways.


This is a male-dominated society but the men are gone, scattered to the four corners of the Balkans, to Serbia and Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.


Working a baker's dozen of hours each day, they roll out the much sought after burek - spinach or cheese, potato or meat-filled pies - round breads and crescent-moon-shaped rolls, star-scattered with sesame seeds.

麵包師父每天十幾個小時的工作中,他們做出許許多多極受歡迎的布雷卡 – 一種有菠菜或起司,馬鈴薯或肉餡的派 - 圓麵包和新月型麵包捲,佈滿了芝麻。

And when they finish their long shifts, the fathers can only dream of the children growing up without them.


"I started work as a baker in Montenegro when I was 13," Alush Maloku tells me in Planeja, a village at the end of a mountain road, hunched against the Albanian border.

"我13歲的時候在蒙特內格羅開始學習當麵包師傅,"Planeja村的Alush Maloku告訴我,這個村子在山路的盡頭,推進到阿爾巴尼亞的邊界。

"Then I came home and worked as a shepherd for 12 years."


Then he went back into baking, this time in western Serbia. All these places were part of one country, then Yugoslavia.


In 1979 when his father died, he came home to run the village shop. As the eldest son, he had to care for his family.


Trade map

We are sitting barefoot, cross-legged on a rug on his porch, looking across the valley at the ruins of his old house.


American B52 bombers blasted the Serbs into submission here in 1999 after the Albanian villagers had been driven out. The Serbian army, living in quarters nearby, sustained some of its heaviest losses in the air raids.


Unexploded bombs still lie buried deep in the earth. Alush said he knows of five people from a neighbouring village who have lost limbs as they stumbled across war litter.


"We paid a high price for liberation," he says.


"Why do all the men here become bakers?" I ask 79-year-old Azem Collaku from the village of Zym.

"為什麼這裡的男人都會成為麵包師傅? "我問一位來自Zym村79歲的Azem Collaku。

He rolls out a mental map of Kosovo, divided by traditional trades.


The bakers from the Harsi i Thata - the dry hearth - so called because of its paucity of water. The builders from a certain valley. The farmers from the flat, fertile lands between Prizren and Djakova.

麵包師傅來自Harsi i Thata也就是乾燥的爐灶之意,源自於當地缺乏水資源。建築工人來自某個山谷。農夫則是來自Prizren與Djakova間平坦肥沃的土地。

Azem worked for 40 years in the family bakery in northern Kosovo, in the ethnically-mixed town of Mitrovica. In 1999, when the Nato bombing started, the hostility of the local Serbs to the Albanians increased.


Like all the Albanians here, he tells the history of the Balkans in bakers' terms.


"We knew we were in trouble when the Serbs stopped delivering our flour," said Azem.


So they had to stop baking.


"The strange thing was, the day we fled the city, the flour we had paid for weeks before actually arrived. But by then it was too dangerous to stay," he added.


Radical youths

His son Afrim worked in the Serbian capital Belgrade until January this year. Then Serb refugees from Kosovo smashed the windows of the bakery in a spate of anger, on the eve of Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia.


"They didn't like the idea that we could come to work in their country, while they couldn't return to Kosovo," said Afrim, almost sympathetically.


But he is hopeful the bakery will soon re-open after the defeat of Serb nationalists in last weekend's elections.


Only a month ago, radical youths in Sombor, in northern Serbia, handed out free bread outside an Albanian-run bakery to try to drive it out of business.


And like-minded youths posted a film clip of themselves on the video sharing website YouTube setting fire to another Albanian bakery.


In the Kosovan capital Pristina, Ramadan and Lerim from the village of Djonaj load logs into their wood-burning ovens, and mix flour and water and great cakes of yeast from Serbia into a stainless-steel drum.


"There is no better job than this," Ramadan explains. "You can sleep soundly knowing that the money you spend you earned with your own sweat."


He blows out the candles, by the light of which he kneaded the new loaves. Only the early morning sunshine breaks through the windows here.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/05/17 11:07:05 GMT


2008年5月12日 星期一

A Basque encounter with pirates

A Basque encounter with pirates

By Nick Rankin
BBC, Spain

When a Spanish fishing boat, with its cargo and crew, was seized off the Horn of Africa recently, it prompted Madrid to call for the extradition of the hijackers and for international action against piracy.


For centuries, bold Basque sailors have ventured out on the seas that crash on their homeland in the Bay of Biscay.


Basques, chasing whale and cod, were probably the first Europeans to reach North America.


The Portuguese, Ferdinand Magellan, is credited with being the first man to sail around the world, but actually he died in the Philippines and it was a Basque, Juan Elkano from Getaria, who brought his ship home.

葡萄牙人,費迪南德麥哲倫被譽為首位環球航行的航海家,但事實上他在菲律賓時身亡,把他的船開回家的則是一位來自Getaria的巴斯克人Juan Elkano。

So when a Basque-owned tuna fishing boat called Playa de Bakio was seized off Somalia, with five Basque among its crew, the story was a big one in the Basque country. The press were keen to find out all about the kidnapped fishermen and their anxious relatives. Pictures were vital.

因此,當這艘名為Playa de Bakio的巴斯克捕鮪魚船以及船員中有五名巴斯克人,在離索馬利亞不遠的海上遭到挾持時,隨即成為巴斯克地區的頭條大新聞。記者們莫不努力的想找出任何與被綁架的漁夫以及他們焦急的親屬有關的大小事物。照片更是不可少。

"This is gold dust," said my friend Vincent, the Reuters photographer, tapping a good image of the fishing boat in the newspapers, next to personal ones of the crew.

"這實在是太難了," 我的朋友Vincent,同時也是路透社的攝影師,輕輕敲著報紙上一張漁船清晰的影像,對著身旁的一位組員這樣說。

"I wonder where they got those."



In the bad old days, foot-in-the-door journalists used to steal framed family photographs off the mantel, but nowadays a second with a digital camera is all a good snapper needs.


The day before Vincent had been photographing the daughter of one of the kidnapped sailors and he still had her phone number. I called her mobile to offer a crumb of reassurance.


I told her I had made a BBC radio programme about Somali pirates and had learned they did not usually harm foreign captives. All they wanted was the ransom money.


She told me the company was prepared to pay and I said that in that case her dad would soon be back safe. And indeed, after a million or so euros changed hands, the crew were freed.


A Basque newspaper interviewed Andrew Mwangura, the sensitive man who runs a charity that helps distressed African seafarers.

一間巴斯克的報社採訪了Andrew Mwangura,這個感情細膩的男人辦了一個慈善的團體,專門幫助那些痛苦的非洲船員。

"Hello, Andrew!" I said out loud reading the paper because I had spent time with him in Mombasa.

"嗨! Andrew! "正在看報紙的我大聲的喊了出來,因為我跟他在Mombasa(孟巴薩,肯亞第一大港)一起待了一段時間。

Andrew Mwangura explained that Somali piracy was a rational economic activity in a lawless country. There was no government to regulate the fishing grounds in the Indian ocean off Somalia.

Andrew Mwangura解釋說,索馬利人的海盜行為在這個無法可管的國度裡是種合理的經濟行為。而且沒有一個政府在離索馬利亞不遠的印度洋明定漁場。

The hijacked Playa de Bakio may have been licensed to fish for tuna, but scores of other European and Asian fishing boats trawl illicitly in Somali waters, running big risks for high returns.

被挾持的Playa de Bakio或許有補鮪魚的執照,但是大多數歐洲及亞洲的漁船,為了高報酬而甘冒極大的風險,在索馬利人的海域進行非法的拖網捕漁。

Mwangura estimated that this pirate fishing off Somalia is worth over £50 million a year. And so the Somali pirates in their turn levy a kind of privatised tax or toll on any foreign vessels they can seize, claiming territorial rights.


Civil War horror

A few days later, in the cemetery at Gernika, I ran into my own personal pirate.


Gernika is a place whose history has been fought over. In 1937, during the Spanish civil war, the town of Gernika was burned down. There were two different stories about what happened.


The Spanish victors of the civil war claimed that the communist citizens of Gernika blew up and burned their own town. The Basques said their town was fire-bombed by foreign aeroplanes as was indeed the case.


I wrote a book about George Steer, the Times journalist, whose truthful report of the Nazi bombing inspired Pablo Picasso to paint his famous, black and white picture, Guernica.

我為時代雜誌的記者George Steer寫過一本書,他誠實的報導了納粹的轟炸驅使畢卡索繪製了他著名的黑白作畫,Guernica。

The Basques have now put up a bust of this reporter, George Steer, in the town - and every year on the anniversary I accompany his son, who lays flowers at the tomb of the dead.

巴斯克人於是為這位記者George Steer在城裡立了一尊半身像 - 每個週年紀念日,我都會陪著他的兒子到死者的墓前獻花。

After this year's ceremony, I was told that someone who had written in Basque about George Steer wanted to meet me.

今年的典禮結束後,有個以巴斯克文為George Steer寫書的人說要來見我。

Intellectual pirates

He was my age, with the rough scruffy look that is the badge of authenticity among left-wing, Basque nationalists.


"Your book made me cry," he said, "so I copied it."

"你的書讓我感動得哭了," 他說,"所以我就拿來抄襲了。"

He handed me a slim volume for young people. The cover was instantly familiar, because it was the same as my own.


I still did not quite grasp that someone had picked my pocket and was now presenting me with my own wallet as a gift.


Only later did I find all the pictures were lifted, without credit or permission, and realise that the publishers were the same intellectual pirates from Navarra who had also ripped off G L Steer's original Spanish civil war book and copyrighted it themselves.

一直到我發現所有的照片未經許可的被剽竊之後,才知道Navarra這些出版商全都是些盜版商,他們同時也剽竊了G L Steer的原著西班牙內戰這本書並逕自將版權歸於他們。

It is territoriality again, anything about Basques they feel belongs to them.


Although they flout international laws of ownership, the Somali pirate and the Basque publisher both claim their action is somehow in the national interest. As Dr Johnson said: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."


Madrid called for the hijackers of their trawler to be extradited to Spain and for international action against piracy.


I won't hold my breath waiting for law and order to reach Somalia. But the Basque country is in Europe where intellectual property rights are more protected.


I am minded to go fishing for trouble, with a heavyweight copyright lawyer.


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/05/10 13:11:40 GMT