After African Union troops were sent to remove the president of one of the Comoros Islands from power, a diplomatic crisis swiftly followed when Colonel Mohamed Bacar escaped, apparently with French assistance. Jonny Hogg watched events unfold on the ground.
從非盟派遣的部隊將葛摩其中一座島嶼的總統去除職權後,一場外交危機正接踵而至,顯然地在法國的協助下,Mohamed Bacar上校得已脫逃。Jonny Hogg在現場關注事件的發展。
My footsteps were the only sound and even they seemed muted in the damp, heavy darkness of a tropical night.

I was already regretting my decision to walk to the hotel to send an e-mail. It was too silent for a capital city.
Suddenly a figure emerged out of the shadows. I started and muttered the traditional greeting, "salaama".
"Salaama," came the reply in the darkness. I walked on but the figure was now turning, accosting me, seemingly angry.
A few minutes later I was a chastened man. Abdul - for that was his name - was not impressed that I had walked past him in the middle of the night without at least stopping to pass the time.
幾分鐘後,我成了個接受管束的人。Abdul – 這是他的名字 – 他對我在深夜裡從他身旁走過也不停下來寒暄一下感到非常不滿意。
I mumbled an apology. My nocturnal niceties evidently were not up to scratch. Abdul, having ticked me off, gave me a big smile.
"Perhaps we shall meet tomorrow when you are less stressed."
As I walked on, I was grinning in the dark.
The Comoros - or the Islands of the Moon - lie in a crescent shape in the Indian Ocean, north of Madagascar.
It is a volcanic archipelago and Grande Comore, the largest island, is dominated by the hulk of Karthala, one of the world's most active volcanoes.
Since 2005 it has erupted four times. Its forested slopes are streaked with the scars of old lava floes. The electric blue of the Indian Ocean laps against the jet black volcanic rock that forms the island's shoreline.
To the south are the islands of Moheli and Anjouan, separated by water but part of the Union of the Comoros nonetheless.

The country is infused with a vertigo-inducing sense of other-worldliness.
Rainbows burst at crazy angles from clouds that boil and surge on Karthala's flanks.
Large birds that circle above turn out not to be birds at all but giant bats, flapping eerily over the capital, Moroni, with slow, thoughtful wing beats.
It is not just the islands' volcanoes that are prone to eruptions.
Since gaining independence from France in 1975, this Muslim country has seen 20 coups which, if you are interested, works out at approximately one every 1.65 years.
What is so strange, however, is that the Comorians - desperately poor and with few job prospects - remain some of the most welcoming people I have ever met.
然而,非常奇怪的是葛摩人 - 窮得要死也幾乎沒什麼工作前景 – 卻仍是我所遇過最好客的人之一。
How does such political instability equate with the spiritual peace that seems to permeate the leisurely pace of life there?
In fairness, at least three of the coups were orchestrated by the French mercenary, Bob Denard.
公平地說,至少有三次的政變是由法國傭兵Bob Denard(鮑勃‧德納得)精心策劃的。
Anti-French protests
Once more, in recent days, the Comorians have had to contemplate the possibility that they are not masters of their own political fate.

In the space of a few hours, I saw the warmth and friendliness of a Comorian welcome turn into shaking fists and thrown stones. Anti-French protests swept the country.
Even the Comorian government said it appeared that France had been quietly helping the rebel Anjouanaise president, Mohamed Bacar.
就連葛摩政府也認為這看起來像是法國在暗中幫助反叛的安樹昂總統Mohamed Bacar。
He escaped by speedboat to the French island of Mayotte, evading 1,000 African Union and Comorian soldiers sent to remove him from power.
In the hours leading up to the invasion, people spoke of bringing Mohamed Bacar to justice for his alleged crimes.
準備入侵的幾個小時裡,人們談論著要使Mohamed Bacar因著自己可能的罪愆接受制裁。
One man said, shaking with anger: "We are ready to eat. It will not be easy to eat a whole man but we shall eat Mohamed Bacar."
其中一個人氣得全身發抖: "我們準備將Mohamed Bacar吃了,就算很不容易我們也打算把他吃了。"
Metaphorical perhaps, but so far the feast has been denied them. He is currently requesting asylum with France.
Just before the invasion, a helicopter carrying two French policemen crashed off the coast of Anjouan. The French authorities say it was surveying illegal fishing.
Graffiti in Moroni says: "Since when have the French ever surveyed illegal fishing?"
莫羅尼市的街頭上的塗鴉: "是什麼時候起法國曾調查非法捕漁? "
Some suspect the helicopter was there to rescue Bacar.
Ansur, a Comorian, told me that people might attack the French embassy in Moroni.
He is a neat, quiet English teacher and I hardly believed him. Yet when Colonel Bacar escaped and independent but unconfirmed reports said ammunition boxes addressed to the French embassy had been found in his headquarters, Ansur was proved right.
Throat-slitting gestures
He too was in the crowd, baying anti-French slogans as lines of police held them back.

I was told to leave because I was white and could be mistaken as French. The same people who had welcomed me so warmly made throat-slitting gestures as they went past.
Tear gas and bullets were used to disperse the crowd but emotions remained high.
The day after I left, the main hotel in Moroni was attacked after it was rumoured French nationals were hiding there.
"Time and time again the French have interfered in our country," Ansur told me with rage. "They must leave."
I liked the Comorian people very much, their passion and their gentleness. I do not know the truth of the political intrigue that swirls around the tiny archipelago but I hope that, when these latest tremors have died down, more people will visit the Islands of the Moon.
They will not regret it. And perhaps if you live in the shadow of a volcano, it is not surprising if you are a bit explosive.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2008/04/05 11:06:34 GMT