2007年11月21日 星期三

Mythical Roman cave unearthed

'Mythical Roman cave' unearthed

Italian archaeologists say they have found the long-lost underground grotto where ancient Romans believed a female wolf suckled the city's twin founders.


The cave believed to be the Lupercal was found near the ruins of Emperor Augustus' palace on the Palatine hill.


The 8m (26ft) high cave decorated with shells, mosaics and marble was found during restoration work on the palace.


According to mythology Romulus and Remus were nursed by a she-wolf after being left on the River Tiber's banks.


The twin sons of the god Mars and priestess Rhea Silvia are said to have later founded Rome on the Palatine in 753 BC.

這對孿生兄弟正是戰神Mars與女祭司Rhea Silvia的兒子,傳說後來在西元前753年的時候,他們在Palatine山上建立了羅馬城。

The brothers ended up fighting over who should be in charge of the city, a power struggle which ended only after Romulus killed his brother.


In Roman times a popular festival called the Lupercalia was held annually on 15 February.


Young nobles called Luperci, taking their name from the place of the wolf (lupa), ran from the Lupercal around the bounds of the Palatine in what is believed to have been a purification ritual.


Naked, except for the skins of goats that had been sacrificed that day, they would strike women they met on the hands with strips of sacrificial goatskin to promote fertility.


'Astonishing history'

Presenting the discovery, Italian Culture Minister Francesco Rutelli said archaeologists were "reasonably certain" that the newly unearthed cave could be the Lupercal.

描述這項發現的義大利文化部長Francesco Rutelli說,考古學家們相當確定這個最新發現的洞穴可能就是Lupercal。

"This could reasonably be the place bearing witness to the myth of Rome, one of the most well-known cities in the world - the legendary cave where the she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, saving them from death," he said.

"這裡相當可能是個足以證明羅馬神話的地方,是幾個世上最著名的城市之一 – 這個充滿傳奇的洞穴,母狼在這裡哺育Romulus及Remus,使他們免於死亡。"他說。

"Italy and Rome never cease to astonish the world with continual archaeological and artistic discoveries, and it is incredible to think that we have finally found a mythical site which, by our doing so, has become a real place."


The ancient cave was found 16m (52ft) underground in a previously unexplored area during restoration work on the palace of Augustus, the first Roman emperor.


Exploration of the cavity was hampered, however, by fears that it might collapse and damage the foundations of the surrounding ruins.


Archaeologists therefore used endoscopes and laser scanners to study it, ascertaining that the circular structure was 8m (26ft) high and 7.5m (24ft) in diameter.


A camera probe later sent into the cave revealed a ceiling covered in shells, mosaics and coloured marble, with a white eagle at the centre.


"You can imagine our amazement - we almost screamed," said Professor Giorgio Croci, the head of the archaeological team working on the restoration of the Palatine, told reporters.

"你可以想像我們有多麼的驚訝 – 我們幾乎要尖叫了,"負責率領整個考古團隊進行Palatine修復工程的Giorgio Croci教授這麼告訴記者。

"It is clear that Augustus... wanted his residence to be built in a place which was sacred for the city of Rome," he added.


The Palatine hill is covered in palaces and other ancient monuments, from the 8th Century BC remains of Rome's first buildings to a mediaeval fortress and Renaissance villas.


After being closed for decades due to risk of collapse, parts of the hill will re-open to the public in February after a 12m-euro ($17.7m) restoration programme.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/11/20 20:20:39 GMT

2007年11月15日 星期四

Togetherness: Bedouin family ties

Togetherness: Bedouin family ties
By Katya Adler
BBC News, Jordan

There's something other-worldly about parts of the Jordanian desert. A bit like stepping back in time.


Here in the wilderness, Bedouin families live as they have for centuries - tending sheep and goats, sleeping on the floor in tents, far from the national water or electricity grids.

貝都因人的幾個家族住在這片荒漠之中已經有好幾個世紀了 – 照料著綿羊和山羊,睡在帳棚裡硬硬的地上,遠在國家民生自來水及電力供應系統之外。

The al-Rimthal family is headed by matriarch Ilaya. Dressed in traditional black with fine tattoos on her cheeks, chin and forehead, her face and hands are thoroughly weather-beaten.


She welcomes us to her home. A tent roughly half the size of a basketball court. There are small children everywhere, it seems.


"My grandchildren," IIaya proudly announces. But when I ask her how many there are exactly, she has trouble remembering. During the course of the day, I counted at least 13. Ilaya's four daughters and four of her six sons live with her.


Their tent is divided into two sections. The first is for receiving guests. Bedouin hospitality is legendary. The second is the family's communal kitchen, living, dining and bedroom.


There is no furniture but foam mattresses and blankets are stacked into a corner of the room during the day.


"We eat, sleep, work and pray together, right here under one roof," Ilaya told me.


"I wouldn't be able to live without my sons and daughters around. Our life is good because we're together. The men feed and milk the animals and fetch the water. My daughters and daughters-in-law share the chores, clean the tent, grind the coffee, cook the meals. And me? I bake the breakfast bread every morning."


Fear of separation

Ilaya is baking as she chats to me. She sits on the floor behind a gas-lit oval, stone-like structure. She throws dough at it and we're invited to eat the piping hot flat bread with home-made goat's cheese.


Her daughters are busy around us, looking after the smallest children, singing Bedouin folksongs to them about heroes galloping through the desert.


"This is the life we choose and that we've always known," says Ilaya. "We Bedouin don't like to be separated.


"I want my family together always. In the modern world, elderly parents are left on their own. People carry their troubles by themselves on their shoulders. Not us."


Bedouin communities are an extreme example, but tightly-knit families are the norm across the Middle East. In fact, families aren't just close, they are a lifeline.


People depend on their relatives, not the state, if they are poor, sick or unemployed.


On its website, the Jordanian Department of Statistics describes the family as "the basic social unit for the individual because it represents the source of protection, food, shelter, income, reputation and honour".


Not just in the desert or rural communities either. More than 40% of Jordanians live in the capital, Amman.


Financial help

One of the few members of the al-Rimthal clan who live in the city is Faris. He works on the Jordanian stock market, quite a contrast to his desert upbringing.


But his earnings are spent on the family. He visits them almost every day.


We met Faris as he pulled up to his mother's tent in a shiny Mercedes, wearing a crisp white cotton robe, sporting a glitzy watch.


"The family bond is an ancient tradition for us," he told me.


"That's how we're brought up. Even when I'm working in Amman, my roots follow me there and always pull me back.


"Modern life offers a lot in terms of material things but family always comes first. I've been helping to provide for them financially since my father died."


Later, watching from her tent as Faris and his nephews teased the family's camels, Ilaya wondered out loud: "We older people prefer to keep the family together.


"I think it's because of us that the family does stay together. Maybe if the young people were left on their own, they would live alone."


Still, the trend across the Middle East is for continued close family ties among the old and the young. Religion and widespread traditional social values make it likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future.


Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/11/08 11:27:19 GMT

2007年11月14日 星期三

Romania's gold stays in the hills

Romania's gold stays in the hills
By Nick Thorpe
BBC News, Romania

A 10 year battle over a Romanian gold mine, which has divided the local community, has resulted in a Canadian company suing the Romanian state for blocking planning permission.


We were expecting gold, at least in the autumn leaves.


But when we arrived in the Apuseni Mountains the first snow of winter dusted the hilltops, and the beech woods on the steep slopes gave only a dull, red, distant glow.


Catalin Hosu and his team from the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation sweep us up a muddy track in their four-wheel drive.

一同來自Rosia Montana金礦公司的Catalin Hosu和他的團隊,用他們的四輪驅動車毫不費力的就把我們帶上了泥濘的小徑。

They are young and enthusiastic about the mine development, and they describe it as the best chance to tidy up the mess left by the past 2,000 years of mining here, and to bring prosperity to these valleys.


"This project is definitely the only hope for this region," says Catalin's colleague, Horea Avram.

"這項工程對這個地區肯定是唯一的希望," Catalin的同事Horea Avram說道。

In the failing grey afternoon light, we stand over a great brown-black pit. A few fir trees and an abandoned bulldozer perch forlornly around the fringes.


On the other side of the mountain, beneath an outcrop called the Raven's Beak, a dog barks somewhere near the church in the valley below.

在山的另一側是一處叫做Raven’s Beak的裸露礦脈,遠從其下方的溪谷接近教堂處,傳來陣陣狗叫聲。

All 380 homes and two churches in Corna village have to go, to make way for a tailings (residue) pond where waste from the mine, in a cyanide solution, will be stored.


Heavy metal rivers

The first shock for any visitor here is the extent of the existing damage.


The rivers run red with heavy metals: cadmium, zinc and iron already unlocked from these hills by the mines of the past.


The corporation has even bottled some of it for their publicity campaign. Rosia Red they call it.


"What keeps Rosia Red?" asks the label on the back.

"什麼讓Rosia常是這樣的紅? "身後的標語道出了這樣的問題。

"Anti-mining activists who want to stop a new, modern mine designed to strict EU standards, that would actually clean up the rivers of Rosia!"


The second shock is the sheer extent of the Gold Corporation's plans to change the landscape.


Cetate Hill will disappear altogether, like a bad tooth plucked from the mouth of the Carpathians, to be pulverised along with three of its neighbours.


In exchange, Romania has been promised more than £1bn ($2bn) in economic benefits.


Ancient conquerors spoke of enough gold here to pave a road all the way to Rome. You can still find it in faraway museums, punched with Caesar's proud head.


Gold Corporation geologists admit that the main seams have already been carted away, but say 300 tonnes are left in low concentrations.


That is why they need to grind up whole hills - 13 million tonnes of rock a year - to make the operation worthwhile.


Homes belonging to opponents of the project are easily identifiable by their yellow "This property is NOT for sale" signs, among the green, more frequent plaques on homes already bought by the company: "Property of Rosia Montana Gold Corporation."

從那些鮮黃色"資產不出售"的標誌,要區分出那些對這項工程持反對意見者的家是非常容易的,他們夾雜在越來越常出現的綠色飾板中,上頭寫著"Rosia Montana金礦公司所屬資產",這些住宅都已經被公司給買走了。

Project master plan

Remus Cernus is hammering and sandpapering a window-frame in his carpenter's workshop when we arrive.

當我們抵達時,Remus Cernus正在他的木匠工坊裡一邊敲敲打打還一邊用砂紙磨著一組窗框。

There is a picture of the Madonna and Child on the wall, and his home - like the Orthodox Church in the village - is panelled with cherry, pine and beech woods from his hard-working hands.


According to the project master plan, his house and workshop will disappear under the deep base of the tailings pond.


"I do not want everything I've done here, the traces of my parents, my forefathers on this earth, the very mountains which God created to disappear," he says slowly.


And he speaks sadly of close relatives who were persuaded by the company to sell.


Divided communities

It is a common theme among opponents of the mine: the divisive effect the corporation's activities have had on local communities, with offers of money or re-housing... and the freeze placed on any plans to improve local facilities on the grounds that the company will do everything in the future.


On the slopes of Orla Hill, where his frozen land too should be ground up for gold, Eugen David is defiant.

在Orla Hill山腰上,Eugen David結冰了的土地也可能因為金礦的開採而整片被碾平。他打算違抗這一切。

"There are thousands of villages in Romania which are developing without gold," says the leading light of Alburnus Maior, the main opposition group. "Why should this one be different?"

"幾千座羅馬尼亞的村莊沒有金礦也照樣發展," 主要反對團體Alburnus Maior的靈魂人物這樣說著。"為什麼這裡要有所不同呢? "

And anyway: "It's the Romanian state's responsibility to rehabilitate the landscape, not some Barbados company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange!" he mocks the corporation.

但無論以何種角度來看,他嘲諷這間公司: "使大地恢復原來的樣子是羅馬尼亞政府的責任,可不是什麼多倫多證交所巴貝多上市公司的事! "

Later we sit in his kitchen, tasting his cheese, washed down with fiery plum spirit.


Diana, his nine-year-old daughter, describes debates in school between "the Greenpeacers" - as some children call themselves - and the "Goldists".


And who is in the majority? "The Greenpeacers!" Diana says loyally, as her grandmother brings another pancake from the top of the wood-burning stove, and spreads it thickly with homemade rosehip jam.

而哪一邊是多數呢? "綠色和平組織支持者"Diana一臉忠誠地說,此時,她的祖母正替我們拿來另一盤薄煎餅,那是剛從燃燒著柴火的爐灶上取下來,並且還厚厚地塗上了一層自製的野玫瑰果醬。

Leaving Rosia Montana, we get our gold at last: a sudden flicker in the sky, where we were least expecting it, after sunset.

正當要離開Rosia Montana的時候,我們終於得到了我們的黃金,那是天空中乍現的落日餘暉,是我們在這裡最不期望能見到的。

It is -4C (25F) in the mountain pass above Ariesen. The snow is waist-deep among the fir trees at the roadside.


And there is proof of some non-mining investment in the area. The ski slope is preparing for its first visitors of the season.


Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/11/10 11:29:24 GMT

2007年11月4日 星期日

Albania's long-lost Roman city

Albania's long-lost Roman city
By Malcolm Billings
BBC News, Albania

Malcolm Billings visits Butrint on Albania's southern coast opposite the Greek island of Corfu - one of the best-kept secrets of the ancient Roman world until it was designated a national park with foreign help.

BBC的特派記者Malcolm Billings走訪了位在阿爾巴尼亞南海岸的Butrint,這個與希臘Corfu(科孚)島隔海相望的地方,蘊藏著一個曾是世上最密而不宣的古羅馬世界,一直到在外界的幫助下, 它被選定為國家公園。

Enver Hoxha, the Stalinist communist dictator of Albania until 1985, was proud of Butrint.

Enver Hoxha,這位在1985年逝世,信奉史達林共產主義的阿爾巴尼亞獨裁者,對擁有Butrint這個地方一直感到很自豪。

At the height of the Cold War in the 1960s he showed Nikita Khrushchev around. But only after the sites in the forest were sprayed with DDT and purged of snakes, wild animals and insects.


Khrushchev was more interested in establishing a secret submarine base in the lake of Butrint - an idea that Hoxha did not follow up.


Forest on the march

After the fall of communism, the site was plundered and the ruins reclaimed by the dense forest. Then, there were no planning or building regulations and a rash of half-finished houses and apartment buildings were creeping towards the archaeological site.


Lord Rothschild, banker and philanthropist, could see what was happening from his villa on the Greek Island of Corfu, little more than a mile across the water.


"When the communist regime ended," he told me, "I sailed over to Butrint which I thought was one of the most beautiful and unspoilt places in the Mediterranean world."


Another peer, Lord Sainsbury, who also took his holidays on Corfu, became interested. Together they set up the Butrint Foundation to protect the site and excavate more of its ruins.


The Albanian government welcomed the help at a time when Mafia style racketeering was rife and the country's reputation could not have been worse.


Richard Hodges, Professor of World Archaeology at the University of East Anglia, directed the first excavations in 1994.

東英吉利亞大學的世界考古學教授Richard Hodges,主持了1994年第一次的開挖。

"Food was scarce," he said. "There was nowhere to stay and the roads were almost impassable. The country was full of old stolen cars that took forever to travel just a few miles."


Thirteen years on, the English lords still support the work at Butrint, along with another multi-millionaire, David Packard of the Hewlett Packard computer fortune.

十三年間,除了英國貴族仍不斷支持在Butrint的挖掘工作外,另一個大富豪,惠普公司的David Packard也加入了他們的行列。

Between them about £500,000 is being spent on Butrint every year.


Ruined city

From the top of the unexcavated acropolis, I had a bird's eye view of the whole city. In places I could see sections of the wall almost hidden by the forest.


At the foot of the acropolis there is a well-preserved Greek temple with Roman additions.


And alongside the massive walls of an early Christian church, I could make out the double circle of pillars of a Baptistery in the centre of a perfectly preserved intricate mosaic floor.


Beyond the walls, Butrint spills out onto the plain where archaeologists have found the remains of a palatial villa.


"One of the most important things that we do is to train young Albanian archaeologists," Oliver Gilkes of the University of East Anglia explained, as we walked along forest paths that weave through the ruined city.

當我們沿著迂迴在這座傾頹城市的林間小徑上漫步時,東英吉利大學的Oliver Gilkes解釋說: "我們做的最重要的幾件事之一就是培訓一些年輕的阿爾巴尼亞的考古學家。"

We stopped at a deep trench where a section of the Roman forum was poking out from under three metres of earth and rubble.


"I suspect there could still be statues under all that," Oliver told me, "but getting them out," he said, "is another matter. Some might weigh as much as one of our Land Rovers."

"我懷疑那下面可能還有一些雕像," Oliver告訴我,"但是要取上來," 他繼續說道: "那又是另一個麻煩事。有些雕像就跟我們一台Land Rover一樣重。"

Cultural tourism

In 1997, the Butrint Foundation, along with Unesco, encouraged the Albanian government to declare the whole site, and 30 square miles around it, as a national park.


Tourists began to arrive. Now there are about 80,000 a year, most of them coming for the day on ferries from Corfu.


More parks, modelled on Butrint, are being planned to boost cultural tourism.


Because the park has preserved an almost pristine landscape, there is some remarkable historical continuity.


There is a Venetian fort on the waterfront and another one closer to the sea that dates from Ottoman times in the 19th Century.


Prison state

Oliver Gilkes took me to a cluster of gun emplacements just outside the site. They looked like huge grey concrete mushrooms.

Oliver Gilkes帶我去看遺址外的一群砲台。看起來像極了巨大的灰色混凝土製的蘑菇。

Hoxha surrounded Albania with 750,000 of them and like Butrint's ancient defences, the mushrooms are a part of Albania's cultural heritage.


But Oliver Gilkes explained: "All over the country they are just being broken up. No-one in Albania wants to be reminded of the prison state in which they were incarcerated."

但Oliver Gilkes解釋: "佈滿在這個國家的一座座砲台正開始逐漸的崩壞。在阿爾巴尼亞,沒有人想因之憶起被這些砲台監禁時的狀態。"

"They used to try to swim across there," he said pointing to the headland closest to Corfu, "under the guns and searchlights of the army. A lot never made it."


But the national park is a new concept. For some emergent Albanian oligarchs, the boundaries are just another challenge on the path to riches.


In the Butrint National Park, an entrepreneur has tried three times to build a discotheque on the coast facing Corfu. The so-called "construction police" have twice disabled it by demolishing the staircases. On their last visit they pushed the structure over on its side.


But perhaps this story is not over yet. There are those who think that the thudding beat of so-called Albanian Turbo rock may yet be wafted on the sea breeze across the water to the terraces of Jacob Rothschild's villa on Corfu.

但或許這事還沒了結。總是有這樣的人認為這種所謂Albanian Turbo式搖滾悶悶的節奏會有那麼一天隨著海風飄洋吹送到Corfu(科孚)島Jacob Rothschild閣下的別墅陽台上。

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/07/07 11:22:22 GMT


2007年11月1日 星期四

Uzbekistan's best kept secret

Uzbekistan's best kept secret
By Monica Whitlock
BBC Correspondent, Uzbekistan

Kampyr-Tepe, in southern Uzbekistan, was built at the time of Alexander the Great's empire and occupied for about 500 years until it fell into decline.

位於烏茲別克南方的Kampyr-Tepe(tepe: 源自土耳其語,即山丘Hill之意)是建於亞歷山大大帝在位的帝國時期,前後總共被佔據了約有500年的時間,直到帝國逐漸勢微。

Since it was discovered, a generation ago, it has been closed to the public because it stands in a sensitive and tightly guarded military zone, right on the Afghan border.


The city perched on a high shelf of land - cut into clay walls that dropped sheer into the plains below.


Caught in the light of a winter afternoon, an entire city spread as far as we could see, the dun-coloured dust touched with gold.


It was here that Alexander raised his capital more than 2,000 years ago. This was the furthest conquest, then, of the Greeks in Asia.


From our vantage point, we could see why. Far below, beneath a swirl of starlings, we could see the plains melt into those of Afghanistan, Alexander's route here from Persia.


At our feet spread the whole of the south.



There was not a sound but the birds flocking and turning across the precipice, wheeling and turning back.


The small houses were in the nearest part of the city. Square rooms opened on to a grid of narrow passages, criss-crossing to make streets.


Stacks of pots and plates sat outside, as though the people of Kampyr-Tepe had left the washing up one evening after dinner.


Great round platters and bowls, made of the same ochre dust as the plain.


At first we were amazed. Why had they not been taken off to some museum? Dated, labelled... or stolen even?


But the more we looked, we realised there were just so many, they were ordinary, just part of the land.


When two boys - hard and tough as men - drove their handful of sheep through the city, they did not waste a glance on the pots. Why would they?


Foreigners though, now that was interesting; they spend the rest of the day following shyly and smiling.



Kampyr-Tepe was a fortified city in Alexander's time, and remains a military base to this day for a reason as old as the land - its special position at this crossing between central and south Asia.

Kampyr-Tepe在亞歷山大的時代是座構築有防禦工事的城市,至今還留有一座軍事基地,原因跟這片土地一樣古老 – 它介於中亞與南亞之間特殊的地理位置。

It is patrolled by the army of modern Uzbekistan.


Special permission to visit can only be granted by the government in Tashkent.


The way in is through a military checkpoint, at the time specified.


Turn up late and the soldiers will bar the way and you will never see Kampyr-Tepe, just the plain around pitted with pill-boxes and fenced with barbed wire.


The deep south of Central Asia has a feel all its own.


It has a special stillness and a scent of new bread from the intense sun beating on the straw, that, mixed with mud, is the building material used 1,000 years ago... and now.


Buried treasure

It wears its past casually. Kampyr-Tepe is just one of its treasures.


There are sights here, in this quiet and private place, that almost anywhere in the world would have bus-loads of visitors trooping to and fro, buying souvenirs and cups of tea.


"You see that big pit there," said an old farmer, Hamrah Baba, living on the plains to the north of Kampyr-Tepe.

"你看那座坑," Hamrah Baba,住在Kampyr-Tepe北邊平原的老農夫說。

"When I was a boy, we used to lower each other down there in turns, hanging on a rope. We did not think it was special.


"Then, these men came from Tashkent and found all sorts of things. They found gold and those chessmen."


The gold was 35kg of solid gold jewellery, set with turquoises. The chess pieces may be the oldest on earth.


The pit where Hamrah Baba once played is in the citadel of Dalverzin-Tepe. Capital of the Kushan empire, it was one of the richest on the planet.

Hamrah Baba昔日玩耍的這座坑正位在Dalverzin-Tepe的堡壘內。這個Kushan帝國的首都,曾擁有全世界最傲人的財富。

There was not a sound but the starlings, wheeling and flocking, wheeling and turning over the edge of Afghanistan.



There are secrets buried with the past... long dead secrets, and recent political secrets.


One night in the Soviet time, archaeologists got a call at their dig at a sunken palace right on the Afghan frontier by the river Amu, that some people call Oxus.


It was an urgent order from Moscow. "Move fast," they said. "Get the stuff out, now."


They dug as fast as they could, grabbing from the ground a frieze of marble musicians, and a hoard of daggers - relics of an army that had once passed that way.

他們盡所能的趕快挖掘,匆匆從土裡攫取刻有樂師的大理石橫飾帶、還有一大堆的匕首 – 大概是昔日某個曾行經此處的軍隊所遺留下來的。

They were right to feel that something was up.


It was the winter of 1979 and a few days later, Soviet tanks rolled into Afghanistan, across the palace, crunching what was left.



Long before the Arabs came here with their new religion of Islam, Buddhist monks lived in Central Asia, the conduit through which Buddhism travelled from India to the East.


The giant Buddha statues at Bamian in Afghanistan lay on the same road.


They have been destroyed, but a wonderful sleeping Buddha, 16m long, still lies peacefully in Tajikistan.


And near Kampyr-Tepe, we were invited to the site of a Buddhist lamasery, where the mendicant monks lived underground in a labyrinth, to protect them from the terrible heat and cold of the plain.


One could almost feel their soft steps in their sunken corridors and imagine them rinsing their begged rice at the stone bowl that still stands in their kitchen.


They left no gardens, no orchards, no grand palaces.


What they left was something simpler.


"They left some very special papers," said our guide excitedly. "We found them in sealed jars."

"他們留了一些非常特殊的文件," 我們的嚮導興高彩烈的說。"我們是在幾個密封的罐子裡找到的。"

"What did they say?" I asked.

"裡面講述些什麼呢?" 我好奇的問他。

"Oh they said that we too lived here."


Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2004/04/18 05:02:38 GMT